Thursday, December 29, 2005

Well, I am back from the PSL camp.

The first day was quite boring. After the attire checks (pretty much like PL camp), we broke off for lectures. By sch councillor, mr eric lee etc. IT WAS DAMN BORING. Luckily i sat at the back rows, which allowed me to "rest" better... hehe

And meals were a stampede. People just chiong like siao, and i realised there wldn't be enough food, so i was later drawn into the "100m race" too.. Neil
humphrey sure has a point!

On a sidenote, i thought Auyong was a very good speaker, and he can be funny while pulling a straight face at the same time too!very amazing rite?

The nite walk was disappointing. I remembered my time, when we treated through muddy forests, whcih really epitomed uncertainty... and on top of that, we were contantly scared by the senior PSLs... and now, the walks were like barely scary.

The hike was equally simple. Not taxing at all, and we can take bus to Mac somemore. On the way, i basically chatted with hong cheng. According to him, i am chatting with him on superficial stuff... well, i can't help it la. I haven't really known him in RI for very long... still takes time to know him better la ^^

And i just found that it's Hiringa, not Niringa.. oopz

And at nite, i was feeling quite sleepy, but everyone seemed to talkative. But finally i fell asleep. But morning, after barely 5 hrs of sleep, had to wake up again... I was feeling damn lethargic and a bit sick... and it seems like there were lactic acid in my eyes...

Then PT was quite slack also.. comparatively. But i foudn it very difficult to touch each other and run 1.2km.. finally it was more briefing and break camp! woohoo!

And yet i have to go clear up RC room. That route was part of the nite trail..@@. Being alone there is kinda creepy, but i just decided to do a good job la. They said Mark cleared up half!??! WTF. It was barely 10% cleaned. So i spent 1.5 hrs tidyign up the whole place, but i got a strong sense of satisfaction after that..

And i tried borrowing Mona Lisa smile again. In the end i borrowed Bend it like Beckham, partially becus it's supposed to be a comedy... well, i have to say it's not THAT funny, but it was quite inspiratinal. Like the British Indian gal trying to get rid of the stereotypes and cultural constraints to pursue her interest... a bit like Coach Carter actually...

And i went home after that. These few days mum took leave. My sis gota new haircute. Previously she looked like Cyndi wang, not she looks like Zhou xun.. lolx

I am feeling rather tired but i decided not to sleep as i dun wanna miss sleep at nite..

And the other day, someone added me on MSN becos he's Chelsea supporter too! How interesting! cool siah..

btw i got stuck in lift todae too... bleargh


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