Monday, July 31, 2006

For Soccer Enthusiasts

You all should read this link (too lazy to link). A guy tries to apply to be manager of Middlesborough... lol


Dear Leena,

Although i try not to.
I still love you ....

If only you knew...


Hmm, actually there's one thing i really agree with stevens post

It's that the class is too mugger, so there is no class spirit.

In my class, there are just too many muggers. And what do muggers normally do? They have no life, and look at the superficial benefits too much. which basically make them void of proper feelings.

I mean, there's so many people complaining about tests and stuff, muggers esp. U see Deshawn, he was bitching to me about tests and stuff. But he has mgged for chem totally. And Qi Han also, was complaining to me...

Sian la. I haven't touched my physics or chem or chi or bio stuff at all! wth. Like bio lesson, i was just stoning. I know what are all those translation shit, but did not mug them. And considering i have so many other homework/work due, there's no time to study for these crappy tests. But i am not complaining like those muggers.

And in the end, these muggers only care about marks. I mean marks are arbitrary but important in school life, but marks aren't everything. But to muggers, it is such a few numerals that constitute their 4 yrs in RI... sad really.


After spending the whole weekend on doing re, i was damn shagged.

And this was sandwiched by the NUS course in RGS o saturday afternoon, which took up practically half of sat.

So ytd nite, i was so damn tired, so i slept at 8 plus... and in the end, woke up at 4. wth. Quickly went to do my portfolio reflections. Yea, and i went to get some lame articles from the internet.

Well, school today was lame.

Bio ws quite crap. I still think that the sch admin is damn fucked up. First we get to know mrs joylim but all of a sudden have to change teachers cos of other peoples wishes. Then our teacher mrs efoo have to leave, leaving behind a relief teacher from her school of thought. Then we will get a relief teacher for the relief teacher next week.... zomg. And in term 4, we will get a relief teacher for the relief teacher of the relief teacher... wth. Yar, i mean even if our class is strong in bio dun have to kill us rite??


Yea. rant over.

PE was lame. The astro was too wet and basically it was mostly goal kicks. And there was this part quite funny. Got a ball cross in. It was going a bit over me, and i think someone was poaching behind me. So i tried handball it. and tio jack, so it went in. Anywaye it was penalty and yj saved from zhuangyi.

English was lame. I was trying the sleep, like half the class. I mean, what's the point of listening to tccc (talk cock champion cruise)... sianz. And i was dying to do my re stuff

RE was doing stuff at both ends... sian

Busy week ahead~


I saw lenee today again....

You know, i can screw up everything, give up everything, forget everything...

if only you would love me.

fantasties. . . can't they come true?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hardcore RE

wah... the school is really hardcore. I spent practically the whole of ytd and today on RE, and still not completed.. and these are the other work i haven't done yet

-Chi Letter (long due)
-Chi Bk review
-Math Portfolio
-Philo File (overdue)
-RE Portfolio
-Physics Revision
-Chem Revision
-Chi Revision
-Bio Revision

Life sucks. School life sucks more.
X_x ggxx

To Liverpool Fans

Always thought benitez is not straight... haiz

My Sentiments Exactly...

James Blunt- You're beautiful

My life is brilliant.

My life is brilliant.
My love is pure.
I saw an angel.
Of that I'm sure.
She smiled at me on the subway.
She was with another man.
But I won't lose no sleep on that,
'Cause I've got a plan.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

Yeah, she caught my eye,
As we walked on by.
She could see from my face that I was,
Flying high, [ - video/radio edited version]
Fucking high, [ - CD version]
And I don't think that I'll see her again,
But we shared a moment that will last till the end.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw your face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you.
But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Blogging Craze?

