Wednesday, May 31, 2006

today wake up

waited like 40min for a taxi

taxi driver told me lots of happy insider stuff

first time played street soccer

with zhuangyi and deshawn

ballz kena rammed by sajc pros


went back to do Re with kevin

talked cock a lot


just played 3 hrs of wc when i got home at 6

waste of time


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

smo was crap.

went ser zheng 's house, to play warcraft 3

ser zheng is pro at warcraft

his family is very hospitable too

i think all the teachers hate me now

i am writing in point form

Exciting wc3 match

i know it's damn late now but i must surely blog abt this match just now.

I have been playing wc3 the whole day, but that game just now was really imba. Damn nice. I was playing this insane who's orc and i'm undead. At first i seemed to gain the upperhand, and was getting a breakthrough.

Then suddenly due to some miscalculations, i lost a large portion of my troops and my lvl 6 deathknight and level 2 cryptlord. Only my lvl 8 lich was still alive, and i was running out of gold. I should have lost. So i asked for some gold grant (cheat).

But the comp was still damn formidable. I kept on spamming them with army, and they repelled every time. They even attacked me many times and whacked me like siao. I held on. Both our heroes farmed like siao. And we each got 2x lvl10 heroes. wtf

So i can't find a way to break through their defence and it, like a human surprisingly, decided to defend. And even 2 big armies of frost worms and garga cant whack them. Tried this kind of army a few times. So it's now down to wits.

So i deployed shadows to patrol their 2 bases. I know that if one base if cut off, they are dead. Then i used 1 small army of flying garga to whack their base nearer to me. Like how the japs invaded singapore. Indeed, they all crowded theere. So i took my deathknight and 2 other flying armies an attacked their main base. To prevent them from teleporting back, i hardcore whacked their town center, and destroyed it before they teleported back. wah heng

So they ran back. And i achieved my aim. So to prevent more troops loss, i teleported back. Now since they can't teleport, the job became much easier. With the flying army, i just atttacked to and fro, and destroyed the nearer base (smaller). Now it's damn easy, just whack them. I took my lvl10 deathknight, lvl10 lich, lvl8 cryptlord and whakc them from the front (i must admit that being the noob that i am, micro-ing was tough). Then the other direction, i took the flying armies to whack them. I concentrated on whacking the base, and i destroyed them w/o slaying their heroes, avoiding a showdown between 4x lvl10heroes (now thinking of it, perhaps shld have tried for excitement)

And so this game took 3 hrs. wth. and still got smo tmr..


Monday, May 29, 2006

i really need to fix myself.

but i'm just not having the impetus to do it.


wc3 again...

i jsut played my last wc3 game of the day. cos i'm sleeping now

sweet dreamz

Sunday, May 28, 2006

i think i'm just an immature bitch

but that's me...


crush. me. rgs. bukit batok

go figure
after wasting my whole day playing wc3, owning and getting owned, i decided to improve myself as a person..

i will really try hard, or try hard trying... basically i will try.

Super Better Me <3

WC3 addict

wah fuck, i have been playing wc 3 since i woke up this morning.

and ps, dreadlord+deathknight+lich=imba <3

Saturday, May 27, 2006

had founder's day today.

seeing all the prize winners... well, just felt a tinge of jealousy. And that sucks

apparently, chelsea gonna buy shevchenko.. wow. o.O. what a mouthwatering prospect!

Chelsea for the quadruple!
I love my teachers. Who are the following.

English- Mr Decruz
Chi- Ms Yong Chai May
Bio- Mrs Elizabeth Foo
Chem- Mrs Kwa Miew Kheng
Physics- Mr Andrew Lim
SS- Mr Aguss
Math- Mr Kwa Beng Hong
Jap- Ms Seetoh

Seriously, i love them to bits!!!!

Friday, May 26, 2006

somehow, i have a fetish for the letter "j"

and i just woke up. slept sine i got home from re ytd afternoon...


Thursday, May 25, 2006


i have made my semester 2 resolution

holidays will be dedicated to finishing my re and training myself physically and playing lots of games.

1. 2x RE requires a hell lot of work and effort. The PDialysis one, must hardcore. And hopefully prof ritchie on't slack so much and mrs joylim wun nag too much. But it's already been rather screwed up. NRP... transistors seem to be rather cheem. Just hope i can follow along.

