Saturday, August 05, 2006

Why we are disadvantaged in Bio

I am sad to sy that our class is indeed very disadvantaged in bio this year.

First, lets talk abt the gep side. Studying the same syllabus and taking similar tests, they are supposed to do around the same as us. But with Mr. David Court as teh teacher for many GEP classes, it means there's a lot of leeway. Like using Bio textbooks during certain important high CA tests.

And of course there's bonus, which allows GEPS to score higher marks by making up for their careless mistakes and other errors. I mean for a 30mk assignment, not many of us can get full marks rite? But with an addition of a 7-mk easy bonus qn on dihybrid inheritance, it's damn easy to get full marks already rite?

Second, let's talk abt the express side. being a student of the famed imba JL classes does help a lot. Really. Not only will the students actually learn abt the crap they learn, armed with such imba and solid knowledge, they also have more than enough time to prepare, being always the last classes to take.

And of course, they are taught stuff which are actually tested. Like overlaping of codons and being stressed on the fact that Gametes only have 1 letter standing for a character. And of course, becos the existence of such a thing , i did both questions wrong in the recent bio assignment.

As i have stressed many times, it's really crap that such a retarded system can exist in RI. Really, having the right talent or what will never be reflected in your grades or what. Not only will muggers get the highest marks, other factors (such as imba teachers) will ensure that you will always be disadvantaged.

A few years back, i stepped into RI, like a dream come true. Now , as i near the end of the dream, i realised that it was never a dream , but a broken illusion.


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