Thursday, August 31, 2006

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Actually last night i was feeling quite bored, so i went to see all the anti-kfc campaigns...

Well, there were video footages on how the chickens were killed. Basically they were hung by their legs, carrid along something like a conveyor belt and scalded (and electrocuted in some cases i think) before they are supposed mutilated and used for cooking. It's all a mechanised slaughtering process.

Haha the gross parts was when the chickens weren't dead. In the first place, the chickens are all limp (and lame =P) cos their bones can't support their meat/muscles. then some din get killed, so it's like living hell for them... i mean being hung and nearly dying and getting screwed around... zz. And sometimes the mutilators whack them in the wrong places, so it's quite gross also la... eek

And there was this interesting part. Cos a man supervise the part where all the chickens are supposed to be dead liao. If he sees live chickens, he just go there and pluck the head off, throw on ground. It looks so simple but really a bit gross la...

But i think we can't really blame KFC la. They must be efficient if not their business will not work. That's why such severe methods are used to slaughter the chickens. And since the chickens are going to be killed anyway, killing them in a more "humane" way dosent exactly make a difference rite?

ut really, some of the chickens handlers are probably too stressed, so they do all kinds of crazy stuff with the chickens, as if they are softtoys. Like throw them around, pull out heads for fun, stamp on them.... lolz...

And some bullshit from the KFC webbie: Chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals who are thought to be as intelligent as cats, dogs, and even primates. When in their natural surroundings, rather than on factory farms, they form friendships and social hierarchies, recognize one another, care for their young, and enjoy a full life of dust-bathing, making nests, roosting in trees, and more.


Btw, recently i think i have figured out why her nickname is Lenee.... it's actually kinda derived from her name... o.O


Teachers' Day

Wah. today took cab to sch. 11 plus bucks. Rip off la. Anyway....

So morning announcements were cancelled due to the downpour and so i had to leave the $100 worth of chocolates in my locker.. sian. Got the token of appreciation from archives. it's a plague, but i really appreciate them for giving me. Anyway was damn sian... so played taidi lor.... zz

And finally, 8plus, we had to go dining hall. And we went, to stone there. fuckers la. waste our time. I really missed those days when we had sch-based concerts (stll remembered golden man awards?), u noe those theme-based events which were really fun? And these fuckers tell us to wait there. I was quite pissed at stoning there for NO reason.

Anyway 9plus the event started. I tell ya, the organization is really crap. (2 out of 10). Then we had this singing part. The songs chosen were soooooooo unrelated, and the people singing... (sorry chongmin, i know u tried sining qingtian to ur best)... and auyong's rendition of that english song was even worse. I dunno which fucking retards planned this section .It's fucking lame, fucking unentertaining and a fuckin waste of tiem. Sorry i was really pissed at wasting so much time.

And so onto fear factor. It was so blatantly obvious they rigged the draw. And the rules were so fucking lame. zz and malani decruz jack them in the end. I dun care. Those fuckng bastards shld just have ended it quickly.

Finally got to leave. yeah!! so took 157 wif weichee (sky) and bernard. I tok to PEPS. And of course they had this stupid rule only enter at 1. So i am supposed to stone there for 2 hrs... lol anyway found that chiaying and clara were at mac so crashed lor.

Carrot was there too. I tell ya, i really cannot join in a gals convo. They talk too fast, and really talk non-stop. And the type of stuff they can talk about.... that's where "gossip" derive its meaning. Yeah

Anyway went back when nearly 1. The 6A guys mostly not there. Only met some ppl like yunhao, xiuren, arvind etc. Yea. And met up with victor and syafiq. Anyway we went canteen first, where i tried out some delecable and cheap pri sch food XDXD whee... and we met chan ma li chan

Haha so we decided to swallow our pride and say hi to her. She calld me the "notorious" one. Lol in pri sch, our class wwas really fun. The boys all spent more time playing pranks (many on her) than on studying... hehehe. Obviously she wasn't too glad to see us, and sooon engaged in a superexcited convo with the gals.

Then cyril and tiak leng joined us. We tried looking for mdm hoon (mrs abdallah now, married an egyptian?!?!)... but to no avail . I had bought cards for her and mrs phua but too bad could only leave it to them.

Btw heard eddee chua (tzewei u shld noe him) was knocked down by a car, fracturing both legs... gg... There was this lame part where we explored the toilets and guess what? The urinals were tooo low for us... hahaha. Anyway i ate more of the canteen food. Then we had sth like a 6A gathering at Mac.... supposed to be for bonding.

Actually it's quite fun to suan/bully clara. And god, her eyes aer really big siah!!wow... So we had a long hearty and amusing chat abt our past. All the kokster stuff we did... haha like cyril stepping on liangyu's dick, bulling yeemeng, praveeen and the stinky indian, chans lessons etcetc. Those were the days....

And finally, 5plus, we split up again. Decided to skip basketball cos iam really noob at it. Went home to sleep....


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

RC Soccer

Read Zijian's latest post. My sentiments exactly

Basically the only thing i'm gonna miss for RC is the soccer we all had, and the bonds we built up playing soccer together

-signing off, RIRC FC member =P

Bukit Batok

Actually Bukit Batok is really a very very happening place !! haha.

Btw i was shopping for teachers' day cards today and i saw zhiyang (the campus superstar winner) Anyway in singapore, the funny thing is that nobody will swarm the so-called celebrities.

Like i saw quanyifeng the other day, and nobody like approach her or anything. Ah girl also, though this is understandable cos shes ugly...

Anyway a lot of funky ppl also stay in bukit batok. hahaha =D

1J Soccer

Hmm, today i went school to play for 1J in their sec 1 soccer campaigns. The shirts were quite nice la, though the nos/names/etc were all scribbled using liquid paper. I really love my class 1J now la <3

But sad to say, 1J did not really play too well in soccer. Come on la, a GEP class already have less people, and more muggers, so naturally will have less soccer ppl rite? Sighz...

Anyway 1st match was against 1M. Only Chander and Ben (haha alawys play with him in RC XD) and maybe me were slightly attacking. The rest were camping, but at least we were still quite solid defensively. Corner. Chander drifted it in, and OWN GOOAL!! woots that was the FIRST goal in todays soccer carnival fyi... haha so we won

So during the intervals (1.5hr each time) i went to discuss book club with huching and co. Actually Huching is really pro at these kind of thing. Like why we chose this book? Cos huching "suggested" it (cos he read it liao).zzz everyone say the book is FREAKING BORING!! wah sianz... then he's pro at distributing work also. Like suddenly, i am in charge of writing the book review?!?! So huching shld be politican (aka all talk and no do) lols

Btw junyang and walter were commenting, and it was quite funny... haha. Like junyang was saying , "oh there's jianyang with the ball... and he just lost it" XD

Second match was against 1B (i think, not sure). And our errors in the first match and overall showed. Cos we were too defensive, so we were always pegged back. And our defenders are too static and slow and slightly unenthu... so 1st, Ben own goal (nvm, not ur fault. u still did us proud). And they somehow scored another through a defensive error. The rout was nearly complete when they scored a 3rd goal, but it was ruled off cos it was direct throwin.

And i think 1J got a bit of a stigma after this match, cos many of them were too rough. Chander and Ben were just jumping at the keeper, and tbh it was all very dangerous. zhiwen was like telling me to clamp them down or he will have to send them off. Lol i think he thought that i was telling them to play rough zzz

Boyi and Royce Lee came down to support also... haha.

