Thursday, December 29, 2005

Handphone Blues...

I know this is lame, but i am havin' trouble identifying ppl in my hp contacts.

Firstly, there is nos i am not sure of, like
Bala/Arvind, Terry/Terence, Mr.TEo/TEohp/TEohome, Jeff/Shuhao, Bernard/Bird, Chris/Chriszhao, Gz/Guozhong etc.

And secondly, there's initials that i dunn what they stand for now..

Like HC(maybe huching), ky, LBS, Lk, St, Ws, Xc, Yx etc etc. If you got any ideas who they are, tell me pls! Thx

Well, I am back from the PSL camp.

The first day was quite boring. After the attire checks (pretty much like PL camp), we broke off for lectures. By sch councillor, mr eric lee etc. IT WAS DAMN BORING. Luckily i sat at the back rows, which allowed me to "rest" better... hehe

And meals were a stampede. People just chiong like siao, and i realised there wldn't be enough food, so i was later drawn into the "100m race" too.. Neil
humphrey sure has a point!

On a sidenote, i thought Auyong was a very good speaker, and he can be funny while pulling a straight face at the same time too!very amazing rite?

The nite walk was disappointing. I remembered my time, when we treated through muddy forests, whcih really epitomed uncertainty... and on top of that, we were contantly scared by the senior PSLs... and now, the walks were like barely scary.

The hike was equally simple. Not taxing at all, and we can take bus to Mac somemore. On the way, i basically chatted with hong cheng. According to him, i am chatting with him on superficial stuff... well, i can't help it la. I haven't really known him in RI for very long... still takes time to know him better la ^^

And i just found that it's Hiringa, not Niringa.. oopz

And at nite, i was feeling quite sleepy, but everyone seemed to talkative. But finally i fell asleep. But morning, after barely 5 hrs of sleep, had to wake up again... I was feeling damn lethargic and a bit sick... and it seems like there were lactic acid in my eyes...

Then PT was quite slack also.. comparatively. But i foudn it very difficult to touch each other and run 1.2km.. finally it was more briefing and break camp! woohoo!

And yet i have to go clear up RC room. That route was part of the nite trail..@@. Being alone there is kinda creepy, but i just decided to do a good job la. They said Mark cleared up half!??! WTF. It was barely 10% cleaned. So i spent 1.5 hrs tidyign up the whole place, but i got a strong sense of satisfaction after that..

And i tried borrowing Mona Lisa smile again. In the end i borrowed Bend it like Beckham, partially becus it's supposed to be a comedy... well, i have to say it's not THAT funny, but it was quite inspiratinal. Like the British Indian gal trying to get rid of the stereotypes and cultural constraints to pursue her interest... a bit like Coach Carter actually...

And i went home after that. These few days mum took leave. My sis gota new haircute. Previously she looked like Cyndi wang, not she looks like Zhou xun.. lolx

I am feeling rather tired but i decided not to sleep as i dun wanna miss sleep at nite..

And the other day, someone added me on MSN becos he's Chelsea supporter too! How interesting! cool siah..

btw i got stuck in lift todae too... bleargh

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ytd nite was sooo awfully shite..

I was wanting to be a good boy at first, sleeping at 11. But becos i had slept in te aternoon, i just couldn't fall asleep.. damn frustrating.. so got up online, but decided i wold nt sleep by talking so came offline...
Then more frustrations.. ate a crossaint, dunno if that helps.. and decided to read some magazines.. finally slept at around 3am!! wth

and Had to get up at 6plus, translating to barely 3 hrs of sleep! During normal schooldays, can tahan, but for holidays.. i am hopeless w/o sleep.

And went for PSL camp DAY 1.

So basically these ppl are in my grp: Royce Lee, Jeremy Yu, Nick Leong, Boyi, Prem (quite humorous..) we are taking 1J, a GEP class.

The camp was pretty boring, sad to say. All theory... not that i am complaining, cos the backseats allows one to stone efficiently. But honestly, they have no idea what's our attention span, cannot listen whole day to lectures one la..

Lunch was decent. Tea Break too. Afternoon lectures were boring too, but discussions were fun, esp since i talk crap... lol

The hakka thingy was cool, i tot.. weichee was ultra lame.

Niringa, heart and soul.. 100% Raffles -> that's what they say.
I am really cursing the Chinese software on my compp.. always cannot read Chinese stuff..