Erm, our class is quite into blogging these days

Recently these people have gotten a blog


Friday, July 28, 2006

Quit Blogging

Actually i don't quite feel like blogging these days, or blogging on this site....

so bb

Fortune Telling

Fleming's right hand rule. Beats "chop chop" rule anyday. lol

As requested, Clement did his love fortune telling for me.


well... not to reveal too much facts about her

So basically according to this,

We are good friends, but not lovers.

There are many obstacles between us.

We share similar interests

Somehow this seems to be very very accurate. She and I are indeed quite good friends, partly due to our similar interests, though it is almost impossible for us to ever be lovers. There are also multiple obstacles between us.

Hmm... interesting

Ellis Island

Btw this is a pic i took in Ellis Island. Looks nice rite?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

A pic speaks a gozillian words

To the Bio Department

For that fucking bio practical.... i seriously hate those people now liao. btw i have seriously screwed it up. like fail liddat.


It's 2.50am now

Yeah, i ahve hardcored another nite

Not mugging, not really slacking

But rushing through my RE project.

This mrs joylim ah, really like spam work, so i am busy spamming my RE report, make me understand how the greenwave groups feel like.

Let me tell you how spam it is. Conclu, abstract, reflections etc haven't done yet. Metho and results only like 1/3 done. And pics havent put in. 40 freaking pages already!! wtf.Then mrs joylim tell me to rewrite some parts cos i make it too cheem ... diao.

But it's like still a long way to go... and it's due next wk... wahhh. Got NRP project report to write also, plus so many project works. Told you evne if i don't care about the tests, still get super stressed.

Anywae as i have said, it's 2.50am now, which should be sleeping time. I think i go read bio till 3am(btw i don't understand teh topic but heck) and try to get some winks. It's not gonna be easy tomorrow. Bio assignment which i dun understand, 3rd lang, AMC, hardcore project work...

waaahh =(

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Not only do we have really *ahem* teachers,
we are always the first fucking class to take assignments, quizzes etc

wad the fuck

knn sch

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Actually i justtalked to some people in class about love and stuff.

Clem... doing another fortune telling session on love for me
Trivolve... same scnario as me, fail in love... sad
Sam... problems plaguing him, like prank callers and other hazellee stuff
Tze... teaching me how to buaya =P

Fuck, with agony

I have seriously decided to forget about you.

I admit, you have brought suchs joy and inspiration to my life.

To be honest, i can be contented if i have just and only you.

But we cannot be together, i am not suited for you.

I will forget about you..

i don't mind

-pissing people off other than you
-swearing like some madman except at you
-giving up all i have if it's for you

i really dont mind
i just got some statistics about my blog sent to my email.

average 18 visitors a day. but nobody tags...


Sian day

Aiya today was rather sian.

had headmaster's tea ytd. Found out some rather intereseting (nah) facts, like about DMP, and Mr Arun, a sec 4 GEP. Anyway also asked why our teachers so *ahem* and all change.

Well, for the benefit of 4F readers, the reasons are that the school cannot ensure all teachers follow (what about all change??) and that better teachers are allocated to worse classes. If so, it's really retarded considerate...

And i think i have some perma fatigue disease. Feeling so tired all the time. It's 6pm now and i wanna sleep. yadayada

Sian day

Aiya today was rather sian.

had headmaster's tea ytd. Found out some rather intereseting (nah) facts, like about DMP, and Mr Arun, a sec 4 GEP. Anyway also asked why our teachers so *ahem* and all change.

Well, for the benefit of 4F readers, the reasons are that the school cannot ensure all teachers follow (what about all change??) and that better teachers are allocated to worse classes. If so, it's really retarded considerate...

And i think i have some perma fatigue disease. Feeling so tired all the time. It's 6pm now and i wanna sleep. yadayada

Monday, July 24, 2006


Seriously, there's just too much work for me to complete

Club stuff,
Homework (overdue first)
Project works and assignments
Understanding some cheemer topics
2x RE projects

Though a good thing, i did an ultra human thing by achieving silver for napfa. If not for 8s in 2.4km, i wld be getting gold. But i am happy enough

Off to sleep now. tired. love stricken. really stresed

Work, and more work

Just completed the updated ppt for tue's competition.

