Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Well, i will just be blogging abt ytd then...

We finally finished up the PPT , which made me so glad!!! LOL. High mode now.

Then lunch was at this Raj place near there (meaning King). Bruce's treating us to vegetarian food. It was quite nice la, but i think it kinda lacked variety and i am not too used to northern indian food... so well

And after lunch was everyone's presentation. It was the first time gerald and I presented together and i must say i am impressed by him ^^. I feel quite good now, haha, seriously!! :)

Then after work just went out with the rest(like gerald, peiyi, beatrice, ivan, yanchen, louis) lor. Louis' last day, and he brought camera too. Deborah's last day too, she's going Taiwan for immersion program. We took MRT to Marina Bay for steamboat.

Though cheap, the dining environment was quite shit, to be honest. The simplest thing is to give proper cutlery for steamboat, not plastic spoons or wad (X_X). And there's like bugs everywhere... DOTZ... kinda scary sometimes.

And i long time never grill food, so I am aware that i totally embarrassed myself. Like i forgot to grill both sides. And i once actually put the plastic spoon . I was actually wanting to be nice and scape away all the carbon residue, but it melted. Damn disgusting, i know. Feel so stupid..

And my stomatch din feel too well, so it wasn't really that good a meal. I still feel pretty dumb for the spoon incident. And i once more embarrassed myself by telling a stupid scientific joke. And esp when you are so much younger than them, they treat you really like KID! oh man...

And after that went bowling lor. By then quite late already. I had never wanted to bowl and had enver bowled before. But nobody wanna play pool with me and seeing them bowl one round, i got quite addicted and so decided to bowl also. The tallies thrash everytime. Lowest score like 100. I got 53 for my only game, guess it's okie la, first time. and I changed ball (from 8 pounds to 10pounds)

By that time already 11 plus liao. Just took MRT home. Got home at 12 plsu already. Played solitaire for so much longer more. I am like playing everyday, damn boring person. But i find it very challenging, intellectually. Ytd i recorded new personal record of 152 s. Now can always get 160++ but need to improve further..

Then watched Chelsea-Liverpool. I thought the former should have won, esp wince i support hem. THen damn late already and slept for 2 hrs. Then overslept, so i am late todae.... paiseh la


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