Thursday, August 17, 2006


Today had analytical chem again. Well, we were just doing calculations for the titration/homogenization/dilution/precipitation/evaporation/bullshit experiments we did ytd.

So there was this qn on finding Cl- in the chicken cube. Asked qihan, he was only copying EVERYTHING from the board. Asked andy, he din do and said "it's not so easy...." So never mind lor, do myself then. lol, and qihan dn believe my solution. Eventually it's the right answer though.

The main confusion part abt this question is that it is slightly complicated and you have to understand what you are doing. But muggers rite, they jst follow the instructions dearly, since it's the "safest" way. like ytd, at the first ppt part, i already asked the teacher abt the dilution part cos the ppt itself will not give the salt value... but muggers just follow the instructions of te practical w/o knowing what they are doing it for. But still, quite nice sitting wiht QH. in fact i like sitting wiht any muggers.... lol

Anyway sorry to anyone who had to bear with my speech today again. I know it sucks. If i had written the script myself, i wld have made it simple and plain, without the corny metaphors/puns or be to long... anyway it seems like you all have to bear with me for this till next friday (not that i like it, must go sch early)

But assembly damn jack, cos i ponned it to finish my jap esasy. And i had finished it 10min into assembly. But by exprience, assemblies are lame, so i ponned it .And it was very important, on subject combo in jc...zzzzz

And i din fall asleep during jap lesson today.. woots!

And tze, good luck for ur dilemma! haha~


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