To be honest, i don't really care if i win it or not.

I already experienced losing sat's one, and i had wanted to win that so much more. Cos of the greater prestige and prize money.

And PLS, can someone pls go down tomorrow to SP to get the Merit prize. Although i dun want to go, i dun want it to go to waste... zz

And i am down with a bout of love flu.

One thing about me is that i never put all my effort into anything. I am afraid of failing, so i do not put in too much effort.

For studies, for cca, for competitions, for my interests etc etc. Maybe love affairs are the only exceptions...

You again

Actually i posted in wrong place. Anyway i sometimes write crap when i stone

The melancholy of the late nights,
The daunting homework before my eyes.
The feeling of stress and angst
I sat there, pensive.

Why had i fallen in love with you,
Why had i chosen such agony
Why were you so irresistable,
And my so willing to submit.

A thousand sorrow cannot explain my emotions
A million love cannot show my infatuation
Amongst billions i fell in love with you,
Yes, you and only you.

Should it all end in sorrow?
With me a broken soul.
Or should i tell you my feelings?
And risk being broken and hurt.

A love transpire so easily,
And drags on cruelly
Wallops my heart and wallops my soul,
A tormet that does not leave me alone.

Why you?

My head in a spin
My mind in a whirl
Fragmented and weak,
I sat infront of my table.

Starring at the screen,
Your illusion hidden behind it.
Your picture smiling at me.
I smiled back at the screen.

Agony. Pains. Agony


Yes, i am up now becos i am nearly finishing my chi essay.

sorry staying up late makes me vulgar
screwing off


as you can see, i am more than peeved by this shit piece of work. i am late for it and i still can't fucking do it.

i have been up since 8pm to do it, although i have been distracted by tv, chatting, blogs, my sis etc. But stilll...

It's fuckng 1.20am now and i still haven't finished ityet.


Sunday, July 23, 2006


It's you, you.
Always in my mind.
It's biting away at my sanity...

Off for more blogging at other blog.



Somehow, it's quite funny to see people acting smart and ACTUALLY thinking they are smart.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


I still have 3 blogs, 2 of which are kept public.

The other one on love is a bit screwed up, though it reveals the love-striken side to me.

So close yet so far

Lost today, the one-man show broke down. Rather sad, will blog abt it later


Wah, u see the stuff i have to do

competitions... (2more next wk)
re... wah sian
project work, like ss
homework. tried not to do chi but will get screwed
cca... a lot

even if i dun mug, i feel damn stresed...

btw i just got home. 12 hrs outside

Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh yar, must write about this


This monday, during RE, i was slacking (shhh. dun tell mrs joylim or i gg)

So ser zheng and i played cards with my ex classmates like Joseph, Philip and Jingxiong.

At first philip din join in so we played while he was mugging (philip is quite hardcore mugger).

So i suaned him that he din dare play cos he scared he become asshole taidi.

So to prove this, we say philip join one game as king. He agreed.

So first game i became asshole.

Next game, philip joined. I passed 2 "di" to him.

I nearly won the game, somehow. Philip really became asshole.


PreSeason EPL Mind Games - Suaning

Fri Blues

Yea, today is friday

I woke up late. But at least i slept

So by the time i reached school, was halfway thru chem, so might as well pon it. So i went to HML to talk to some 4D friends, read newspapers and surf internet.

Then went bio lab to take some notes for re report, and got nagged at by the lab tech again... manz

Recess i wanted to do work. But clement wanted to play i-chess with me. Haven't played in RI before. And i got owned. yupz. so i din finish any work.

Math was err..... sian? But at least Chongmin radiated some enthusiasm to me, infusing his profound love for math unto me. I feel enpowered and mathematicized.

Chinese was talk cock session.... yar

So after sch it was the bomb.