2. Got NAPFA retake in semester 2. Yea. Gonna get gold, seriously. So there's 2 problematic area. One being pull-ups. I am gonna train biceps until i an do around 8 or so. Then there's 2.4km, which i must train also. Rather screwed up stamina.

3. YES!! Games. I am gonna make myself a chao pro in WC3 by the end of this holidays. Plans: study replays of pros lie moon and fov. Also train psychomotor in hotkeys.

Now for post holidays...

Must buck up for studies. I have been way too slack in the class. Seriously, i am slacking too much. Contrary to what some may think, i really slack a lot, probably one of the most in class.

Next term, I'M GONNA BE A MUGGER!! I know it sounds crap, and even i am disgusted by myself, but it's really so many incidents in life that has made me decide to be a mugger next term.

Incidents like seeing Andy, Qihan, Waisum etc own me in Chinese, a subject i am good at->reason: they mugs for it, while my effort for Chinese =0%. Incidents like seeing Kelvin Kwok ace Science Club selection test ->reason: i din noe it's such a "mugger" test, and i got my just desserts. Incidents like seeing all the muggers doing so well academically. (though on a sidenote, i'm not doing too badly considering i slack a lot)

Enough of that disgusting crap.

Now onto other crappy stuff in life. As u can see now, it's 1.10am now. After screwing up my life for the first half of this week, i have decided to continue it. So i have just played wc3 for 4hrs. And now i am playing fm.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

i dunno
my life's just screwed

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

apparently this blog is closing down...
apparently the owner of this blog is committing suicide

apparently he just got owned in wc3


Monday, May 22, 2006

I trudge to the mrt,
My means to reach school.
My bag weights down on me,
A physiological burden,
More a mental one.
The trains chugs emotionless
My heart beats along with it.
But it questions me,
Why am I going to sch.
To see the teachers,
Who don't give a damn, really
To see classmates,
Who cling onto their results,
Like their lives depended on them.
Does these deserve my emotion?
I wonder.
But soon i stop
The train stops at Bishan,
Hordes of students swarm forward,
I feel myself carried by the waves,
Of people,
Without an inkling of what's their aims.
I too, became the aimless person in white.
Before I know it,
I am in school.
I wake up from my slumber,
Still tired, still the same
It's only those outside me
That has changed
The sun, risen again
The day, proferring hope and freshness
But the little soul inside me
Changed, I guess not
Love, i received not
Sadness, still lingering...
So what's the point of sleep.
Just surrender oneself to the
Whims of your surroundings?
Caprice of nature.
Be a slave, be a pawn.
In the gigantic scheme of things
I lay helpless, destitute, tired
and awake
Just another day...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

those friggin dentists, tryingn to cheat us of money again.

after cheating us of 4k++ straight, and lots of money here and there, they are asking for another 400 bucks.

no wonder dentists are so rich.

cb. suddenly remembered this. and got so worked up.
i seriously think there isn't anyone more corrupted than me

wake up. eat. play nonstop. go dentist. play again. right now it's 4.14. almost another day wasted...


Saturday, May 20, 2006

today was very fei

played wc 3 most of the time. played at least 6 games, each rangng from 45min - 2 hrs. get owned quite a few times. And added to the fact that i slept so much, i basically played wc3 the whole day... yippie!! ~

And now i am playing another game of wc. cya
prob my own record.

ytd i got home at 3. played wc till 4.30. Slept non stop till 2 am. Played wc till 3.30 then slept till 10.


Friday, May 19, 2006

shit. apparently some loser had found his way to my private blog. i guess by searching for things i wld write abt in some stupid blog searches like technorati. And he/she has voted on my crush, plus tagged.

I want my privacy!!!
Dear XXX, please see Mrs ANg with this list sfter reading this mail ASAP

I am lacking the following stuff for my RC uniform, please help me get them ASAP as i need them.

Coporal rank
Enrolment badge
SFA cert + SFA badge
Health laws badge
RCK silver badge
OA badge --went for OBS alr is it gold?
fund raising badge
Cip badge
Evac bronze badge (have we taken silver? for sec 3s?)
CIP modular course badge + cert ( i went for the RC CIP course last July)

Amos Kow
Sec 3E

This is a fucking letter from amos. And i thin he's a fucking kiasu asshole. When i was like him last time, i waited 3 yrs before getting my boots (that's when i became quartermaster). And i din want all that fucking useless badges. And he thinks i am damn enthu abt my job? Enthu enough but i won't give a shit abt cb like him.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Shall blog abt my day, though it's probably of little interest to anyone else.

