Sunday, December 04, 2005

Oh well, i guess for a boy totally bored on a stupid Sunday nite, he will blog... so here i am...

First update on Friday la...

Did all that stuff. All DONE IN TWO DAYS!! I feel so damn powerful and accomplished.

And lunch was with Kailing and most of the other people. Her last day here.... I actually kinda felt empty. Those gals in front of me, most likely won't meet them again. And when I enter uni, they have already graduated....
Just a simple farewell lunch suddenly transcend into much deeper thoughts and some bloody frustrating thoughts... so well

And morning, while doing contact angle, there was fire drill. It was kinda dumb, but very efficient i must say. Had to walk 6 storeys down..

And afternoon my mentor returned NTU for training again... and so Bruce is from Taiwan, not HK(as i had thought). And he studied at MIT... WOW... I am really impressed... O.O

At night was just damn tired. So just slacked and slept lor...


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