First had to photocopy some pages of the books on Mosfet before passing to Zoulong

Then had to call and sms various people abt this and that appointments

Next had to meet Mrs Selvan with Mark. She repeated many points. And i had to leave early.

Only to find that Surya (the bastard bangla i mentioned in a post before), Nabil (a prefect), Yuda (another prefect), Mr Dennis Au etc all can't make it for the blardy meeting.

So returned to class, where stan and co were there. Got chased out pretty soon

I knew it was a stupid idea to go boarding to play cards, but i went along. That's what a call a moment of stupidness.

And before long, we got caught by the boarding master. Luckily wasn't lam, if not GGXX

Just finished the presentation for tomorrow. You see, it's supposed to be a 5-man project. the report part(20% weightage) i did 1/3, so i did 6.67%. And the presentation tomorrow (80%) i am doing myself w/o help. So in all i did 87% (2SF). Is this considered solo work??

Do remind me to punch Surya's fucking face if i see him in sch again~

Illogically Logical

Nobody is Perfect
I am a Nobody
Therefore, I am Perfect

Do Files get embarassed when they are unzipped?

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows.

Turned up missing

Christmas isn't the time for regrets; thats for Anniversary


i just love u love u love u

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Just did some changes to my blog

Like some links (will do more later)

Got another tagboard

Counters, and more crap to follow...

World Cup Tactics Round-up

Happy Fella

Well, today was quite a happy day.

1. Roller coasters were sold out in extra fast time. For those in my class, u will know that i am engaging in a roller coaster business. today was good business

2. Chongmin actually copied me for math test. how ironic can things be?

3. I beat lixing in chess also. I shld be losing, and i used the only possible way to win, and won. lols

4. And whole ss lesson was spent on suaning huching. lesson well spent.

Yar, and i slept a lot also, happy dayz~~

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday at Home

Well, to update my life

Ytd was really really taxing day. PE was 2.4!! Wtfuck. Had not run for like 200 years, obviously CMI rite? But at least tried my best. 12.38. Not bad la. Though i prob fail pull ups still... sianz

But that really killed me. I never recovered after PE. English had to make presentation on biography. Showed my half past 6 trailer. Then nobody other than andy prepared script... so malu rite? I wanted to but just forgot abt it..

And i was just feeling too tired and kinda sick. I mean recess i din even play cards, and when i played chess iwas feeling unwell already.

Even RE, when i was playng cards or chess, i was kinda feeling too tired...

Then for RC, i was just lazing around, starting to feel sick. When i played soccer, confirm CMI liao.. cannot tahan

So i reached home at around 8.40. Ate and took a shower. Then chatted with sex for a whle before deciding i was too shagged so i slept at 9.30pm. Prob record time.

12 hrs passed.

I woke up at 9.30am today. At first was sianz so i read some magazine and newspapers. Then went to see the doctor. Got flu and some minor throat infection. And i got some vit c to improve my immunology...

Yar, so i got home, feeling sian. So i went to read more magazines and newspapers. Cooked a nice n simple lunch of noodles for myself.

After that lunch i went to studying differentiation for a while. (actually when doing math, 3hrs passes very fast). So by around 3pm, my medicine was taking effect, so i went to sleep.

Slept until dinner. Ate and did a bit more differentiation. Then was on msn chatting and stuff...

Tmr got physics quiz, so i am off to study for it now.... yadayada


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Why People Refuse to Get Married

Before Getting Married

After Getting Married

So in an apparent bid to support my hypothesis, REPORTER VITALISM went to interview some famous people..

[White House]

VITALISM: Mr Bush, what do you feel about marriages?

President Bush :

VITALISM: I see. What about ur son, Mr Bush?

Mr Junior Junior Bush:

So to complete the cycle, REPORTER VITALISM went to interview mrs laura bush

VITALISM: So mrs bush, what do u feel about ur marriage?