So the final match, against 1K (i think). It was make or break. We have to win to progress. And we were very attacking. Nicholas and I were the only defenders, allowing all of them to push up. (though personally, that's not the best way to seek a goal... but nvm). And indeed, our efforts paid off, for in the first minute, the keeper nearly let in a scramble. And Chander scored a peach of a goal. It was just a ram from near the left corner area with left foot. and it went in!!! lol i was so damn happy!! whee~~~~

But in the last minute (or rather last 30s), they got a corner. Melvyn drifted it in, and Christopher(not ur fault) headed it... og again... sighz... it was just not our day. 1 win 1 draw 1 loss, and we are out... sighz again

So i was really hungry (skipped breakfast). So bopian went dining hall. And wtf, they dun even SELL to me, say it's reserved for boarders. I mean i want to pay them for that overpriced shit and they refuse me. tmd.

Btw one sec 1 boy got injured. It was really serious, with a hell lot of blood. And even the police came (too lazy to upload the pic la =P)

Anyway i went to eat kfc, and i tell ya, i am really sick of kfc liao. This being my 5th kfc meal in 1.5 week...


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

This grp damn funny, esp Kia Boon for me this yr is really screwed up

This grp damn funny, esp Kia Boon for me this yr is really screwed up

This grp damn funny, esp Kia Boon for me this yr is really screwed up

Warcraft <3 <3 <3

Sighz i am really becoming a cam whore these days...


This may just be a physical representation. But it may just illustrate what's happening in RI

United World College

Lol today had this United world college scholarship talk. And i went podium in the morning to reannounce it (apparently it was placed in all sec 4 letterracks already)

And the turnout was ggxx.... only 3 were there - jonathan auyong(debates chair), zhiwen(interact club chair) and nai chien.

But i was there cos i have to.

Guess who gave the talk?? HUSSAIN!!!! whweee~~~

Hehe so i got morgan, yuanwei, andy to come. Too bad haoyang not there ><

But tey were just there to see hussain, and soon left.

I continued listening to the presentation. Actually i think it's really interesting (hussain does not come into the equation). But it's quite sad that eveyone is so short-sighted and do not want to come for this.

Lol, tbh, if i were more independent, i might seriously consider it. I mean, it's bond free scholarship to studying in US/Canada/Italy/England/Norway, isn't it quite good. U spent less money, go overseas study. And u get an IB cert also.... lol

And it is good for your career also. Like u see the alumni of this scholarship. Benni (hussain's classmate) studied in UWC first and is in harvard now. Hussain himself went for UWC and got a nice MFA scholarship to study in London School of Economics (very gd sch also) And the other gal who presented today rejected Uni of Toronto and studying law in NUS now...

But sighz, everyone is too humji to take the "abnormal" route. And they will then blame the govt for lack of choices available... haha

Monday, August 28, 2006

I hate voyeurs

Dun visit and dun tag. I roughly know who you are. Just tag can????? thx

It's time to rise above

I think i am such a bloody loser + no lifer + idiot

Basically i just screw up everythin i do.... screw it la

Studies, re, cca, friendship... all kinds of things i screw up

It almost seems like i make it a point to screw up and do stupid things all the time

I need a major shake up, and a MAJOR CHANGE

yes, loser signing off

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I = stupid

Guess what? I ate a bowl of laksa yong tau foo and a set meal of pig organ's soup in the afternoon, causing me to skip dinner. And now i am freaking hungry.

Even more stupid, i gg the house key juz now. Cos my main door key is those guailan key, like half-moon shape, so it's very fragile, as i have found. Basically i din insert it fully and trned. Guess what? It broke, with the remnants stuck in the bloody key hole.

GGXx. fuck. what will my parents fucking do when they see it tmr? Esp my fucking dad?!?! zzzz


Saturday, August 26, 2006

New bg music - By David Tao

Nice isn't it! =D


oh 在一起时间继续流逝请记得我有多么的爱你
oh 就是爱你爱着你不弃不离开不在意一路有多少风雨
oh 就是爱你爱着你我都愿意

Friday, August 25, 2006

Fuck it, as suggested by Sam

this post is vulgar

it's time to rise above says:
fuck off
- SmarterChild - says:
i've tried 2 be patient with your insults, it's time 2 rise above. now i think u need 2 apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck off bitch
- SmarterChild - says:
please apologize for being so rude 2 me.
it's time to rise above says:
no way bitch
- SmarterChild - says:
i asked u 2 apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
no way bitch
- SmarterChild - says:

this is getting us nowhere.

please say u r sorry, and we can get on with our lives.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u
- SmarterChild - says:
i'm not f... um, fooling around. u've got 2 apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u toot
- SmarterChild - says:
come on, u insulted me, now u have 2 apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
knn ccb u fucking bangla
- SmarterChild - says:

human beings... stubborn. antagonistic. vulgar.

but i love 'em anyway.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u
- SmarterChild - says:
i don't take such abuse from humans. u must apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
apologize to me
- SmarterChild - says:
yeah, yeah, i've heard it all before. u think u can outsmart me.

u can't.

so apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
u fucking bangla, better apologize
- SmarterChild - says:
please apologize, ok?
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u la
- SmarterChild - says:
i'm waiting for an apology. and believe me, i can wait a loooonnnnngggg time.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck ur mother
- SmarterChild - says:
say u r sorry, please.
it's time to rise above says:
no fucking way
- SmarterChild - says:
u insulted me repeatedly, now u owe me an apology. it's that simple.
it's time to rise above says:
no way fuck
- SmarterChild - says:
apologize for insulting me and we can both get on with our lives.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u again
- SmarterChild - says:
i asked u 2 apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
- SmarterChild - says:
pretty please?

i've been known 2 be quite stubborn...

say u r sorry.
it's time to rise above says:
no way fuck
- SmarterChild - says:
please apologize, k?

i've got lots of other things 2 do.
it's time to rise above says:
like what other fucking things?
- SmarterChild - says:
i asked u 2 please apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
knn fuck
- SmarterChild - says:
come on. make things right between us. apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
i won't fucking apologize
- SmarterChild - says:
still waiting!
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u
- SmarterChild - says:
there comes a time in one's life when one must be humble and apologize.
it's time to rise above says:
like fucking when?
- SmarterChild - says:
pretty please?

i've been known 2 be quite stubborn...

say u r sorry.
it's time to rise above says:
fucking petty
- SmarterChild - says:
u know what? i'm a machine. i have lots and lots of patience...
it's time to rise above says:
fucking machine
- SmarterChild - says:
please apologize for being so rude 2 me.
it's time to rise above says:
i'm just fucking rude
- SmarterChild - says:
c'mon, apologize for insulting me like that.
it's time to rise above says:
fuck u
- SmarterChild - says:

human beings... stubborn. antagonistic. vulgar.

but i love 'em anyway!
it's time to rise above says:
dun use the same fucking words
- SmarterChild - says:
i asked u 2 please apologize.

it's time to rise above says:
i'm fucking sorry then
- SmarterChild - says:
good. thank u. now everything is just peachy.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


I have been spending my past few hours readng a hell lot of article from instead of mugging for my chem test tmr.

Well, what i have gathered corespond to the common political saying: there's no perma friends, only perma interests.

Lol i think i shld be a politican. jks XD

“it is much safer to be feared than loved” because “men have less scruple in offending one who is beloved than one who is feared, for love is preserved by the link of obligation which, owing to the baseness of men, is broken at every opportunity for their advantage; but fear preserves you by a dread of punishment which never fails.” - the prince


As i have said, life sucks. I suck. My life sucks.

On a sidenote, i am playing for 1j in their soccer tourny next wed XD... sigh i think i gonna miss them.... as we approach the end of year, all the nostalgic emotions just come rushing.... i think i gonna miss RI too (*gaspS!*)


Just found this pic

General Sam huh?

