Friday, August 04, 2006


Btw i broke down on tuesday...

Basically i was still fine. But ycm forced me to do my long overdue homework, a letter to my parents.

So i was doing during geog and recess. And i dunno why, i just got very emotinol, and very sentimental and i just broke donw while writing it. And i actually cried, u noe the benches above philo office there.

I dunno why, i just felt so weak then, so fragile emotionally. And when ppl like ms low siew hsien saw me, she thought i was sick.

Indeed i feel sick that very daay and enver quite recovered since.

And so tuesday, i got home and slept rather early, ten woke up for liek 1.5 hrs to mug physica and slept again...

And wednesday was the same thing. I got home at like 4.30 , slept until like 7. Then chatted around and slept till morning, anywaey there were no tests or what next day..

Adn this slack-cos-i-am-too-tired-physically-and-too-fragile-emotionally-and-i-dun-give-a-damn-about-homework-and-tests syndrome continued.

Even ytd, when tere wer so many tests today. So i got home like 5. Then i went to sleep until 9. I got home to chat a bit on msn and i feel asleep again at 11, though i badly needed to study.

When i next woke up, it was 4am already. holy. So i jsut showered, ate and read up a bit....

So today i was supposedly quite gg. Liek first chem. wtf i never studied it ytd at all. But heck la, just do. It's just a quiz at most fail lor... well it was okie la.

Then i was stoning during chem and trying to study some chinese since i dun quite know all the fucking vocab and idioms.

Then chi cct. GG i look at the vocab, all dunno. So some i just used personal knowledge to write, others depended on help. Zaoju was crap also. I dun mug tose sentences in shouce at all, so at least 1 was wrong. But rest duunnid study one and i think i did okie for all those.

Recess. I think i gged myself by challenging mrs joylim. But heck la. I just speak my mind. And i think i am jolly well right too. Anyway so i went to ask mr. mattew chuah. He din noe his facts.... erps but that's not the main point.

So math. I was stoning and doing this mugger index with stanley. Then last 5 min i went toilet to stone cos my heart was bursting and i needed a break.

Chi was quite sad. I think ycm was really pissed today, and i am one of the causes. I somehow feel that the teacehrs have been discussing about me some time ago.... dun ask me why.

Next was bio assignment. Okie la, a few difficult ones. And careless misteakes here and there.

SS filimg. Didn't do much. Btw kennard's grp left their camcorder in class... wtf!!

So qihan and i took bus to HCi to watchsoccer match