Mrs Bush: No comments

VITALISM: What about ur hubby?

Mrs Bush:




Actually there's no need for DMP. Here in RI, we are having so many interesting lessons already. These are the subject i take

Lower Chinese Language aka LCL
Jap wif fucking seetow
PE aka overcrowding in astro
Philosophy (how do u noe when u noe??)


Sunday Angst

Aiya sometimes i just try to be a nice guy, and go along with others. And the result is? Idiots take me for granted, and treat me like crap... They have problems, make me scapegoat. They feel bushuang, take it on me.

I can stand a lot of things, but one thing i can't stand. It's that i hate getting accused. You can ask my friends before, i stomach a lot of crap, but i jsut can't stand getting accused.

So for me, it's always the same principle. Until a certain point, i just won't care about whoever that person is. I have done it countless times before, and i will always do it.


back to today. was really sian. dong the english trailer, finishing my pen awawrd etc. wanted to go out with parents, but they decided against it in the 11th hr... sianz


Well, another random post

I chatted with yuguang. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with mr otto fong. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with ser zheng and qihan. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with steven. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with sue ben. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with christopher. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with clement. i gained much knowledge
I chatted with stanley. i gained much knowledge

in case u are wondering, i used ctr c + ctr v for the above
i am a lazy bastard...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Non-Ri Stuff

Well, not about RI stuff ... it's depressing enough

Though i have ideas to write another entry about Singaporeans... shall write it when i have time.

Actually i think i am in love once again. It's like since p5 there were seldom more than half a year when i am not involved in these kind of crap...

You know, the feeling is really crap, if it's a one-sided infatuation.

But really, there's soooo many factors that come in between me and the various hers.

Like age, other parties, interests etc. I think it's really frustrating...

If only she can be my wife, i will be such a happy person.... sorry for sounding childish~

Friday, July 14, 2006

Raffles Programme

Actually there seems to be a minifuror from some of my classmates to my previous entry. This time, i would like to talk about the Raffles Program that i am in, known as RP. I must say that these are truly my heartfelt feelings on it.

You see, i think RP has a very noble objective, to develop thinkers, leaders, pioneers etc. but maybe it's becos of the students, maybe becos they don't have experience, but they are simply going about it in a very retarded way.

I mean i do appreciate a lot of the work that they give us. Like somme science experimnts or what, these actually enhance learning and promotes enquiry into the topic. But the problem? They do not account for our CA, so nobody gives a damn about them.

This is again due to a lot of reasons.

First, spamming by the school. We are spammed with a hell lot of project works, assignments, tests etc. These range from sciences, humantities, languages, and other crap like CLE. Not that we don't want to, but where do we find the effort to handle these crap

Second, it's stupid emphasis on tests. Although the school want to eliminate exams, but aren't common tests and cct their equivalent? Or even worse, they are more frequent. So there's this ultra-mugger spirit that imbues us, and influence our attitude towards learning, to a large extent.

In the end, we are not really provided with a superior education, as the school often proclaims. We don't learn much extra stuff, or we don't bother to learn since it's extra and we are struggling with the basics. And for other stuff, we just learn the same as "o", so it doens't really make a difference.

Then there's other factors too. Like teachers. On one hand, there's teachers like AL, whose teaching is completely confined within the boundaries of the o system. On the other hand, there's teachers like efoo who just assume that we have been truly blessed with the essence of RP, so we can just discuss idly in class. And there's other bad examples of teachers slacking too much, teaching crappily etc etc

Basically i feel kinda sad. In such a good school, we are treading towards retrogression. The ideologies are not flawed. But we simply aren't making them click. Actually ycm is right, RI is losing in every aspect. And instead of revamping the structural aspects of the school which give rise to these problems, we are just getting complacent.