Like 2 uncles sent me Christmas card, one in normal Chinese, one in traditional Chinese, both were wastted..

And dear Nikita also sent me a card in Traditional Chinese, which i could not comprehend either... X_x

I am thinking about my RE>.....

Monday, December 26, 2005

Well, todae is boxing day, and it's pretty boring..

I slept 10.5 hrs, and still, i felt tired..

ate another 25 kimchi dumplings... make me soo fun but it was smashing!!

and then i basically wasted time lor.. and had a nap in the afternoon, dreaming about driving my own plane.. how cool~

At first we were planning to go shopping at Ikea, but due to the nap, we called off the plan.

And i had another chat with Hong Cheng. It is becoming quite nice to chat with him...good luck dude, for ur little relationship.. and Rong Bing is back.

Kevin said the pirated CDs he bought from Vietnam are blurred.. lol. The pirated CDs i bought are classy quality, seriously.

And it seems like my family is going on holiday while i am having CT1 next yr... sad

Do i sound bored?
sth weird happened..

for some reasons, one of my previous entry accidentally insulted one of my teachers...

and it wasn't intentional..

so sorry to that person...

but anywae i have modified that post ^^

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry X'mas everyone!

It is the season of joy, of happiness, of giving, and of course of shopping!

Enjoy the time with your family, your friends, and of course yourself!


worry about ur holiday homework later!

Signing off..
And ytd was slacking too.. hehe

But it ws boring...

In the morning, went with my mum to her office cos she had to settle some crap... and i had to take care of my sis there. And she AP, so it was freaking tough... crap. I was rather pissed too...

And after that we just went shopping and eventually went home. Watched tv and basically wasted the rest of the day...

Then i realised, all my HW not done yet! damn it..

Today was slack too.

Had like 25 kimchi dumplings for breakfast. It was sooo delicious!!@@ haha, seriously.

Then went with my family to IMM. Shopped around for curtains.. the shop owner was damn nice, great service... rare! But we spent a lot of $$ there also la..

Then had japanese buffet steamboat. The concept is same as Seoul Garden. My sis fell so she was very noisy too! Only when she fell asleep did we manage to eat peacefully.. sian.

Then shopped at Giant. Was so tired when we got home at 6plus..

And finally decided to blog! congrats dude
Wah.. finally i blog again..

Last week was almost wasted. Mon-Thu basically slacked. Wed after that ceremony, went with the Level8 ppl out. Many of them are overseas, more than half.

Had to say it wasn't very good... the boys were trying to tease me. And their logic was: I am crap, I am raffles, so raffles is crap, and conversely, I am crap, raffles is crap, so i am raffles. It's just downright stupid. And i think they carried the joke too far...

Then Fri went for PSL. M'mad actually PON. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!! And the new Sec 1s seem to be a bunch of bastards too.. I feel like whacking some of them... :(
And Fri was slightly more productive, thought i got pissed too. I wanted to catch Mona Lisa smiles in the library, but *cute lady* had borrowed it permanently, so it was kinda frustrating for me.. It's my 3RD trip to sch jsut to watch it.. X_x... And Bend it like Beckham was borrowed too!. So watched Shrek2. It was fantastic movie, so funny, yet it did not detract from its main theme of love... hehe.. great movie.
And Si En's incident was quite funny. He wanted to borrow LOTR, but they gave him some cartoons! LOL. and when he tried to borrow War of the World (the one starring Tom Cruise), they gave him some black and white documentary! LMAO!
Hmm. write a story with Terry and Cm as gd friends.. it seems a dumb idea..

Monday, December 19, 2005

Shall blog abt the past few days..

Sat was crap. wasted the whole day. And watched Man U trounce Aston Villa 2-0. I seem to like park si sung, support Asian players, and i think he's really pro also.. hehe

Then Sun went with family to Jurong East Swimming complex. Swimming.. wee... But lacked stamina. Last time can take 30 laps, now a few laps already cannot tahan.... boo. Then we drove to West mall for lunch. Read in library there till around 5 and went home whre i slacked

Strangely, i have been sleeping later than 1 am these days, playing solitaire somemore!! wthhh

And todae was quite tired. Slacked till afternoon. Went for rehearsal and returned home to take care of my sister.

today is monday, 19/12. i am finishing my holidays, or rather wasting it.
Dun feel like bloggin, but shall leave an interesting quote by hong cheng
"even when finally our 4 year torment is over,have to see all those RGS humanoids"
okie dokie..

