Thursday, August 31, 2006

Kentucky Fried Cruelty

Actually last night i was feeling quite bored, so i went to see all the anti-kfc campaigns...

Well, there were video footages on how the chickens were killed. Basically they were hung by their legs, carrid along something like a conveyor belt and scalded (and electrocuted in some cases i think) before they are supposed mutilated and used for cooking. It's all a mechanised slaughtering process.

Haha the gross parts was when the chickens weren't dead. In the first place, the chickens are all limp (and lame =P) cos their bones can't support their meat/muscles. then some din get killed, so it's like living hell for them... i mean being hung and nearly dying and getting screwed around... zz. And sometimes the mutilators whack them in the wrong places, so it's quite gross also la... eek

And there was this interesting part. Cos a man supervise the part where all the chickens are supposed to be dead liao. If he sees live chickens, he just go there and pluck the head off, throw on ground. It looks so simple but really a bit gross la...

But i think we can't really blame KFC la. They must be efficient if not their business will not work. That's why such severe methods are used to slaughter the chickens. And since the chickens are going to be killed anyway, killing them in a more "humane" way dosent exactly make a difference rite?

ut really, some of the chickens handlers are probably too stressed, so they do all kinds of crazy stuff with the chickens, as if they are softtoys. Like throw them around, pull out heads for fun, stamp on them.... lolz...

And some bullshit from the KFC webbie: Chickens are inquisitive and interesting animals who are thought to be as intelligent as cats, dogs, and even primates. When in their natural surroundings, rather than on factory farms, they form friendships and social hierarchies, recognize one another, care for their young, and enjoy a full life of dust-bathing, making nests, roosting in trees, and more.


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