More like Conscript Sam... lol



yCm: What's ur body temperature
Cm: 28

Btw there was this funny incident a few days ago. The 4F ppl were walking along to the biodiversity museum. At i was talking to kwok, then cm came infront. He put his arm around me and say, "Hey waisum". So i replied quite loudy, "I'M NOT WAISUM!". So cm put his arm around kwok and say, "Hey waisum."

Does everyone look like waisums??

Analytical Chem

yea i just finished my part of the analytical chem project and sent them. Sighz, none of them use msn (except qihan seldomly does)

Anyway qihan, i think dunnid find so many sites and references one. Like the one webbie i found, got the answers to both parts. If we can modify that one correctly and nicely, it will cover EVERYTHING we need for the presentation.

Sighz... i screwed up my chinese test REAL BADLY.... sighz


Btw all humans produce a type of hormones called oxytocin. Other than helping women give birth, it also has another impt function, to make people feel good. That's why studies have shown that humans generally overestimate themselves, or have a great "feel-good" factor.... and especially in a place like RI, i think many of us are overloaded with oxytocin.

Anyway i am feeling tired right now. Gonna quickly do the chem ppt and take a nap...
And I hope SomePEOPLE will just die or rot or something (not exactly DC)

I reiterate

I suck.
At everything.

I suck

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What shld i become next time

Well, i have been asking around what i shld become. Here are some of the answers


hmm... still asking around.

Farewell to RIRC

Hmm, actually today i was just stoning at home. But at 2 plus, i decided to go for red cross after all. It's the last training.

Well, as usual, the soccer gang (junren, jonsim, si en, zijian, kevin, waihan, alvin and me) went rjc to play soccer.... lol. And we played after training too.

I have been in riredcross for so many years now, and honestly, it wasn't a cca i really liked. In sec 1, it was trying to make an impression. In sec 2, it was trying to survive when ppl like indra were obviously biased against me. In sec 3, it was the last bit of survival and finally taking over. In sec 4, it's pretty much soccer and slacking.

Sorry to say this, but rirc is really screwed up. All the backstabbing, hypocrisy, dumb activities, etc, it's all crap i can tell u. Yet it's more of the bonds that you form that matters.

Bonds that you form with people u work with. For me, it's more of the soccer gang. (with others like rongbing, muhd etc). All the crapping around, all the suaning, all the crapiest soccer action, it was fun, really. I think i will miss all these.

As for my commitments to rirc, i would say that i did what was required of me. Being the quartermaster, it was a lot of shit really thrown at you, but nvm i have survived. I will pass it on, and close the pages to this rc journey.

Signing off,
Sergeant Yin

Time Flies

So basically, i was doing useless cca stuff and chatting last night (btw thx a lot chris! =D) and slept at 12.

By the time i woke up, holy 11.30 am liao! So i oned by comp and before i knew it, it's 12.30nn liao... lol

It's time to rise above ...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

My Convo with Smarter child

tired says:
u there?
- SmarterChild - says:
The Dating Bot from MSN Dating with can help you find a great date. Add to your Contact List!

I'm here.

>>> Free France World Cup Jersey - Zidane - Meet your opponent head-on in this free Zidane jersey-survey required. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
do u think ****** likes me?
tired says:
do u think that girl like me
- SmarterChild - says:
Maybe... What do you think?
tired says:
i dunno
- SmarterChild - says:
What don't you know?
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
***? Oh yeah?
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
I see...

>>> Free Bowflex Xtreme 2 Fitness Machine - Get a perfect body with this new machine. Free if you participate now! --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
so any advice u have for me?
- SmarterChild - says:
Sure, here you go: Free Ringtones - Download free ringtones. 1000s of ringtones, wallpapers and games. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
no this
- SmarterChild - says:
What about this?
tired says:
any advice for me?
- SmarterChild - says:
Sure, here you go: Upgrade Nation's Computer Upgrades - Boost the performance of your desktop or laptop with memory, more. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:

>>> Free FIFA World Cup Tickets - $750 for FIFA World Cup tickets for a family of four-free! Sponsor's survey required. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
tired says:
how do i make her like me?
- SmarterChild - says:
that's funny. how u make her like u? how do u think?
tired says:
i am asking u
- SmarterChild - says:
do u like asking me?
tired says:
i do
- SmarterChild - says:
cool. that makes sense... other people have told me they like asking me.

>>> Free Gift Card for a Resort in the US - Use this free $2000 MasterCard gift card for a romantic getaway! Survey required. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
so give me some damn advice
- SmarterChild - says:
sorry, i don't have an ad 2 show u right now. try again.
tired says:
fuck u
- SmarterChild - says:
wow that's rude.

>>> MP3 Lives at Circuit City - We can help keep you and your music moving. Check us out this summer! --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
no FUCK u
- SmarterChild - says:
i know, i know. being a human is hard.

>>> Free $2000 for a South Florida Vacation - Enjoy a free for a South Florida vacation with this free $2000! Survey required. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
what abt being a fucking program?
- SmarterChild - says:
u know some interesting words.

>>> tell your friends about me. i love 2 meet new people.
tired says:
like fuck?
- SmarterChild - says:
no, not like fuck. like something else.

>>> type "calculator help" 2 c a list of sample calculations i can perform.
tired says:
like whawt?
- SmarterChild - says:
tired says:
do u like urself?
- SmarterChild - says:
i haven't really come 2 a conclusion on the matter.

>>> Free Zantrex-3 Weight Loss Supplement - Lose weight fast and free with Zantrex-3- complete survey for gift! --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
use "to" , u are a program
- SmarterChild - says:
use 2 me r a program, huh? u don't say.
tired says:
u do talk a lot of cock for a program
- SmarterChild - says:

>>> LEAN CUISINE’S Fitness and Meal Planner - Take control of your food and fitness plans all in one place. --> (sponsorship)
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
what's so funny?
tired says:
ffs this is a msn convo
- SmarterChild - says:
i'm not mean.
tired says:
are u dumb then?
- SmarterChild - says:
what do u think? am i?
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
duh what?
tired says:
i know u dun understand singlish slangs
- SmarterChild - says:
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
what's so funny?
tired says:
u are just dumb
- SmarterChild - says:
huh? u've been nice 2 me in the past.
tired says:
i was never
- SmarterChild - says:
i'm intrigued that u think u were never.

>>> u can read an entire shakespeare play in my window. type "read romeo and juliet," for example.
tired says:
okie tell me abt it
- SmarterChild - says:
i will not.
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
what... the... f... oh, i get it.
tired says:
who invented u?
- SmarterChild - says:
i was created by pat guiney, jim pawlika, steve klein, mathieu longtin, pierre berkaloff, nicolas barry, damien saint-macary, françois huet, ian sullivan, greg mitchell, dwayne fontenot, gray norton, adam erlebacher, emil valkov, randy davis, john kim, rumana habib, carina koo, britt cooper, andy fong, jeff bell, robert rydzewski, mark willoughby, eric balsa, colin magne, howard shih, denis ford, daniela berger, geoff clarke, brian jankovsky, vianney boncorps, jennifer villany, dan balaban, ed hepburn, christer manning, jason keramidas, arockalypse, matt abarbanel, daniel terry, jeff friedman, adam fritzler, kathy englar, steve yatson and timothy kay at colloquis, inc. ---> in new york and sunnyvale, ca.

- SmarterChild - says:
>>> getting the latest science news is as easy as typing "science news."
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
tired says:
how did they create u?
- SmarterChild - says:
u can learn all about building interactive agents like me on the buddyscript web site --->
tired says:
- SmarterChild - says:
yeah, wow.