Woke up early in the mornig, watched tv until the Arsenal - Barca CL FINAL match. It was rather excitin, until Arse goalie Lehman got sent off. Wtf. But they still scored. Though barcelona eventually undid the tough Arse backline to win their second european title. I feel rather gutted for Henry though. He ws trying his best, giving his all, yet his team could not hang on...

And the match was like de va ju. Lie the Chelsea-Barca match in Bridge some time ago. Same situation. Sending off(by same referee somemore!!)Then the 10-men team scored through defender in freekick. Then barca attack like crazy, and eto scores equaliser. And barca win 2-1. Coincidence??

So was damn shag when i went to sch. Feel like sleeping. Math was plain boring. Geog, read post below. Chi ws sleepy. CLE same la, fei. Got scolded by mrs selvan. Jap was the worst. I had no wish to attend the lesson. But was damn sian. I dozed off on many occassions. fk.

And i was so tired when we got finally released. Went home. Played a 42min wc game. Then had dinner and slacked. Sleeping too. Too tired.
Shall blog abt this rather stupid incident today.

Well, after math, and almost embroiled in a row with the admin staff jamaliah, i went hml to read. And around 9.45, i went dining hall to eat. And guess waht, just as i started eating, Mr Andrews Lim went to sit infront of me.


So he asked me how come to early... *shit, can only bullshit* So i said the teacher just gave back ct papers and released us early. And i ran there. Then he asked which period it is *waolao. but cannot bullshit* So i told him it's geog. Then he asked how come my classmates all not here *gd qn. cos they are still doing geog in class* So i decidd to just try my luck in bullshitting and say that they normally dun come down for recess. But mr lim accepted it. wth.

And as some may know, mrs joylim was damn hardcore in punishing me in a stupid incident which i din do. Well, she was really hardcore. And she cc the stupid letter to mr lim too. So he was interrogating me while eating. wth. So i just diverted the topic.

And i asked him if teaching physics is hard. And he gave a very enthu answer. Din really remember what he said, cos i was trying to eat my prata. And finally, the semmi-ordeal ended.
Actually i think i ahve a hell lot of improvements to make for next semester.

Okie this term wasn't too abd. But the thing is that i know i can do much better, just that i dun try. It's like basics nt to chat on msn the day before exams, abt non-exam related stuff rite? Or playing like non-stop and slacking too much. And i think i'm the only person who doesn't do his math hw qns. So English/Chi/Jap MUST get 3.6 next term while Chem must get 4.0 (for ct, i din memorise anything, so did the free frags like iron eqn wrongly)

Well, hopefully red cross dun have to do much next term. Have been doing qutie a lot of stuff and attending regular trainings for some time. Hopefully Mrs Ang will promote me more. It's like i have only been promoted once?!?! And hopefully i can be much more enthu for cgc. Ned to leave a legacy man =) Basically that's it. I think i'm not in infocomm anymore. Have to see cb ppl like weichee and terence. And they also dun like me anywae.

Not just for napfa, but i need to train up on my body. I'm like a crouch potato, reach home, on tv/play comp. Little exercise or wad. So not fit not fit. Must train up man. And just improve myself as a person more, like being more respectful and punctual

and btw i do seem all my teachers are hating me now. It's like mrs foo will specially make a stupid joke abt me in class, while others like mrs kwa and mr decruz suan me non-stop. never mind, it's just half a yr more.
Well, I have heard that some 4D people are gonna complain abt Ms Regina. And of course everyone knows that Ms Tang has also been involved in a mire of controversial events lately, causing some people to get her sacked too.

Which leads me to think about the RI English department. *Ahem ahem*

This is the top school in Singapore, with high English standards. But somehow , the English department seems to be more screwed up than usual..

Maybe it is requirements by MOE, but i have never thought that comprehension should be a major test! C'mon la, does it reflect how proficient a person is in English? I got 18/30 for the recent English CT(compre). Although i admit that i am not that pro in english but 60%?!?!