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Sometimes i think Education is like Math. It's dumb and useless really, and in most cases, it's gonna be completely redundant. Unless you are gonna be a teacher or a mathematician, why would you need them? Basic education, or for that matter basic Math, is all you need to work, i feel.

But people will always be hyping up the importance of math and education. Every job nowadays requrie someone educated, or at least have a pc of qualification. What for? Does the fact that A studies well suggest his aptitude, or his ability at a job? NO. And for the same reason, most fields of studies do not require in-depth math, yet Math is a compulsory subject till a very high level.

And there is a similarity between education and math too. both are things that are easy to grasp, and definitely do not require real intelligence or wad. If you are reasonably intelligent, and diligent, you will definitely excel in your studies, especially math. that's why there's always people getting full marks for math. Put in the same effort, and it's arguably more difficult to ace in say music, or history.
HEY, this blog is not dead.... yet

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Many of the times, when i look back at my life, 15 long years , and it seems so wasted. I have achieved little, really little.. Perhaps 15 years later, when i look back again, it shall be the same... *shrugs*
For some reasons, i kinda miss the lab people..

I miss Emril's nonsensical crapping and his Louis-bashing
I miss Yu Guang with her no-sense crapping
I miss Gerald and his funny crap, and working with him
I miss Beatrice and her spastic crapping sometimes
I miss the trips down to Holland V or GM
I miss slacking infront of the comp surfing the net aimlessly
I miss trying to break my personal record for solitaire
I miss the chats or slacking around in pantry
I miss crapping about the different schools
I miss the tedious experiments
I miss everything...
What's the difference between a lover and a friend?


Blogging abt this weekend. Sat was quite stupid as usual. Slept like 12hrs. THen wasted the whole day in spectacular fashion. Watched Chelsea-Wigan at night. So slept later than 1.

Today got up at 11 plus. Then after some tv and games, went West Mall with my parents. Bought some playing stuff for my sis. And i remained at the library to read. Got confused by some Schrodinger's cat theory. Damn, this is really hard to understand.

At night decide to be a nice citizen and watch an Indian concert. But in the end got pissed by Indians so it kinda backfired.
The other day Gerald was playing this song, and i soon got addicted to it. The lyrics -

James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover Lyrics
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?
'Cause I saw the end before we'd begun,
Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
I've kissed your lips and held your head.
Shared your dreams and shared your bed.
I know you well, I know your smell.
I've been addicted to you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

I am a dreamer but when I wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd be the father of your child.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.

Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.

And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
And I will bear my soul in time,
When I'm kneeling at your feet.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I'm so hollow, baby, I'm so hollow.
I'm so, I'm so, I'm so hollow.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Okie something really random here, but really makes me pissed for sure..

Sat night was pretty boring so i was blog surfing..i just happened to stumble upon Yichen's blog. Actually i had pretty much forgotten about him, but suddenly realised he is that person who was in my group for the Pupil's Leaderhship camp..

And i must say he's the typical GEP who makes most other ppl want to punch him. And his opinions on the "mainstreamers"... just goes to show what a self-deluded asshole he is.

What especially infuriated me was the
Person A is the Vice Chair of Track and CDC, has pure strength and no brain at all. When we're given riddles, he offers extremely stupid answers (he wasn't joking when he said them) that are extremely literal. For example, "What do all these quotations have in common?" "They're all about leadership!" -.- Meh whatever
on tianzhi. Who's the one with no strength and no brains at all? But some people do not have to worry about embarrassing themselves during riddles, when they give zero contributions ma.. XD. Besides the completely blinkered views he has on "mainstreamers", he has just confirmed the fact that he is nothing more than a prick

Well, my modified version of that chunk of crap that he wrote is -
Anyway, I can safely conclude now that Yichen is the dumbest GEPper i have ever seen. Without a brain at all. He does such stupid things, say such stupid things, offer such stupid ideas. I really wonder how he got into GEP, not to say RI.
And i bet he's damn proud to be the VICE chair of CSC. WOW.. and i must mention that Tianzhi is the vice chair of Morrison too, and he saved our ass quite a few times. With his BRAINS and BRAWN. But i suppose someone like our poor Yichen will not know. probably he's still swaggering somewhere in RI, swelling with pride about the fact that he is in GEP (so what, i declined in P3 anywae..)
I am here to rant again..