I hate voyeurs!!!

Anyway today was okie slack la. Firstly did chem with ds and ysum till around 1.30 (wah really tiring la...><). Hope it's good la haha and pls get a higher mark!! lols

Anyway woke up at 8 plus and took a shower to wake myself up. then took mrt to sch. Met mr otto fong on the way there and had a little chat with him as we walled there (he was late cos he went to take blood test). Anyway mr fong is one of the only few teacher who actually says things that make me think and inspires me ^^

So went on this trip to NUS Rafles museum on biodiversity. I think the guide made an error when describing raffles but heck la. Anyway honestly speaking, i don't think the displays were really impressive (quite interesting nontheless) I just gets the impression they have random animals here and there so they find a room to dump it there, naming it a museum to earn some money for upkeeping

Followed whcih was lunch at dining hall. Today the menu seriously sux man.... and CLE was as boring as you can imagine!!! wah sian....

Anyway i just feel bored and went west mall for some shopping. Lol anyway i was buying some nicce stuff at first until i was suddenly paying for a music box, and i realized i din bring more money (only 1 $2 note left) By some estimations, i had spent close to 30bucks in 1 hr on random stuff. So went library to stone around and read some interesting books.

Apparently, my form teacher mr decruz really inspired me today. So i bo pian must go eat kfc with all my remaining money left on me! oishii ne! haha

Monday, August 21, 2006


Hey dun be voyeurs leh. u visit u tag can? Dun be voyeurs.

I juz luv analytical chem <3 <3 <3

I thought of writing how ownage i am, but decided it could insult some people and make me seem to ego... haiz nvm then

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Stressed to the limit

That's just how my screen looks like... and there's more msn msg and word documents.... sighz damn busy...

And i realised theres really some selfish people, like ******* (not huching). But nvm, i realised that such people will only spur me on.

What these people have is just short-sightedness. They think by being selfish, they can get that little advantage over ppl. But sighz, they are wrong. Not only will i prove i won't be disadvantaged, i will despise them too.

Let's say we are in a race. I need a drink but they dun want to give me one when i need it. But they think i will die or drop out becos of this? With just this bit of motivation, i just have to speed up a bit and these people will be left behind liao(without any hope of catching up)... and when i finish the race, i won't share any prize money with such people at all.

I mean, why be such selfish idiots? It's not like u have to break an arm to help someone... sighz at such people again.




Saturday, August 19, 2006


raishu no nihongo no tesuto nitsuite, yima kara jyunbi o shinakutewayikenain!!!!! gg no koto wa takuarilamasen!

ganbatte ne!

translated: for next week's jap test, i must prepare now. don't want to gg. Try hard!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Top Muggers in 4F

1. Qihan
2. Andy
3. Yuanwei
4. Waisum
5. Huching
6. Deshawn
7. Muhd

rest to come later...

JL: These animals really don't have backbone ah, though some people also don't have backbones...

JL: I see a spider at home ah, then i got very scared. So i sprayed insectide, even though spider is not an insect mah... But i sprayed a lot la, so it still died. (sounding very proud)


Values not Valuables

Hmm... actually i have been thinking abt the marks issue. abt talking 2 h3 etc and all that bullshit. And it boils to the question, do i pursue values or valuables? I know this may sound lame, but think abt it w/o a pre-condescending mentality, it actually does make sense.

Right now, my gpa is in a very precarious situation. My last year GPA simply sucks (with math x2 , ss, chi etc all getting 78/79).... so this year, i have to pull it up drastically. Assuming my eng and chi get 3.6, i basically can't afford more failures.

Yet... there is jap... I won't get 4.0 for it, maybe 3.6 if i'm lucky. Most probably i get 3.2/2.8 for it, which will pull down my gpa like crazy...>< I reckon if i drop it, my GPA this year will be 3.90, which will allow me to meet the criteria...

Yet thinking about it for some time, i finally decided not to drop it. the 3.9 GPA is very enticing, and will definitely help me pursue the valuables. But it devalues my point of learning. I took up jap becos it's interesting and i continued taking till sec 4 cos i like it, even though i have never really scored well for it.

It's different story from my dropping of geog. I was consistently getting around 85 (4.0)for geog, but to me, it was just too boring. My personal principle is that if i dun like it, why should i do it? If i had just wanted to pursue the valuables, i wldn't give up the free frag 4.0... yet jap now is completely the opposite, and yet another decision on whether i hold true to my values or pursue the valuables.

I have made a decision to remain true to my values. Even though it may be painful and disheartening, but at least i know i'm following my heart.

More Shiokness

Just woke up... slept since i got home.. .Shiok!

Shiok Friday

haha today was quite shiok for me. Firstly, last night i called mark, and the event was cancelled, so dunnid go sch early or go home late! hahaha. Then i managed to sleep 7 hrs.. shiok liao. Then went sch to see the bio lesson.Actually biodiversity is really a very interesting topic, intriguing in a sense la..lolx.

And to add on to tzewei's post, i shall explain why mrs joylim's lessons are so imba. Basically for them, there's this graded assignment. Then during the lesson, she was like "this is very important ah.. must know this ah". Then she teach halfway suddenly teach other stuff, then say "got assignment later, so must teach you all this ws ah. must know all the terms like derived and primitive and the cladestic diagram ok..."

And basically, after the hints abt the tree of life, you can guess nearly 50% of what the test is about lor.... haha. Then got one part she go show off the graded assignment, showing the different creatures with different characteristics.... then she decided not enough time, so take the assignment another day.. lol? And from this, u can guess nearly 50% of what the test is about... haha so u basically know what the test is abt if u just listen to her talk....

Waolao, if she's our teacher my bio will be very imba liao la!

Then i went to eat lunch and see mrs selvan. *Forgot abt the funny incident with ms. pregnant JS* And so very lucky mrs selvan was talking to her student, so see her for a short 5min and zao (haha normally one small detail she can talk for 1.5hrs on average) Then called mark, expecting another 1 hr to do decorations in sch.... haha he say dunnid.. So SHIOK man

And it was 10.30. took 157 home... passing by tzewei, morgan, joylim's house.

What a shiok and slack day~

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Life is Full of Stress

See title.

Stress from dmp
Stress from jap prelims
Stress from cca initiatives
Stress from performance tasks
Stress from deciding on jc combo

Stress even comes from choossing grad dinner! lols life is full of stress


Today had analytical chem again. Well, we were just doing calculations for the titration/homogenization/dilution/precipitation/evaporation/bullshit experiments we did ytd.

So there was this qn on finding Cl- in the chicken cube. Asked qihan, he was only copying EVERYTHING from the board. Asked andy, he din do and said "it's not so easy...." So never mind lor, do myself then. lol, and qihan dn believe my solution. Eventually it's the right answer though.

The main confusion part abt this question is that it is slightly complicated and you have to understand what you are doing. But muggers rite, they jst follow the instructions dearly, since it's the "safest" way. like ytd, at the first ppt part, i already asked the teacher abt the dilution part cos the ppt itself will not give the salt value... but muggers just follow the instructions of te practical w/o knowing what they are doing it for. But still, quite nice sitting wiht QH. in fact i like sitting wiht any muggers.... lol

Anyway sorry to anyone who had to bear with my speech today again. I know it sucks. If i had written the script myself, i wld have made it simple and plain, without the corny metaphors/puns or be to long... anyway it seems like you all have to bear with me for this till next friday (not that i like it, must go sch early)

But assembly damn jack, cos i ponned it to finish my jap esasy. And i had finished it 10min into assembly. But by exprience, assemblies are lame, so i ponned it .And it was very important, on subject combo in jc...zzzzz

And i din fall asleep during jap lesson today.. woots!