And the unfair thing is that people who are not that pro in English can get much higher, giving people the wrong impression. And this is the unfair part. Esp since comprehension is so subjective.

Sometimes you just wonder about why such unfair things exist in life...
Well, I have heard that some 4D people are gonna complain abt Ms Regina. And of course everyone knows that Ms Tang has also been involved in a mire of controversial events lately, causing some people to get her sacked too.

Which leads me to think about the RI English department. *Ahem ahem*

This is the top school in Singapore, with high English standards. But somehow , the English department seems to be more screwed up than usual..

Maybe it is requirements by MOE, but i have never thought that comprehension should be a major test! C'mon la, does it reflect how proficient a person is in English? I got 18/30 for the recent English CT(compre). Although i admit that i am not that pro in english but 60%?!?!

And the unfair thing is that people who are not that pro in English can get much higher, giving people the wrong impression. And this is the unfair part. Esp since comprehension is so subjective.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Yeah, next wednesday is interclass soccer during CLE. PASO (pontang ape session opportunity)!!

We are up against 4E. Of course they are much more pro as us. But underdogs seem to win the big prizes nowadays in soccer. Liverpool got 5th in league and won the Champions' League. Arsenal 4th and in finals on Champions' League too. Unfashioned Porto and Greece won the big prize not long ago too..

So we have a great chance man.. hehe. Somehow we make up for our lack of techniques with great determination, and team work. And i may have a chance to play sometime too!

And while on soccer, there's the champions' league final tmr morning. Arsenal against Barcelona. Scintillating match. Mouthwatering. Breath-taking.. and other adjectives to come after the match. But imagine Henry VS Ronaldinho. 2 of the finest palyers on earth, grace the same pitch to fight it out. 2 teams bent on attacking. And we get an attacking galore... hopefully. But shld be a great match.

So after not getting enough rest ytd, prob not getting enough today also. Heck la. Sch is fei! The only reason i go to sch is becos i got nothing to do at home everyday anyae.
Project works are fei.
I just had a really gd game of warcraft just now.

Basically i was using undead, and i din attack at all at first. So i let my noob allies attack first while i build up my gold and troops. Then i just killed all that cb ai. YES! And undead late game really seems quite gd. I love my dreadload too. =)

Today's school was sians. I was quite cos though i slept at 10, i woke up at 2. And i was watching lame clips online till going sch.
Math was rather sian, some stupid topics on tangent. Actually math is not hard, but it's damn boring, and always try to make students make careless mistakes. SS was more slack. I realsed i got 13/15 for first qn, and L4. To be honest, it's LMAO

Cos i din noe what i was writing. It wasn't short term or other crap. I just wrote a lot of stuff about creating opportunities and using challenges as springboards. Quite lame. And i was quite lucky too. Also very lucky for 2nd qn, the marking was HELL lenient.

English was crap again. I think kong is biased against me also. But heck. I am becoming increasingly resistant against cb people (like the fucking bio lab tech). And i do really hope to get higher for my english ct. That grade is totally unjustified.

And then was physics. I was very lucky for ct. I thought i had screwed it up badly, but somehow the teachers quite liked my answers. A lot of calculations weren't sure also, but somehow survived them. So was very lucky. But performance task was disheartening. Like the keep cool pt, spent so much fking effort in it (solo) and mr andrews minused a lot of crappy marks. sianz.

And i really regret failing my first physics quiz. I estimated that cost me at least 1% SA mark. Sianz. And then was chem. After so much luck in phy/bio/ss etc, i guesses luck can run out too. And indeed i did rather badly. In fact the last few parts really screwed me upside down (like only 1 mark for 1 whole page!) But i guess the chem department is really too creative...

So was after sch. Talked to mrs selvan like after damn long. Of course a bit screwed over club affairs. So i am meeting her on thurs. Sianz. Gonna be a lot of work aggain.

And i went for jap finally!!! The teacher really quite sian to me, but she really sucks. My worst jap teacher. This yr is the yr of the "scrweed up teachers" i guess. So i stoned thru the whole 2 hrs, learning nothing, but getting some gd rest. And i got back my test paper too. WHEE!! 3.2. lols. i am screwing up all my languages this yr. Pattern? system? Just sheer bad luck la~

So got home and was rather sian. Played wc3, listened to some music and was surfing lame random sites. I am lookin for some jap songs.
I am recently correspondin with this great teacher a lot. And he does say some stuff which really makes people think.