Pupils burning brooms, pupils stealing, pupils vandalising, pupils cheating, pupils hacking... this is RP , believe it or not

weird dreamz

These days i have been having very weird dreams. i like dreamt 8 times in 3 days.... zz and i still remember some of these dreams vividly.

Like wed, i had this stupid dream. i think it's influenced by some ofthe backstabbing going on in life. So this guy (i tink terence. someow it's him) shot me in the stomach. And it's with a weird new weapon- melting glass, which completely poison my body system... and so i was trying to survive. i can't remember from then on

Then ytd, i have funny dreams too. Like i went to a house, involuntarily. (and this person is joylim!! wth). Anyway she was like talking on msn. Her msn got like only 10 contacts and with a funny name, like "sec 4_cts". Anyway the impression from my dream is that she got a very lonely life.

i know dreams are weird...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Today is Thursday

Today is sian... took bio test. of all questins, i screwed up the one wiht most marks... badly too

i sometimes wonder what's the point of studying...

it's like marks are becoming so important, and sacred, people resort to all means to get them. and i am not excusing myself either. there's no spirti of true learning, just a greed for more marks

it's rather obvious isn't it
u just look at the lessons. how many ppl actually pay attention? and these people who pay attention, how many is due to them really liking the lesson? and the rest.. just stoning, talking cock, wasting time

learning is become more and more corrupted. and we are partyly responsible for it

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Actually i think i am really scrwed up in logic

Anywae, the english department is even better at it

First, they make us take competitions, so everyone take up this NSW MCQ test, like me today. Then last min they say cannot, so had bluff us to mass participate

Second, they tell us test is 1.5hr. Then halfway tell ms its 1hr instad and thats a gd news. Good job.

Third, look at he english department. enough said

And the rafflesians must be a pretty slack cca. I meann their sole aim is to design the rafflesian. Then when i got my copy today, everything was 2005. So by like Jan this yr, they shld have all the info liao. Since it'slike their only job, why take more than half a year?

Only they know...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mysterious Figure

We all watching world cup in sch

*offensive pic removed*
Hello over

Annoymous Alpha just sent me this pic of a mysterious gal. Seriously i dunno who's she. Proabably a secret agent

Out. Over

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hmm, some updates

These few days have been @#$%^&*()_ school and some rest.

School... enough said- DAMN SIAN. teachers damn *ahem ahem*

so talk about other stuff. Last friday, played cards with sex, rongbing and qihan till damn late. Then had lunch at 4 (?!?!) with them at s11. Talked a lot, but heartfelt. Nvr done it with these people. And i kinda realized another side to Qihan. Still a super mugger, but lots of other sides to his character.... hmm

Then sue ben pissed me off. He tell me to watch he and lixing wc. So i left bag in school and walked back all the way in the scorching sun back. And he tell me some bullshit like he can't find comp. wtf. he lives in boarding for fucks sake, and even wed it's me who borrowed from his roommate wenxian (that wed afternoon we played wc. 1st game lost briefly)

So i waas quiet pissed, as was lixing. So we chatted a bit in the sickbay also. We have never chatted like this also.... nice chat. So went home to sleep

Ytd(sun), went somerset. Lixin and i walked in drizzle for damn long looking for the lan place. well, it's quite a nice lan shop but the price is " zomg" u get it. At first i book 1hr, the person go tell me 6bucks. wtf. luckily is 2 people but 3bucks an hr still ex la... and it's dota, so i was just trying to farm with getting killed. Even zhuangyi killed me like 3x. And i got 0 kills... ><

So we went kopitiam across. Lixing call lan shop banseng lan shop. So i ate this mutton soup thing. Quite sucky, though i like the soup itself. The bread is like stale? nvm. So took bus to tze's house.

At first tzewei's sis blogging (like UBER long-> shld learn from her) So we just asshole taidi in tze's bed. Then playing 2 decks is like imba. I lost 4-0 to tzewei on fifa... boo. so tze's sis vacated the place and we played tehre.