This time abt a famous local artiste. I shall just refer to her as AJ
And Yi Biao, if you happen to be reading, sorry, i know you love your cousin.. but..

I happened to watch Starawards that day, and i must say her behavior was totally disgusting. She was treating the occassion as her personal playground. Her impertinence was shown on various occassions when she just decided to go do wadeve she like.

What is the msg she is sending out to everyone? To the budding artistes or lesser artistes, it's like an insult to them , it's like when you make it big, you are free to do any crap.. And to the foreign visitors/presenters, it's like a travesty, and prove any prejudiced view they ave of Singapore.

what a disgust.
Wellz, i shall just blog abt ytd..

Morning was fine. But the ambience there was just kinda different, when we know that it's most ppl's last day there.

Maybe i am overreacting, but Gerald seems to be daoing me. I really regret doing some stuff, i din mean it, but well, what can i do now? Maybe it's just that i have not been working with him long enough for him to know what i am actually like, so the little things i have written left the wrong impression on him... X_X

Haha, we went took bus to Holland V for BK again@@ lol. But since everything wanted, i had to oblige too. But at least i could complain to them about Swensen's, that crap organisation.

Having said that, i actually feel the chinese high culture is pretty gd, random..

Afternono, i went shopping for a gift for my mentor. The chocolates at seven11 seems good, but the surface is scratched. And when i set myself to do sth, it HAS to be perfect, so i went off. Walked all the way to GHIM moh area, and finally bought some chocolates w/o price tags and just taken out (totally unscratched). Har, but felt satisfaction. Couldn't find Gerald, so i gave her myself lor..

And becos i went out, i missed the Dec Bday party.. lol. Actually talking to Sarah can be very interesting too.. too bad she dun use MSN.

I am always last miin so finally returned stuff. They had phototaking. Realised then i forgot to bring camera or wad. But i dun look photogenic so it doesn't matter anywae... XD
Actually what is future?

Is it something that is destined? Or is it really something that is created, as some proclaims?

So many people i know are leaving on holidays this week... lucky bastards..

At first i wanted to try living in boarding and at the same time host those Malaysian students.. but i decided since it wold take up the whole week and this week is effectively my only free week during my WHOLE holidays, it was too tough a decision to just skip it..

I am having trouble writing the damn commonwealth essay. After that little surge of creativity on my first week, there has actually been no progress. dammit. i hate stagnant work. i know i am kinda slack, but when i start working on something, i hate to stop, kinda like inertia, just hate stopping there..

And there's 2 more personal projects that i have been neglecting too, one is that essay(not the one above) and the other is the drawing thingy... oh well. But i am pissed with myself for the non-progress.. yar

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Yeah!! I feel so happie now.. So shall blog again..

Cos i was having a pretty dumb schedule, so i slept at 7pm ytd. it was like wtf.. and when i got up, it was only 3am. Coudln't sleep sia... So screwed up, the previous day slept at 5 and got up at 8..

Then i couldn't find my specs like for 2.5 hrs, so i was reading w/o specs. My god-sis was wanting to chat with me, but i was kinda tired so ... so bad.

Then went work again lor. WC asked me why i never go for csc camp. I think everyone suspects I pon. But even if i were free, i would consider poning anywae. I hate camps, and i hate the RI place.

We actualy got into second round. Thank god Gerald did well ytd, he singlehandedly carried us therer lor! haha. i was wanting to go second round so much and yet i screwed up ytd. Lucky me XD

There was this seminar by a Taiwanese professor. It was quite nice, a bit cheem though, and i was feeling really sleepy... so guess what? so i very nearly fell asleep. I thought it was quite funny/interesting to promote Taiwan at the end.. :D

Lunch was at Ghim Moh market. It wasn't exactly good la, i mean it's always reality failing to meet expectations and often, this is worse then trying to fulfil low expectations. I mean, i take a bus there, queue for 10min and spend 3 bucks, and the food isn't fantastic. Isn't it quite "wasted " ?? Oh well, i think i am complaining too much again! lol

Did a new batch of gold. The surfaces all look so shrievelled. *disappointed siah*

And finally, the crunch time. After what seemed like eternity, finally our turn to present. Gerald was impeccable as usual. But for mine, i guess it was so-so la, mainly becos i had no MAJOR screw-ups. Why do i always fucking bottle up during important presentations?!?! But i did refer to Prof Ying as Ms Ying. *i wanna punch myself!*

It was over.. finally! FREEDOM! It seems my mum called the lab many time (i forgot to bring hp) cos she wanna fetch me up. And i wasn't there... shits.. mrt again..

