Thursday, July 13, 2006

Today is Thursday

Today is sian... took bio test. of all questins, i screwed up the one wiht most marks... badly too

i sometimes wonder what's the point of studying...

it's like marks are becoming so important, and sacred, people resort to all means to get them. and i am not excusing myself either. there's no spirti of true learning, just a greed for more marks

it's rather obvious isn't it
u just look at the lessons. how many ppl actually pay attention? and these people who pay attention, how many is due to them really liking the lesson? and the rest.. just stoning, talking cock, wasting time

learning is become more and more corrupted. and we are partyly responsible for it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you wholeheartedly, learning has become corrupted, how many of us nowadays study because we like learning, we study because we have no other choice. What happened to the saying that 'learning is enjoyable', we can blame on the school admin for not inculcating it in us, we can try and shift all the blame to others, but the fact is that no matter what, we as students, we will always have to shoulder part of the blame as it is our responsibility as students to enjoy our lessons, regardless of whether we like it or not. That sounds very unfair, but it is the truth, we cannot deny it, but neither can we do anything about it, that is the sad fact about life, we are often forced to do things we do not wish to do, life is fair at times and not so at times, no matter the ups and downs of our lives, we still have to get on with life and in our case, that involves lessons and schools, which is really quite sad, life is not all about mugging, there are so many small, simple things in life we can take pleasure in, such as feeling the gentle breeze on your face, but we just never get the chance to.

11:11 PM  
Blogger VITALISM said...

Hmm. great insight into the issue.

Studying is almost becoming a chore for many, including us. We don't want to do it and we don't enjoy doing it. yet we still force ourselves to do it. Why so? Why study if you know you cannot afford the commitment, when you are clearly not enjoying it. Is this fair to the teachers? To educationists? Or to the spirit of learning.

I have to say these contribute to a poor studying environment, which is clearly shown in RI. Cheating, late homework, stoning during lessons etc etc. Everyone's doing to it, to varying degrees. everyone's contributing towards this process of retrogression.

I read an article in Newsweek during geography on cheating. Let's forget about the techonological advances which contriute towards it. In truth, cheating just demonstrates our poor attitude towards learning. If we are really seriously about the quest for knowledge, academic integrity will naturally come.

It's just like a the "teaching man to fish" example. No matter how you prevent cheating (using stupid methods like CCT), you can never overcome the determination to cheat. Instead, wouldn't it be more effective if we go back to basics and inculcate in students a love for learning?

Perhaps it's the reason why people like Francis Bacon and Confucius are regarded so highly.. because they have truly captured the essence of learning??

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, it's been a loooonnng time. hope you're doing okay now.haha why are the comments so super duper long?? (:

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you to a large extent. The educational system nowadays are just making us crazy. Everything is just about marks but not really what you learn. You study for marks, not for acquiring knowledge. This act is commonly known as mugging. But it is only by mugging that you are then able to survive in this educational system. I seriously think that school sucks because it educates us to become not a learner but a mugger. You have read lots of articles commending studying ("Of Studies" by Francis Bacon), but have you ever seen an article commending mugging? (maybe it will be "Of Mugging" by Ng Qihan)

5:36 PM  
Blogger VITALISM said...

to valerie: hidy!!

to steve: haha =) you are right actually

10:09 PM  

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