I jsut realised that tze has 2 sisters. I mean , i always see 1 sis and basically i still cant differentiate between them.

So there were dota games. Later tze and kwok slept So stan and i stoned aka talk abt lame wc standard facts on sofa while those hardcore boys played =). We were damn stpid, and refererd to tzewei as banseng infront of his sister... lmao. We tried taking pics of kwk and tze sleeping together (taxi brokeback anyone?) But all our cameras sucks. Totally no night vision. So soon was match. We from half time decide to slack as usual.

But instad of cards, we play truth or dare. i at first repel for quite long But lots of scandalous facts disclosed (heheheheh). But one surprisingly thing, 4 of the crushes start with "c".

Anyway, names like charmaine, cheryl, joy, etc shld ring a bell these days... lol

Anywae back to the world cup final. Match was okie, entertainment value 6.5/10(like how chio someone graded his gf... ahem). zidan scored penalty. a italian defender scored nice ehader (nearly scored another soon... ithink barthez is so fei!) So rest ws rather boring. And in 19min of extra time, zidane, the living legend in his last game, went to headbutt someone. It was those damn explicit and violent headbutt. RED CARD! Penalties italy won. As expected... sianz

So clem was trying out this love fortune telling. Mine was damn zomg. It's like the last 2 decks totally din throw out anything. Anywae it's like damn funny, hell lot of obstacels between us (!!) And that person is't older than me (so no eve, etc)Tzewei's one qutie interesting, as was kwok's one.

So today woken up. Signed up for DMP. Joylim quite nice, call me to tell me about this. Anywae i only signed up for analytical chem and last min huntingson's disease. But instead, i have got 73 hrs!!!!! wth. Anyway , abit of gaming more and kwoks mother sent us to school. so nice of her

So i wasted 2 hrs waiting and stoning in comp labs. Then took train to batok. Drank coke after not trying it for lon time. And found it sucky. lol. went home. did a bit of work (like 0.5 hr) and slept.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Sch Restarts

Well, week 1 has been sian and stupid.

Friday we went lan. Played with steven. Obviously got owned rite? Anywae after that just a damn long 5v5 dota game. Steve was ownin everyone else again. But i was happy farming. I actually had 1 kill. Yongjing was going to die and i ks... lol

Anywae after that long game, was damn shagged. headache also. Went tzewei's house. For more dotaing. So was like giddy after playing too mucuh at 10. Played cards while watching Germany-Argentina. I was correct, the host prevailed.

Then they played moer again. Tzewei and Clem slept early. Actually i was damn shagged also. Then tzewei's father came in.... so i decided we shld be more discreet, and decided to sleep

Anywae wanted t owake up damn early. In the end 8.30. Kwok playing dota liao. Damn tired, but took a taxi to Singapore Poly. n the end the briefing was like damn stupd. And i was so tired i cold sleep everywhere.

And one of my group member is this guy called surya. He's a sec 2 indian who's bloody irrirating. Some examples

1. I told him my name and his reply was "what kind of name is that??" - wtf.Even if it's weird or anything u dun tell someone u dunno rite? what a fucker. but i was too tired... so i just gave him a stare

2. There's this quiz which i anyhow do. I got 50% 1st try. he asked me so i told him. Then he liek said "how the hell do u get 50%??" - zz. Lucky i am too sleepy, if not i really want to palnt my fist in his head

3. The another instance, we were walking in Sp carpark. Then a car honked me to move away. So he said: " at this rate, ur gonna get killed" I thought not gonna meet him soon so din say anything

But i happedn to take same mrt as him. And that fucker has the nuts to ask me for my hp to play games. And comment that the games are "lame". Seriously, this guy has some cheeks. But he better not piss me off another day. That day iwas seriusly having a bad headache due to too much computer

So went home and slept. Still giddy. And sunday was getting over it

Today is lame. Joylim can talk for 40min straight. lol