Friday, July 14, 2006

weird dreamz

These days i have been having very weird dreams. i like dreamt 8 times in 3 days.... zz and i still remember some of these dreams vividly.

Like wed, i had this stupid dream. i think it's influenced by some ofthe backstabbing going on in life. So this guy (i tink terence. someow it's him) shot me in the stomach. And it's with a weird new weapon- melting glass, which completely poison my body system... and so i was trying to survive. i can't remember from then on

Then ytd, i have funny dreams too. Like i went to a house, involuntarily. (and this person is joylim!! wth). Anyway she was like talking on msn. Her msn got like only 10 contacts and with a funny name, like "sec 4_cts". Anyway the impression from my dream is that she got a very lonely life.

i know dreams are weird...


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