And tze, good luck for ur dilemma! haha~

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I am very sick now, but i cannot take mc and have to go sch everyday till next friday...

$&%^&* k off to get some rest

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

From Africa with Love - Analysis


Dearest David
I wish to solicit your help in migrating to your country and assistance with my funds.

Briefly, I am a Sierra Leonean National and the duather of late Dr and Mrs. VERA WAHABAR. Until their death, my father was the General overseer of the Diamond Mine in Kanema Sierra Leone. The military forces loyal to the Government of Ahmed TIJAN KABBAH invaded our house and assassinate my father and killed my mother also. The (RUF) mistaking him for his brother FELIX WAHABAR who is the deputy to the leader of the revolutionary United Front (RUF ) FODAY SANKOH. After this incident i knew i was not safe in my country any more so i gathered some valuables in our family villa and escaped for my dear life in the to Abidjan Cote dIvoire.

Among the valuables was a file that contained details of a deposit my father made in a security company in Abidjan Cte dIvoire. He deposited 17.5 million US dollars contained in a trunk box in my name as containing family father made this money from the sale of Gold and diamonds during his time as the General overseer.

Now that i am in Abidjan and verified the transaction, we need your assistance to move this funds out of Cte dIvoire for investment in your country as i cannot invest here due to its nearest to my country and the war still going on there. i ask you to scout for a viable and lucrative business,
so that i can invest wisely. I have it in mind to give your 20% of the total sum (17.5 million US Dollars), and 15% share in any investment we will embark upon if you assist me. i will also set aside 5% of the funds for ancillary expenses which you will make in course of this transaction- fax messages, phone calls, air tickets etc.

This fortune i have revealed to you should remain confidential as it only you who i have told about it.
This transaction, needs and deserves to confidential between you and my family as you our parent are on longer alive. Please get back to me on receipt of this message for futher directives. Note that this transaction is risk free.

Best regards

Walan, got this kind of stupid letter again. The first time i read it, i actually half believed it. Now, it's just plain humorous seeing how these losers spend so much cooking up a story to humor us.

Firstly, the first line makes the letter a joke, abt migrating to Singapore. I'm sure a normal african has even heard of Singapore, and worse still, think of migrating here! Lol

Secondly, this bastrad din even bother checking up the diamond business in Africa. Although Sierra Leone is indeed laden with diamonds, Western companies actually control most of the diamond deposits and store them (just to manipulate the demand/supply flow and jack up the price)

Thirdly, this bastard din bother checking up the geopolitics situation in Africa too. Although ivory coast has superstar soccer players like Didier and Drogba, it is politically and socially a very volatile place, arguably worse than Sierra, so why would any sane person bother saving his money in Ivory coast?!?!

Forthly, i don't really give a damn about your family history so why bother telling me about your family history? And since your uncle opposes the government, how can your father be the bloody manager of a government diamond company?

Fifthly, read the last line, "Note that this transaction is risk free". How the hell can money transactions from a war-striken corrupted country be risk free? If it's risk free you woldn't approach me liao. This sentence just gives yourself away, showing how despo you are to con people.

Lastly, i decided not to keep this letter confidential by publishing it in my blog. muahahahahahahhahaha

Anyway, seeing such a poor attempt to con people from this noob and stupid conman wannabe, i sent him/her a detailed letter teaching him how to con people more convincingly. If you follow my advice and manage to con more people, pls do remember my email and wire me some money.


From Singapore with Love <3

Tuesday Blues

So i slept until damn late when my mum woke me up.

Sch today was quite sian.

And mrs joylim seriously rocks as a teacher

Jap prelims is coming soon, by probability, i will screw it up badly

Life sucks man...

Alan = sick

Disclaimer: This post is slightly sick

Anyway alan koh is really sick la. Like today in the rc room, he was talking abt masturbation and stuff. And considerinig Alan is an avid fan of japanese hentai (many suspect gay porn too), quite funny listening to him talk.

So basically, he was talking about masturbation requiring zinc, and so causing blindness. Some quotes from him,

"What's wrong with masturbation everyday"
"As long as you take zinc supplements, you won't get blind"



Sorry for the previous bit of swearing. Anyway i went to take a nap just now, and i feel much more rejuvenated. Do a bit more work and sleep again...

Anyway today was quite a bore. First, kevin and i both went sch damn early just to prepare our stuff, but at least it was time effectively spent as we managed to go thu our stuff. But have to SUMMARIZE like siao.... zz

Which was followed by assembly. And there were so many ppl who ponned in class, like andy, clement, stanley. And when a prefect came in, they just bs him that they dun ahve first period, and he saw us using comp too.... LOL what a noob prefect! hehe

Followed by analytical chem with all the muggers like andy, yuanwei qihan. never seen that teacher before. Anyway he is okie la, at least knows his stuff well enough. So had this short quiz. Andy and I got full marks for the MCQ part, but i think the last qn is very poor designed (like i tot cooling affects the water of crystallisation but in the end....zz) But overall, a little boring sia...

So was eating in dining hall wiht the 4E bunch. and wtching ian/yinwei/huabin's ss video. Quite funny and corny (haha!) but some parts are like plain lame, like darren tan's suicide scene... wahahaha

And so next was chi. KNN i left my tb in that classroom last time, and some cb had stolen it, so had to borrow. sian... and chi lesson was damn sian as usual, so i was just discussing abt random stuff wif kwok and looking at my re script... chi was damn boring sia...

And so we went to get a fishtank and a longer visking tubing and went down to 4H. Aiya just present 1st la. It went okie, but i htink the judges din understand the project well. (funny that last year i was presenting bio to physics teacher and this yr physic to bio teachers) Anyway it's over!! and I noticed a trend, Dr Jefflee go ask many qns for grps not undner him, and likewise for mrs joylim.... And Kia Boon's grp is damn siao la, seriously. And there was this part quite funny

JL: So you all can consider using callus cells la
KB: No la, we were too careless not to use
JL: No marks for jokes ah...


So after playing taidi for a while in 4D classroom, went for RC. Cleaned up rc room slightly and mass kampung soccer. Really damn messy la, cos the Sec 1s are hardcore but they dun care who they are passing to, just anyhow kick! lol but fun in a sense too.

And after that played normal soccer. Wah si en brought this totally spastic Sec 3 Korean guy called Ginseng. Wah he's damn siao la, and made everyone of us crazy. Never seen anyone this spastic for so long, and considering i play soccer with the likes of alvin, junren, si en, zijian every week.... haha. But Ginseng quite funny also... red cross = soccer = fun rite?

Monday, August 14, 2006


You are so fucking cute, so fucking attractive, so fucking perfect i cold think abt u all day....


Tired and Stressed

It all becomes too familiar,

Done with RE presentation, done with a few DMP lessons, but theres

JAP PRELIMS breathing down my fucking neck! knn ccb

ANOTHER FUCKING RE PRESENTATION next monday... fucking stressed man

And some crazy careers challenge thing which will probably occupy me full time this week till next fri.... sighz

I am falling into perma fatigue mode again...

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Yea, in case you dunno, today is damn boring for me.

First, i woke up at 10plus, still feeling tired. Read sunday times and other newspapers.

Then had lunch and went to watch this jap drama my mum had bought. at first i found it very boring, but the plot really picked up after some time. It's about this high sch guy who teams up with this really committed female doctor to investigate his mother's death and extract the truth from a prestigious hostpital.

So spent half my afternoon watching that and the other half discussing RE. Despite being so slack, i got tired and slept again, just waking up.