And my sis finally came out of hospital... YEAH!! I feel so damn happie. And my dad's birthday (one day after King of thailand). So i cycled to that nearby restaurant for dinner lor. Imgaine slippers and ankle socks. I look like a complete prank.

It was qutie nice la, just overpriced. And i just wanted to eat dumplings soup, for godnoe reasons. erm... dotz.
do u believe i typed all that crap w/o specs? Not that i am proud or anythign, i just feel dan dumb. I actually left my specs in the kitchen... bleargh.. XX
well, i shall not explain myself further. i am a nice person actually, but it's just such niggling incidents of misunderstandigns that put me in bad light.

I just suddenly feel like blogging abt something else. it's something philosophical.

What is feeling, and what is intuiton? And is love a feeling or intuition?

The immediate conviction without rational thought/interference. That is my simplified version of the webster's definition of intuition. Yes, i agree and i think that intuition is a primary human response.

Not that i am elitist here or what (i am very stupid really), but i feel that feelings is to a certain extent determined by level of intelligence. Just for example, if you insult someone with Down's Syndrome (just an example), the person will have an intuitive response. I am certain that though he may not show it, he will be intuitively hurt. Maybe it's something psychological, i dunno. But the feelings that he display will not be the same as for a normal person.

Likewise, this can also be proven for someting with even lower intelligece. Birds. Those brainless feathered creatures with wings and ultra-low intelligence compared to man. Birds normally protect their eggs or babies. This is intuition. A human mother will want to protect her kids too. But the different intelligence means that brids will only display their motherly feelings in a single way while the human mother may exhibit her feelings differently, thus the different ways mothers are "protecting" their kids.

I actually suspect (cos it's not for ppl like me) that for ultra high intelligent people, most likely highly intelligent humans(or some incredible living things that we have yet to discover), there's actually a tertiary response after feelings. Maybe it's analysis? so it goes something like this-
sth happen->intuitive reaction->feelings->analysis->feelings again 0_0
Well, i suspect that such people are so intelligent that they can modify their feelings. After the intuitive response and initial feelings, they are able to do a series of analytical crap that allows them to manipulate their feelings. This, i feel and speculate, is highly difficult. All i know , this is all sheer speculation.

I feel that feeling is something that can be suppressed (this sounds familiar rite) because it is more of a secondary respnse. For example, when someone hits you, i actually think that the pain itself is an intuition. You can't control it, it just comes at you. But here's where the distinction becomes blurred and people(including me) have trouble figuring out. Most likely, the indignation is a feeling, aka a secondary response.

Just imagine, for 2 ppl. One is someone who is really friendly and who not mind get hit. While the other is a volatile bastard who would jump at teh slighest provocation. with the same hit, it is plausible that we will get different response. The first guy may just be mildly irritated, while the other guy may turn nasty. This i dunno, but it seems that for the same hit, the intuitive response is sth like a constant while the secondary response (aka feelings) is sth like a variable, that ultimately determines your reaction (i take this as what ppl will observe)

And this leads to another intriguing issue, the question of whether feeligns can be suppressed. Well, i have no prior experience to speak of, but i think it's difficult to see an explicit exammple of this phenomenon in ONE person. It is highly likely that for the same person, a long period of a certain behavior has make a certain feeling (for a certain incident) almost a constant for that person liao. So basically, the person is likely to express the same feelings in similar scenarios.

Though this may seem insignificant, as it seems that i have concluded thus far that the same person is likely to exhibit the same reaction. But it is interesting to wonder that since feeling is a variable and a "fixed" feeling is only a result of repeated experiences, is it possible to permanently change the secondary response of someone on a permanent basis.

For example, for a toddler, is it possible to indoctrinate him with the fact that when someone hits him, he should embrace that person with gratitude (just an example) Sure, at the first physical contact, his intuitive response will probably contrast with this, but i am just wondering if his next respone can indeed be controlled. And if yes, to what extent will it be controlled. Say when someone whacks him REALLy hard, will this forced secondary response still hold valid?

So i would like to conclude this short entry that i personally believe feelings and intuition are 2 different elements. Also, it is highly likely that in the correct conditions, it is possible to modify the feelings of a person, or say suppress it.

