Saturday, December 10, 2005

Okie something really random here, but really makes me pissed for sure..

Sat night was pretty boring so i was blog surfing..i just happened to stumble upon Yichen's blog. Actually i had pretty much forgotten about him, but suddenly realised he is that person who was in my group for the Pupil's Leaderhship camp..

And i must say he's the typical GEP who makes most other ppl want to punch him. And his opinions on the "mainstreamers"... just goes to show what a self-deluded asshole he is.

What especially infuriated me was the
Person A is the Vice Chair of Track and CDC, has pure strength and no brain at all. When we're given riddles, he offers extremely stupid answers (he wasn't joking when he said them) that are extremely literal. For example, "What do all these quotations have in common?" "They're all about leadership!" -.- Meh whatever
on tianzhi. Who's the one with no strength and no brains at all? But some people do not have to worry about embarrassing themselves during riddles, when they give zero contributions ma.. XD. Besides the completely blinkered views he has on "mainstreamers", he has just confirmed the fact that he is nothing more than a prick

Well, my modified version of that chunk of crap that he wrote is -
Anyway, I can safely conclude now that Yichen is the dumbest GEPper i have ever seen. Without a brain at all. He does such stupid things, say such stupid things, offer such stupid ideas. I really wonder how he got into GEP, not to say RI.
And i bet he's damn proud to be the VICE chair of CSC. WOW.. and i must mention that Tianzhi is the vice chair of Morrison too, and he saved our ass quite a few times. With his BRAINS and BRAWN. But i suppose someone like our poor Yichen will not know. probably he's still swaggering somewhere in RI, swelling with pride about the fact that he is in GEP (so what, i declined in P3 anywae..)


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