Thursday, December 08, 2005

Oh well, i feel so crap now.
i feel asleep first thing when i reached home.
And i just decided to come online and do some blog surfing

Wellz, i gotta admit that i felt very uncomfortable reading gerald's blog..

Just to clarify some things if he happens to read my blog again.

Yar, i am a very immature stupid sec 3, so i always write stuff on my blog compalining abt other things. I just feel the world is so imperfect and want to rant abt it. i am sorrie if you may actually have mis-interpreted what i wrote. But it's just thaat i din mention the many parts of you that are wonderful... i am serious. Even for myself and my best friends, i write crap abt them.. but maybe they are already immune to these abuse XD
(btw u did a fantastic job for the presentation and everything. now i shall make it explicit here)
As for that recent blog... to be VERY honest, i din quite mean it. Yar, that day i was pretty annoyed and maybe it was becos of the lack of sleep, i jsut feel kinda pissed anywae. And so, it was a burst of immaturity from me.. sorrie.
And pls, abt the blog. Someone suggested this to me, so ... and i tot it seems easy to remember
And the girls issue. I guess i'm just like emril... u noe what i mean. But when i said sth abt gals, it's not becos i am despo or wad. Just that for this attachment, i actually get to work with gals on a FULL-TIME basis, understanding them and interacting with them.. it's just kinda novel. When i first went to RI, i was awed by the all-boys environment and i was also pretty impressed by it, and it doesn't mean that i like boys.
well, i fee lvry sad justifying myself. just like i 've said, it's just all you show that matters, not what you actually feel. I mean, working with Gerald has been a very nice experience, honestly, but sometimes when i feel it, people may not noe. And yet when i write abt some negative stuff (i mostly only write abt negative stuff in the first place), ppl get so offended. Wellz, i'm just like that. I keep mums abt nice things. Well, i get mis-interpreted again


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