Wednesday, August 30, 2006

1J Soccer

Hmm, today i went school to play for 1J in their sec 1 soccer campaigns. The shirts were quite nice la, though the nos/names/etc were all scribbled using liquid paper. I really love my class 1J now la <3

But sad to say, 1J did not really play too well in soccer. Come on la, a GEP class already have less people, and more muggers, so naturally will have less soccer ppl rite? Sighz...

Anyway 1st match was against 1M. Only Chander and Ben (haha alawys play with him in RC XD) and maybe me were slightly attacking. The rest were camping, but at least we were still quite solid defensively. Corner. Chander drifted it in, and OWN GOOAL!! woots that was the FIRST goal in todays soccer carnival fyi... haha so we won

So during the intervals (1.5hr each time) i went to discuss book club with huching and co. Actually Huching is really pro at these kind of thing. Like why we chose this book? Cos huching "suggested" it (cos he read it liao).zzz everyone say the book is FREAKING BORING!! wah sianz... then he's pro at distributing work also. Like suddenly, i am in charge of writing the book review?!?! So huching shld be politican (aka all talk and no do) lols

Btw junyang and walter were commenting, and it was quite funny... haha. Like junyang was saying , "oh there's jianyang with the ball... and he just lost it" XD

Second match was against 1B (i think, not sure). And our errors in the first match and overall showed. Cos we were too defensive, so we were always pegged back. And our defenders are too static and slow and slightly unenthu... so 1st, Ben own goal (nvm, not ur fault. u still did us proud). And they somehow scored another through a defensive error. The rout was nearly complete when they scored a 3rd goal, but it was ruled off cos it was direct throwin.

And i think 1J got a bit of a stigma after this match, cos many of them were too rough. Chander and Ben were just jumping at the keeper, and tbh it was all very dangerous. zhiwen was like telling me to clamp them down or he will have to send them off. Lol i think he thought that i was telling them to play rough zzz

Boyi and Royce Lee came down to support also... haha.

So the final match, against 1K (i think). It was make or break. We have to win to progress. And we were very attacking. Nicholas and I were the only defenders, allowing all of them to push up. (though personally, that's not the best way to seek a goal... but nvm). And indeed, our efforts paid off, for in the first minute, the keeper nearly let in a scramble. And Chander scored a peach of a goal. It was just a ram from near the left corner area with left foot. and it went in!!! lol i was so damn happy!! whee~~~~

But in the last minute (or rather last 30s), they got a corner. Melvyn drifted it in, and Christopher(not ur fault) headed it... og again... sighz... it was just not our day. 1 win 1 draw 1 loss, and we are out... sighz again

So i was really hungry (skipped breakfast). So bopian went dining hall. And wtf, they dun even SELL to me, say it's reserved for boarders. I mean i want to pay them for that overpriced shit and they refuse me. tmd.

Btw one sec 1 boy got injured. It was really serious, with a hell lot of blood. And even the police came (too lazy to upload the pic la =P)

Anyway i went to eat kfc, and i tell ya, i am really sick of kfc liao. This being my 5th kfc meal in 1.5 week...



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