And well, i kinda feel like talking abt another issue here. My hypothesis that for someone with split personality, does he have the same intuition but just different feelings. With no prior readings and on this,plus the fact that i want to play games now, i shall probably elaborate abt it another time.. hehe
and pls, gerald , abt the ego issue. Pls read the whole of my blog to see. It's not that i am ego. I am criticising everything and anything, most of the times uncalled for and exaggerated. I know i am short, ugly and stupid, so there's really no reason for me to be ego anywae..
Oh well, i feel so crap now.
i feel asleep first thing when i reached home.
And i just decided to come online and do some blog surfing

Wellz, i gotta admit that i felt very uncomfortable reading gerald's blog..

Just to clarify some things if he happens to read my blog again.

Yar, i am a very immature stupid sec 3, so i always write stuff on my blog compalining abt other things. I just feel the world is so imperfect and want to rant abt it. i am sorrie if you may actually have mis-interpreted what i wrote. But it's just thaat i din mention the many parts of you that are wonderful... i am serious. Even for myself and my best friends, i write crap abt them.. but maybe they are already immune to these abuse XD
(btw u did a fantastic job for the presentation and everything. now i shall make it explicit here)
As for that recent blog... to be VERY honest, i din quite mean it. Yar, that day i was pretty annoyed and maybe it was becos of the lack of sleep, i jsut feel kinda pissed anywae. And so, it was a burst of immaturity from me.. sorrie.
And pls, abt the blog. Someone suggested this to me, so ... and i tot it seems easy to remember
And the girls issue. I guess i'm just like emril... u noe what i mean. But when i said sth abt gals, it's not becos i am despo or wad. Just that for this attachment, i actually get to work with gals on a FULL-TIME basis, understanding them and interacting with them.. it's just kinda novel. When i first went to RI, i was awed by the all-boys environment and i was also pretty impressed by it, and it doesn't mean that i like boys.
well, i fee lvry sad justifying myself. just like i 've said, it's just all you show that matters, not what you actually feel. I mean, working with Gerald has been a very nice experience, honestly, but sometimes when i feel it, people may not noe. And yet when i write abt some negative stuff (i mostly only write abt negative stuff in the first place), ppl get so offended. Wellz, i'm just like that. I keep mums abt nice things. Well, i get mis-interpreted again

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Well, i will just be blogging abt ytd then...

We finally finished up the PPT , which made me so glad!!! LOL. High mode now.

Then lunch was at this Raj place near there (meaning King). Bruce's treating us to vegetarian food. It was quite nice la, but i think it kinda lacked variety and i am not too used to northern indian food... so well

And after lunch was everyone's presentation. It was the first time gerald and I presented together and i must say i am impressed by him ^^. I feel quite good now, haha, seriously!! :)

Then after work just went out with the rest(like gerald, peiyi, beatrice, ivan, yanchen, louis) lor. Louis' last day, and he brought camera too. Deborah's last day too, she's going Taiwan for immersion program. We took MRT to Marina Bay for steamboat.

Though cheap, the dining environment was quite shit, to be honest. The simplest thing is to give proper cutlery for steamboat, not plastic spoons or wad (X_X). And there's like bugs everywhere... DOTZ... kinda scary sometimes.

And i long time never grill food, so I am aware that i totally embarrassed myself. Like i forgot to grill both sides. And i once actually put the plastic spoon . I was actually wanting to be nice and scape away all the carbon residue, but it melted. Damn disgusting, i know. Feel so stupid..

And my stomatch din feel too well, so it wasn't really that good a meal. I still feel pretty dumb for the spoon incident. And i once more embarrassed myself by telling a stupid scientific joke. And esp when you are so much younger than them, they treat you really like KID! oh man...

And after that went bowling lor. By then quite late already. I had never wanted to bowl and had enver bowled before. But nobody wanna play pool with me and seeing them bowl one round, i got quite addicted and so decided to bowl also. The tallies thrash everytime. Lowest score like 100. I got 53 for my only game, guess it's okie la, first time. and I changed ball (from 8 pounds to 10pounds)

By that time already 11 plus liao. Just took MRT home. Got home at 12 plsu already. Played solitaire for so much longer more. I am like playing everyday, damn boring person. But i find it very challenging, intellectually. Ytd i recorded new personal record of 152 s. Now can always get 160++ but need to improve further..