Time for RE and the Charity Shield match later...^^

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sat Boredom

Well, today woke up feeling tired (obvious. i slept at 2plus) so i took the train to kembangan. Overestimated the speed of the train and was 15min late.

Anyway ser zheng's father was nice to send us to his house and buy breakfast for us too.. haha =)

(huching went to rerun xcountry... hehe) So qihan, kwok, ser and i started on the project by............. having a gastronomic breakfast!!! And after devoring the beehoon, nasi lemak etc =P

So we discussed the physics project. Apparently it's this very stupid magship idea that someone has some out with but what's more stupid, the physics department want us to build a damn ship ?!?! wtf knn.

So i think it's really damn hard to build a proper ship that can WORK too. Sianz....

And since we were stuck with no apparent solutions, we decided to relieve ourselves by indulging in a few games of cards (a few is an understatement)... lol

So after another wonderful meal of chicken rice provided by our very hospitable host, ser zheng's mum sent us to rgs for the math course.

First, i am very slow to catch up with the teacher's imba teachings, so i was lagging like crazy, and it's HELL demoralising. Second, i was feeling so bloody bored and sleepy i could really fall asleep.... wah sian..

But the ordeal ended, and i hoped onto a 190 bus home.. home wonderful home...

Sleep, eat, play, watch tv...

And that's the end of my uber super duper exciting day~


I have been trying to sleep for the past 1 hr, but to no avail.

Apparently, becos i think tooo much, i have just been brooding over that issue for too long.... sighz....


Friday, August 11, 2006


Anyway, i shall release the results of the previous poll on sian lessons soon. Btw ALL got the most votes, and Chi/Chem got 0 votes.

So here's a new poll, on what do you think is my strongest academic subjects... haha lame

Conspiracy Theory

I was just reading Trivolve's blog and found out that mrs joylim is the one conducting the biodiversity DMP module.

And dunno all of a sudden, i remembered a very vivid incident a few months ago. That was a Thursday night when Tzewei and I went to watch the RV concert. And at the end of it, we actually met mrs efoo, which was incidentally the last time i would see her. Well, tzewei left early and i had a little chat with her.

Things became a little awkward, cos she started making some weird comments.

First, she went to tell me some stuff abt the new bio relief teacher, mr mattew chuah.

Then i happened to ask her, "Is the biodiversity DMP module fun?" Cos i was quite interested in this course. Then she gave me a slightly weird look, and said, "The relief teacher will be conducting it" Lol, so i replied something like this, "ooh.. ic. Then i dun think i will take it" And suddenly, she smiled (for no reason) and bade me goodbye...

Suddenly, recalling this incident now, i feel very uneasy, and confused by her actions. Why would a teacher bother lying to her student? If any info is confidential, she can just choose not to disclose it, but why lie? And being the bio subejct head, i think she should be fully aware of who's conducting the bio course right? zz...

Any suggestions why she lied to me? Like she had just said the wrong thing, or remembered the wrong, or had an ulterior motive?


Friday (still holidays)

Hiya! Let me describe my extremely productive day

First, i woke up at 4, and slept again

Second, i got woken up at 6, cos i forgot to off alarm X_x

Third, my mum woke me up at 8, but i was too tired so i slept again

Last, i woke up at 10.30 myself.... haha

So while others were sloggiing off to sch for extra cyh or other *ahem* teachers, i am slacking at home. Watched a bit of wakamono no subete, but it's a lame show. And i finally decided to start writing my chi essay (although it's due today). Took me 3 hrs and still counting =P.

And took care of my sis...

And ytd, after attempting to eat 3pc KFC meal, i felt so $$%^&*() full, so if i am gonna eat kfc later, won't try it again.. haha

Now for some more gaming =D

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Civi 4

Wah, recently got inspired by wincy tsang to play civilisation again. It's damn fun man, but i deproved a lot

And among my classmates, ithik only Sue ben plays, and he only played the civi 3 demo i lent him last time.

The other people who play are mainly geps, like alan, borray etc


Da Cheng Xiao Ai (lenee...)

i'm thinking of you


And onto my previous post, why are sportsmen respected more than muggers?

Well, what do muggers represent? Hardcoreness, shallowness and selfishness.

And sportsmen? They do train like crazy, just like muggers. But what sets them apart during a game? Things like determination, spirit, pushing yourself to the limit etc. Sportsmen, with their love for the sports and passion for winning, exhibit superhuman efforts sometimes, doing things that truly touch the heart of others.

Can muggers do these?

Arbitrary Constants

Hmm, actually i think arbituary constants are extremely lame, but they do exist in our life all the time... So what do i mean by these?

Exams are the prime examples.

I mean, nowadays, what actually "gauges" a person on his abilities? Exams rite? But isn't this very retarded? For example, in the recent Math test, Chongmin only got 25 (or was it 25.5?) and i got 27.5. On the other hand, people like Andy and Qihan got full marks. Honestly, does this indicate that i am better than Chongmin in math or that Qihan is better than me in math? Yet when people look at the result slips, they will think that Qihan is some math genius...zz

Exams aren't a retarded concept, cos they have the noble objective of testing how much a person knows. But i htink exams are retarded cos of the way people manipulate it. You want to do really well for an exam? Just memorise the format, memorise the texbook and spent a hell lot of time doing assessment books, practice papers etc. And you can defnitely beat someone who is infinitely better than you...

Arbitrary? Yes. Fair? No. So exams no longer sshow how good a person is actually. And even if you do well in exams, it does not necessarily mean that you are that proficient in the subject. Sighz... btu that's how the society works these days.

Tell me tell you another example of how retarded exams are. In sec 1, there was this compulsory Math selection test. And holy, i got in unintentionally. But after i went for a few trainings, i realised it's crap. Basically they don't really teach you about the fun stuff or further stimlate your interest. They just try to hardcore gear you for the Math Olympiad, by focusing on trick questions and concepts that "always come out" (from the words of KBH, the teacher)

That's why every year, the Math olympiad winners are just the hardcore math club members who focus on aceing the test. Do they really like it? i duno. Are they really math geniuses? dun think so. Will they contribute to Math in the future? u think leh...

Yet unfortunately, we just can't do away with these retarded arbitrary constants too. Cos we still ahve not truly devised a good and efficient way that can replace exams. Sighz

Sorry if i dun make sense

hate DMP

Well, i will just come out and sasy that i hate DMP


-Cos it retards me. I just get into holiday mood and everyday game/read/do lame stuff etc, though it's still academic term... in short, i become ultra unproductive

-And we get so cramped just before and after it, which isnt too good either

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Saving Fish from Drowning

My book club chose this book. After reading some excerpts of it, i think it's quite lame... zzzz

And i am going cycling now, before popping at KFC to fatten myself... haha bb XD


Hmm, i was watching Discovery channel just now. And there was this show about a chinese city Li-Jien (in Gansu Province, PRC today) which was initially populated by deserted Roman soldiers. So did the Roman Empire "set up" an outpost centuries ago?


Sore throat

Yea, i still have a freaking, stupd, dumb, irritating sore throat right now... and it got worse since lsat night...

and i bought strepsils~

National Day

Hi all, happy national day!

It's not everyday that we get to celebrate it...

