Sunday, December 04, 2005

And YES, sunday...

It's such a feeling of reprive, of freedom. Because I finished JLPT 3.

I went in the morning. Qed up for very long. It was a stupid test i was totally ill-prepared for. Even beatrice (who incidentally took french) is better than me at Jap liao... dotz.

And it was sure difficult. I was totally clueless when presented with the difficult qns. Vocab was screwed... damn. For some sections I left whole chunks out, like a headless chicken and I was feeling so depressed.

I got a feeling I would fail.

Then was listening. It was worse. At first it was okie, but i stoned a bit and I jsut forgot abt the whole thing. This is screwed up, big time. Pissed with myself.

And did i mention the furniture. It is 10yrs old and for pri 2 students. So it's reallly really small.. not for our built. And the toilets was small too. The urinals was well below my *ahem*. So used the cubicles lor. Seeing some old men tryiing their luck at the urinals was pretty hilarious actually.. Even the basin was barely knee length for me.

Then grammar. That was okie i guess. A lot of time left also...
But pretty screwed up as a whole... But it's all OVER!
Thank god ! I feel freed!
And oh well, there's always next yr..

Weichee's dad sent cm and me to eunos, so we had some dumb noodles there. Then it was an arduous dumb trip all the way back to Bukit Batok. i hate travelling to the east, esp on train.. It's freaking dumb , freaking borin and most of the times pretty pointless!!

Tired so slacked for the afternoon..


Watched a it of the Science Challenge.. I was better than Anderson, Dunman and NYGH alone. And it was all w/o preparations... i feel quite proud. I only "lost" to HCI.

And my mum was saying even though i can be as gd as them w/o preparations, i am not much better w/ ppreparations... oh well. Cos I really hardly ever prepare for such stuff..

Feeling so tired yet again.. so watching StarAwards lor.. Standards could be improved, for sure.


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