Then watched Chelsea-Liverpool. I thought the former should have won, esp wince i support hem. THen damn late already and slept for 2 hrs. Then overslept, so i am late todae.... paiseh la

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Now I am just bloody pissed..

Due to my mentor's attidue.

First, Gerald piss me off first thing in the morning cos he forced me to go down to take pictures despite my repeated refusals. I mean , who's the one staying up at night to edit the ppt of his and mine, and therefore getting so tired and first thing in the morning, he slack while i have to go down.. fuck

Then, my mentor pissed me off too. it's like for Gerald's script, i edited most of it(spending my nite in the process), helped him write it, and it was good enough according to her. And for my part, the ultra cheem one( including the bloody CC which even i took very long to sort out), she say not quite done yet. WTF.

And so , i just decide to slack here while blogging lor. I hate this kind of world sometimes. When you do something, ppl never realise, and ironically, judgement only comes from what you show. Just like the presentation. you can do shit or tell your mentor to do, but you present well, and they think you are good.

Oh well, my life's pretty screwed up..

And why wHY WHY do RI ppl always get stereotyped. You can see a ****** or wad, but that is not representative of the general Ri population wad(oops), well, at least it's not representative of ME. I am a distinct individual, Rafflesian is just an extra identity, or you can say a stupid baggage that comes with entering the institution. I can definitely say that i am more of myself than Rafflesian. To hell with all those stereotypes.

2 months ago, i was regrettign about passing my time in Ri so fast. I want to go back to sec 1/2 and stuff, to enjoy everything. Sec 4 seem so bloody near and I dun wanna grow old so soon. but suddenly, in such a short period, i am wanting to experience JC life, that exhilarating experience of gals, jc life etc. And suddenly, i realise that there is still sec 4 to go.. damn

Actually i think becos of my school environment, my social life is greatly constricted. i dun meet gals often , and i am not used to understanding the wonderful(or horrible) creatures they CAN be . but now I actually enjoy the company of gals, not because of BGR or anything, but just that rare interaction.

I am still pissed.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Har, Hong Cheng tagged me. And so I decided to just follow along and play this lame game. I am supposed to write 5 weird/funny things about myself and get 5 more people to follow suit.

So, here's the top 5 facts abt me.

1. I do not study much for exams/tests etc etc. Yes, I really do not do so. Surprising, it's true and damn true. Take for example P6, even until late July, I was still like playing soccer everyday and even after that barely studied for PSLE. And now in RI, it's the same thing. Not much studying for such dumb stuff. And RP suits me well, cos it tests on stuff that doesn't require mugging. YEAH!! haha. Yar, like for this CT, i only studied for 2 subjects lor.. And just today, I had JLPT, and manz, I did not study for it. For this, I am kinda guilty cos I know becos of it, I did very badly. But oh well...

2. English does seem to be one of my best subjects. It's kinda funny, cos in reality, it's not. IN fact, I think even my CHinese is better tahn my English. But i jsut perform better for English I guess. For Sec 1, English was my highest subject. (o.O) And since the inception of the GPA system, i have been getting 4.0 for English everytime. Not that i am complaining, but it's weird to me actually that I perform better at English, of all subjects!

3. I got lost in Washington DC before. For quite a few hrs. It was a harrowing experience. Yar.

4. This is actually not my first and only blog. Actually i started out with another blog, w/o design at all. It was supposedly meant for only my close friends/acquaintances, but it soon evolved into a mess, due to the misdeeds of some idoits. So I have decided to create a new blog(which is this) and change the url of the previous one. But some bastard still found his way to that new address so i changed it once more. It's now more of a personal diary. An avenue for me to pour out my feelings and just rant abt everything. And basically all the personal stuff..

5. I support a football club called Chelsea FC. I know this is rather controversial adn I may be labelled a "gloryhunter" but honestly, i wasn't. I only found interest in soccer during 2002 world cup. THen, i wanted to support an English club, and i liked blue, so i chose the fashionable Chelsea. Then, they had players like Le Saux, lampard, Gronkjaer, Desailly, Terry, Cudicini etc etc. It was a class squad but Roman the Russian soon came along. it was a revolution , and suddenly Chelsea is the champion. It was certainly great to revel in its newly found glory, but I swear I am not like the spastic/plastic Chelsea fans who only came after Roman.