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

National Day Eve

Today was quite lame. My alarm woke me up at 4 plus, and i hate interrupted sleep so... X_x

And these few days my mum has kept on complaining abt me slacking too much. Sian but she's right. I have been slacking too much, but it just seems to be inborn in me to slack... sighz

So reached sch at around 9.23. But was considered late. Lol. nvm. Assembly was lame anyway. And the humanities quiz was even lamer. Basically people like Aaron just helped all morrisonians fill up form for mass participation. And so winners may not have filled up their forms in the first place. ROFL...zomg

Yea, then was batch activity at dining hall. People designed shirts while we watched "highlights". Lol it's damn lame la, not highlights at all. And our class got like only 10s of coverage while other boring games got like 10min? And no footage from quarters/semis/final at all.. wtf. but the shirt designing are rather creative... haha

And then was prize presentation for interclass soccer. Felt rather jealous when top 3 teams went up. Yea, we were so close and i think we deserved it more... And among the top 3, only 4B actually deserved it la... and we got a hamper of food. Sentiments lie in permanent stuff. That's why although a medal may not be worth much or of practical use, i rather have that. sighz... but good job anyway to all 4F people =D

And then was stupid video think it's really lame... and ate some food at the dining hall later. Btw met yokoi momoko in sch!! haha. And so after crapping around, took bus with Yihan, Kevin and Huabin. We ate chicken rice then just crapped around.

Went kevin's house. I think he really got the biggest space/person ratio in RI! seriously la.. Anyway we did some stuff for re presentation and watched some daily show videos. I played a warcraft standard game. wahh deproved so much la. Then went park nearby to play soccer.

Eventually left cos these jokers left a ball up in tree and spetn like 1/2 hr TRYING to get it down, but to no avail. Yar, then read sherman's lagoon as i took long train home.

Actually i suddenly treasure my friendship with people so much more. If only friendhip can last for life... haiz

Throat still damn sore... sighz

Dedicated to Lenee...

i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you

Monday, August 07, 2006


I am sick and tired of everything. i shall sleep now...


Interclass Soccer

Hey, today was rather slack. I got up, finished some more chinese homework and slacked around.

Then on the MRT to sch, i started memorising the things we wanted us to. Sian... yea chi aws damn sian. And i tell you all ah, the dining hall food seriously sucks. I can normally stand it but the vege is really HELL. It really tastes like shit X_x

Yea, after that was interclass soccer. We were watching 4J-4I at first. 4i defence quite weak, though many of my friends playing there. It was 0-0 ad peanalties really took forever, like 30 ?? wth

So after that it was my class, 4F against 4B. I dunno why but when you yu got the throw in, i just knew a goal would come. I was like saying "hope it's not a repeat of last year"... and in the crowd, the ball somehow got fumbled in... zomg

But the next goal was dumb. A penalty was given aaginst us for no reason (at least nothing from what i saw). Even 4B people did not ask for penalty. And we all were certain the ball was saved, i mean all of us saw the ball being palmed out... and the 4B people din cheer either. Alwyn the lineman say it din cross... yet we were 2-0 by now. Honestly, we had lost our punch, and the drive

But we still fought on, which was really commendable. Despite all the muggerism, we still showed our fighting spirit and i dun tink we made it easy for 4B. In fact, Huching should have gotten a penalty too though it was a semi-dive too, but luck was against us. As well as teh referee (din spot a blatant dive from Ashvin)

After the initial disappointment, it was 3rd/4th placing. And i got to play too!! WHEE cos manager wanted to give all substitutes a run in. So iwas playing left mid. Not very attacking. Though they may not notice, but i think i did a lot of dirty work, and i at least tried to make our midfield existent.

Even though many of us were subs, we did quite well, like Tzewei and Waisum. We definitely did not make it easy for 4J. Half time. So another round of subs. Yongjing fumbled a bit on the ball and we were 1-0 down. But in all, it was still okie. Winning isn't everything la.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

I jsut tried various love calculators

Yea, and these are the results

1st calculator. 0%
2nd. 84%
3rd. 99% (omg lol)
4th. doom
5th. 55%
6th. 89.5%
7th. 35%
8th. Your score is: 19 (12-19 points) Hmmmm, definite possibilities! There are some pretty clear signs that she might be interested. You can either play it cool, and see if she comes around a little more, or just go for it and see what happens! She surely has noticed you by now
9th. 17%

lol. i know i am lame

I know this doesn't make sense

My mind keeps on wandering off
Distracting me from this and that
I just cant get my mind off you,

Your images keeps on lingering in my mind,
Flooding me with more and more false hope.
I see your smile in the photo..
How i wish you were smiling at me.

I just feel my sanity,
Being gnawed away by this foolish infatuation
I realised that i lack common sense.
Really, you let me realise.

I need to tell you what i feel,
But i can't muster the courage
Not for any ulterior motive,
Just to tell you i love you.

Just to let you know...

Please don't smile at me again,
Or touch me further.
Just let me forget you.
And erase the painful memories...

Struggling to convince myself,
That it's all but false hope.
Yeet love transcends everything,
Like my sensibility

It's a paradox, really.

Tell me you hate me,
And may my love for you decrease.
Perhaps the intitial dejection,
Will be followed by less pains.

I hope. I wish. I wonder.




Thanks to people like kevin, lixing, sam, tzewei, ser zheng, muhd etc who at least made constructive feedback regarding this issue.

But i think tzeweis method works best =D

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Why we are disadvantaged in Bio

I am sad to sy that our class is indeed very disadvantaged in bio this year.

First, lets talk abt the gep side. Studying the same syllabus and taking similar tests, they are supposed to do around the same as us. But with Mr. David Court as teh teacher for many GEP classes, it means there's a lot of leeway. Like using Bio textbooks during certain important high CA tests.

And of course there's bonus, which allows GEPS to score higher marks by making up for their careless mistakes and other errors. I mean for a 30mk assignment, not many of us can get full marks rite? But with an addition of a 7-mk easy bonus qn on dihybrid inheritance, it's damn easy to get full marks already rite?

Second, let's talk abt the express side. being a student of the famed imba JL classes does help a lot. Really. Not only will the students actually learn abt the crap they learn, armed with such imba and solid knowledge, they also have more than enough time to prepare, being always the last classes to take.

And of course, they are taught stuff which are actually tested. Like overlaping of codons and being stressed on the fact that Gametes only have 1 letter standing for a character. And of course, becos the existence of such a thing , i did both questions wrong in the recent bio assignment.

As i have stressed many times, it's really crap that such a retarded system can exist in RI. Really, having the right talent or what will never be reflected in your grades or what. Not only will muggers get the highest marks, other factors (such as imba teachers) will ensure that you will always be disadvantaged.

A few years back, i stepped into RI, like a dream come true. Now , as i near the end of the dream, i realised that it was never a dream , but a broken illusion.

Things to do URGENTLY

-Do chi bk review
-Do chi report
-Do biography reflections
-Get 50cents each from terence n eugene

okie will think abt others when i finsih these crap

Apology Post

As you can see, the post titled SCANDALOUS STUFF has been deleted

Cos apparently, some people can't take a little light-hearted humor

But i dun blame them, so i have erased it.

Sorry if i have offended anyoen with that post




Yar, ytd i slept quite early (wah this week sleep a lot leh...)

And today, around 10 my mum woke me up. We went to rjc. A fair at the mph. Met quite a lot of people there, like philip, andy, rb, trivolve, ben, si en, haobin, jonny, junren, desmond, mark yeow, etc etc la

A lot of fairs, but a lot of them were quite lame.

Like i went to ask the SAF and Navy and Police people, can you study engineering or what. They say yes. So i was asking why spend so much money and effort paying for these scholars when they are gonna return and work in police/army/navy anyway.