But for that privileage, somedays I feel like I'm working in a war zone.

We dream when we sleep. We dream, usually of a better future or a better ourselves, when we wake. Dreams are frustrating: they're not within our control, and they're far away and elusive.

Hollywood is called the Dream Factory. It manufactures dreams that we can see. Dreams we can see gives us a sense of control, because if you can see dreams, it seems a bit closer, a bit more attainable. That is true, because once an artist such as Da Vinci can sketch a flying machine from his imagination, he opened the doors to others to start imagining the mechanism for a real flying machine.

In order for things to change, we must start believing in ourselves. We must start to trust our own dreams. We must start to trust ourselves -- that we are naturally gifted in one way or another. We must believe our talents and insights are worth something.

actually philo is a great subject...
big black shit

Monday, May 15, 2006

kong is really a cb. more explicit rants on my private blog.

i am failing english. surprise surprise.
sorry for spammign with those tests.

somehow i like taking these tests.

dun have to cheat or wad. Just be honest, and you will be rewarded wth some revealing results, which are rather... poignant. Yes.

Seriously, they reveal much about a person.

Though the hot one is crap.
Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a creative hotbed of artistic talent.
You're always making pictures in your mind, especially when you're bored.
You are easily inspired to think colorful, interesting thoughts.
And although it may be hard to express these thoughts, it won't always be.
Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...
You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.
Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.
But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!
You Are Smokin' Hot

You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.
Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally.

sighz. i am not hot la...
You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!
You Are Chinese Food

Exotic yet ordinary.
People think they've had enough of you, but they're back for more in an hour.

You Passed 8th Grade Geography

Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct!

for those doubting my geog
You Are 64% Abnormal

You are at high risk for being a psychopath. It is very likely that you have no soul.

You are at high risk for having a borderline personality. It is very likely that you are a chaotic mess.

You are at high risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is very likely that you are in love with your own reflection.

You are at medium risk for having a social phobia. It is somewhat likely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.

You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

sound like a freak... scary

You Passed 8th Grade Geography

Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct!

You Should Learn Japanese

You're cutting edge, and you are ready to delve into wacky Japanese culture.
From Engrish to eating contests, you're born to be a crazy gaijin. Saiko!


Your Seduction Style: The Charismatic

You're beyond seductive, you're downright magnetic!

You life live and approach seduction on a grand scale.

You have an inner self confidence and energy that most people lack

It's these talents that make you seem extraordinary - and you truly are!

What Your Face Says

At first glance, people see you as down to earth and reliable.

Overall, your true self is moody and dynamic.

With friends, you seem logical, detached, and a bit manipulative.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem selfish and moody.
You Should Get a JD (Juris Doctor)

You're logical, driven, and ruthless.
You'd make a mighty fine lawyer.
Your Career Type: Investigative

You are precise, scientific, and intellectual.
Your talents lie in understanding and solving math and science problems.

You would make an excellent:

Architect - Biologist - Chemist
Dentist - Electrical Technician - Mathematician
Medical Technician - Meteorologist - Pharmacist
Physician - Surveyor - Veterinarian

The worst career options for your are enterprising careers, like lawyer or real estate agent.
Your Scholastic Strength Is Innovating

You are the master of new ideas, techniques, and ways of looking at things.
You are talented at structuring thoughts, decision making, clarifying, and making deadlines.

You should major in:

Cognitive Science


Sunday, May 14, 2006

You Are Apple Green

You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.
And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.
You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.
Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life.
You Belong in Paris

You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe.
Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve
tmr there's sch again... sianz.

First there's bio. Nothing much, proba just get back ct paper. I did pretty well =) . So probably we can talk crap too. Hopefully let off earlier for PE/aka soccer.

Pe is rather sian, game - making. I think it's a close to retardness idea. I mean why the hell would we want to invent games? Totally pointless in my opinion. Yet the teacher is pretty serious abt it.

English is probably getting abck ct paper as well. I am feeling rather gloomy abt my englihs results this yr, oh wellz.

Then RE. Mrs joylim is rather pissed with us, but i am rather pissed with her too. Nvm lor. Just do the stupid experiment and slack awway lor.