Now I will ask these people.
*get a variety of ppl*
And YES, sunday...

It's such a feeling of reprive, of freedom. Because I finished JLPT 3.

I went in the morning. Qed up for very long. It was a stupid test i was totally ill-prepared for. Even beatrice (who incidentally took french) is better than me at Jap liao... dotz.

And it was sure difficult. I was totally clueless when presented with the difficult qns. Vocab was screwed... damn. For some sections I left whole chunks out, like a headless chicken and I was feeling so depressed.

I got a feeling I would fail.

Then was listening. It was worse. At first it was okie, but i stoned a bit and I jsut forgot abt the whole thing. This is screwed up, big time. Pissed with myself.

And did i mention the furniture. It is 10yrs old and for pri 2 students. So it's reallly really small.. not for our built. And the toilets was small too. The urinals was well below my *ahem*. So used the cubicles lor. Seeing some old men tryiing their luck at the urinals was pretty hilarious actually.. Even the basin was barely knee length for me.

Then grammar. That was okie i guess. A lot of time left also...
But pretty screwed up as a whole... But it's all OVER!
Thank god ! I feel freed!
And oh well, there's always next yr..

Weichee's dad sent cm and me to eunos, so we had some dumb noodles there. Then it was an arduous dumb trip all the way back to Bukit Batok. i hate travelling to the east, esp on train.. It's freaking dumb , freaking borin and most of the times pretty pointless!!

Tired so slacked for the afternoon..


Watched a it of the Science Challenge.. I was better than Anderson, Dunman and NYGH alone. And it was all w/o preparations... i feel quite proud. I only "lost" to HCI.

And my mum was saying even though i can be as gd as them w/o preparations, i am not much better w/ ppreparations... oh well. Cos I really hardly ever prepare for such stuff..

Feeling so tired yet again.. so watching StarAwards lor.. Standards could be improved, for sure.
Then On Saturday...

woke up late, by some stupid construction shit...


And my sister was sick, so my parents took her to see the doctor. Oh well, i feel knda sick too...

Chatted with Mei for qutie some time. Maybe link her later. Nice gal from Indiana..

Boring afternoon, but i was feeling really tired and drained, for some unknown reaaons.. bah.. dammit... I know i am feeling extremely negative and fucked uup, but this is my life.. wait till school officially starts..

And slept at 8. WTF. w/o studying for JLPT at all.. I am just sick and tired. Especially tired, i fell asleep almost immediately.

Stupid Saturday
Oh well, i guess for a boy totally bored on a stupid Sunday nite, he will blog... so here i am...

First update on Friday la...

Did all that stuff. All DONE IN TWO DAYS!! I feel so damn powerful and accomplished.

And lunch was with Kailing and most of the other people. Her last day here.... I actually kinda felt empty. Those gals in front of me, most likely won't meet them again. And when I enter uni, they have already graduated....
Just a simple farewell lunch suddenly transcend into much deeper thoughts and some bloody frustrating thoughts... so well

And morning, while doing contact angle, there was fire drill. It was kinda dumb, but very efficient i must say. Had to walk 6 storeys down..

And afternoon my mentor returned NTU for training again... and so Bruce is from Taiwan, not HK(as i had thought). And he studied at MIT... WOW... I am really impressed... O.O

At night was just damn tired. So just slacked and slept lor...

Thursday, December 01, 2005

i am on extreme right. putting up this pic is for nikita actually... lol
Shall blog about today then..

Slept more than 9 hrs... still tired. So this shows that amt of sleep is not directly proportional to level of energy.

So tired. Went there. Did some stuff. Hopeful no screw-ups.

11 plus, went to collect retainers. It's just a plastic piece of crap. And it costs a fucking 150BUCKS>>@@. WTF. It's just ripoff man. The whole dental treatment is so overpriced i realli feel kinda cheated. And that bastard densit (not DR Tan) tended to me for so long!!

Well, met my mum for lunch at science park again...

Afternoon was qutie sina. But i am damn stressed now. Cos the presentation is next monday.. and i have JLPT on Sunday (which i incidentally have not started preparing yet!) damn... X_X

But did work after all. I think Eve is so cute. Saw her ytd. She just looks so flawless... her complexion etc. Yet it makes her more less approachable i guess.

Sunday, my November holidays is gone as well... and december got a lot crap as usual again...

And next yr is alreayd packed with crappy stuff...