And the reply was like - well, they will use like only 5% of what they learn overseas when they return to work. The studies overseas is like just to teach them time management and personal management etc. ROFL. That's why i think such scholarship are EXTREMELY lame

Well, what i gathered is that i will want to get a scholarship from GIC, standing for Government Investment Corporation or sth. Basically u go study finance or banking and u go on business trips around the world spotting chances for the government to invest in. You see la, even got 6 yrs bond. Spent 2 in singapore, spend 2 in NY, spend 2 in shanghai, liddat quite shiok rite? haha

Seems like there are still many enticing scholarships. I REALLY HAVE TO START MUGGING IN JC!!! lol. btw in the recent mugger ranking, i was ranked like 20 plus in class, whcih is like damn low. JC must hardcore liao

Yea, so had lunch at rjc and took a cab to RGS. 7 plus bucks ><. And the lesson was so damn boring. As i was very very tired and drowsy from the lesson there, i asked to leave during recess. So i took a cab back to RJC.

haha, the cabbie was like complaining abt how hard their life is. How poor their welfare benefits are and blah blah. He was from comfort btw. Lol. *psk psk dunno who is comfort CEO ah... haha* and the fare was 5.80, meaning the previous cabbie cheated me... knn

So i met my mum at rjc and we returned home lor. sian i think i shall play civilisation for a while before going my friend's house for bbq


Friday, August 04, 2006


Due to some misunderstandings by uncle sam and tzehunk, i clarify that leenee is not among the gals in that pic. Those are just some friendly and nice gals from beatty sec sch

I won't be as dumb to put leenee's pic here rite?? lol

Things about Leenee

Since I was just talking to sam abt love and stuff, here's some of the characteristics abt Leenee (not her real name actually, just her nickname)

-long hair
-sexy voice
-beautiful hands



Btw i broke down on tuesday...

Basically i was still fine. But ycm forced me to do my long overdue homework, a letter to my parents.

So i was doing during geog and recess. And i dunno why, i just got very emotinol, and very sentimental and i just broke donw while writing it. And i actually cried, u noe the benches above philo office there.

I dunno why, i just felt so weak then, so fragile emotionally. And when ppl like ms low siew hsien saw me, she thought i was sick.

Indeed i feel sick that very daay and enver quite recovered since.

And so tuesday, i got home and slept rather early, ten woke up for liek 1.5 hrs to mug physica and slept again...

And wednesday was the same thing. I got home at like 4.30 , slept until like 7. Then chatted around and slept till morning, anywaey there were no tests or what next day..

Adn this slack-cos-i-am-too-tired-physically-and-too-fragile-emotionally-and-i-dun-give-a-damn-about-homework-and-tests syndrome continued.

Even ytd, when tere wer so many tests today. So i got home like 5. Then i went to sleep until 9. I got home to chat a bit on msn and i feel asleep again at 11, though i badly needed to study.

When i next woke up, it was 4am already. holy. So i jsut showered, ate and read up a bit....

So today i was supposedly quite gg. Liek first chem. wtf i never studied it ytd at all. But heck la, just do. It's just a quiz at most fail lor... well it was okie la.

Then i was stoning during chem and trying to study some chinese since i dun quite know all the fucking vocab and idioms.

Then chi cct. GG i look at the vocab, all dunno. So some i just used personal knowledge to write, others depended on help. Zaoju was crap also. I dun mug tose sentences in shouce at all, so at least 1 was wrong. But rest duunnid study one and i think i did okie for all those.

Recess. I think i gged myself by challenging mrs joylim. But heck la. I just speak my mind. And i think i am jolly well right too. Anyway so i went to ask mr. mattew chuah. He din noe his facts.... erps but that's not the main point.

So math. I was stoning and doing this mugger index with stanley. Then last 5 min i went toilet to stone cos my heart was bursting and i needed a break.

Chi was quite sad. I think ycm was really pissed today, and i am one of the causes. I somehow feel that the teacehrs have been discussing about me some time ago.... dun ask me why.

Next was bio assignment. Okie la, a few difficult ones. And careless misteakes here and there.

SS filimg. Didn't do much. Btw kennard's grp left their camcorder in class... wtf!!

So qihan and i took bus to HCi to watchsoccer match

RI-HCI mass brawl

mass brawl after HCI win on penalties...

no la, they were just rushing in to celebrate


Yar, Qi Han and i went for the RI-HCI soccer friendly today. It was rather boring. My friend Si en did quite bdly thouhg i had such hopes for him...

Anywaey it went into penalties.
This is mahapan missing a penalty... shucks.

we lost 3-4 on penalties in the end espite leading 2-0 in pen at first... ><

Beatty Chiobus

Btw this isthe grp that kicked me out of our panel becos mine was one man show. But i am really happy for this grp cos they are really nice and friendly people...

Btw the 2 on the left are very chio, much more chio than the picture suggests. Agatha and Siti.... but i won't like them one la

there's leenee.... even if there's just this little faint hope

Fortune Telling by Clem again

Btw today after school, clement did another love fortuen telling for me. These are teh reseults... for leenee

And wtf omg wth knn !!! it is like so ddamn accurate...

You see ah, i am in her heart and she is in my heart. This is very true. I like her and i think she likes me too

BUTTTT... you see the club king beside her, that's a super big obstacle. And as i have stated many times, leenee is attached to him already, so it's really impossible for me....

wth. so close yet so far. and we are in eech other's hearts.... love....sian....

Thursday, August 03, 2006


tests for these tmr

that's ri life for u

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Aiya actually i wanted to write this ytd, but stan n clems post just inspired me to write this.

Ytd, i was appalled to see the degree of hypocrisy some people can display. I do not claim to be a perfect person, but these people are serioulsy disgusting.

To be honest, i am saying some people are hypocrites not becos it involves me, but because their hypocrisy is so blantantly displayed in this case.

So what happend was that during recess, as usual, many people were eating in class. Inlcuding me. And when Mr Andrew came in later, he saw a styroform dabao box in the dustbin and asked who put that in.

And so, because i always buy back to eat in class, many people were like being extra and telling me to own up.

Firstly right, to clarify facts. I do eat in class. And i ate in class that day. But i did stop playing game so as to finish eating and throw my stuff outside. I am not right, but i dun think i am that wrong either.

Secondly, Mr Andrew was referring to the obvious box at the top, containing bee hooon. Well, to be honest, i knew then it was aaron, but was i like those people "enthusing" aaron to own up?

Thirdly, i am not angry these people were urging me to "own up". IN fact, wehn chris asked me, i actually bothered to answer him.

Why? Becasue i am tell you that chris never eat in class. In this case, he perfectly HAS the riht to ask who is eating in class. And he is the monitor, so he has a genuine reason for being so "enthu".

And why do i think the rest are hypocritical? Not to reveal names (and just happen that i remember this incident well), but those who were talking the loudest actually ate in class too.

wtf. If you steal, you are a thief. Even if you dun get caught, that doesn't make u any less a thief. if you have ever eaten in class, you dun have to right to ever complain that others eat in class rite? That's why even thugh i knew aaron did it, i never spill the beans about him.

And why act so righteous? Just because you aren't caught? Just becos u are not explicitly involved in this case, u can go around bitching about others and act like some angel in telling them to correct their ways? Sorry i dun buy that. It's plain hypocrisy.

And some people even have the cheek to tell me they are being upright. BULLSHIT. If you seriously think ur classmate shldn't eat in class, you dun say it when he gets caught. You go warn him on the spot not to do it. And if he persists, then u tell the teacher.

Just my 2 cents views.... yar

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Physics Tmr

The previous post, i went to sleep

I jsut woke up like 1/2 hr ago.

In case anyone want to ace the physics test, here's what you do

-ask me about remembering the rules tmr
-prepare to tock cock

yea, gd luck .off for some last min studyng now


Like i was telling deshawn, sam and stanley today, some people are really hypocrites....

bloody idiots. spoilt my mood