I really neet to see Mrs Selvan someday. Need to do some really urgent stuff. I think i'm like the slackest ccal in the whole school. But my other ppl aren't really helping me either. Plus mrs s. is like always busy too. And i am rather busy as well. Sighz.

At least there's red cross tmr. Soccer!.. huh? wait?! it's changed to other crappy stuff. ?!?!?! wth . shitz. heck la. just slack there.

Need to buck with my jap as well. 3.2. If i get another 3.2 next term, i really gonna kill myself. With my jap dictionary. I'm that resolute. if that doesn't work, i will add a chinese dictinary as well.

wa ta shi wa shuaige desu. gomi no gakko de benkyo shi te yi masu.
tmr there's sch again... sianz.

First there's bio. Nothing much, proba just get back ct paper. I did pretty well =) . So probably we can talk crap too. Hopefully let off earlier for PE/aka soccer.

Pe is rather sian, game - making. I think it's a close to retardness idea. I mean why the hell would we want to invent games? Totally pointless in my opinion. Yet the teacher is pretty serious abt it.

English is probably getting abck ct paper as well. I am feeling rather gloomy abt my englihs results this yr, oh wellz.

Then RE. Mrs joylim is rather pissed with us, but i am rather pissed with her too. Nvm lor. Just do the stupid experiment and slack awway lor.

I really neet to see Mrs Selvan someday. Need to do some really urgent stuff. I think i'm like the slackest ccal in the whole school. But my other ppl aren't really helping me either. Plus mrs s. is like always busy too. And i am rather busy as well. Sighz.

At least there's red cross tmr. Soccer!.. huh? wait?! it's changed to other crappy stuff. ?!?!?! wth . shitz. heck la. just slack there.

Need to buck with my jap as well. 3.2. If i get another 3.2 next term, i really gonna kill myself. With my jap dictionary. I'm that resolute. if that doesn't work, i will add a chinese dictinary as well.

wa ta shi wa shuaige desu. gomi no gakko de benkyo shi te yi masu.
Some random famous guy:

Man think that children are troublesome and irritating, so they send them to camps called schools to occupy them. To prevent them from getting bored, they teach them crap, and instate exams to ensure they do not escape from camps.
And wtf. Liverpool won FA CUP. Those stupid scousers. COme to think of it, i don't really hate them. But they kinda make me envious. Last year, my dear Chelsea was en route to reaching the CL finals, when they scousers wrecked our dreams and won the cup instead. This year, just as we were wanting to win the FA Cup to make up for our poor european showings, the thieves broke our hearts again.

Hate them. Really, when Chelsea owned them 4-1 at anfield and Crespo destroyed them 2-0 at the Bridge, they were 2 of my favorite league matches.

Ffucking thieves. Hope they lose gerrard n benitez next season and win nothin.

CL for the quadruple next season!!
shucks. keep getting owned in wc3. at this rate how am i gonna own people in dota?

One thing really different abt wc from sc, is that the spells are damn imba, so even if your army is very qiang, spells can destroy it. And i hate the computer which keeps on spamming me. I mean it's not even fair tactic liao. In fact no strategy at all. Just garner enough troop and spam enemy base. Crap.

So recap one rathr exciting match. I built like 20 defenses. And got my untouched army there. And 2 enemies spammed me non-stop. I tot cold handle them easily. But i was wrong. Sheer spamming. Lost more than half my base and more than 80% of my defense and most of troops, but i defeated them! Yea. But second round of attack gg liao. Trying using that wver or wad thing, pro, but not enough. Overwhelmed in the end.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

And oh yar, i almost forgot to blog about my most exciting thing last week. I got back philo test, and guess what? I got one of the highest in class. 26/30.


I wonder if i can trade that for a degree in bullshiting at NUS. I mean, i din study all that political system shit, and i was just crapping all i could remember from the philo lessons, and some common sense as well.

That made my day.
Great, my rather eccentric decision-making is back to bite me, and very hard too

You see, i dropped geog last year, one because i din want to take 10 subjects, two becos it's plain boring. I could also drop jap, but decided i was still interested in it.

Now gg to me. My jap is like 3.2!! And could be worse. I am ponning most of the lessons, and it is just killing my standards. Plus ONE test in next semester is gonna determine my jap SA2. WTF@@ And it tests everything, so i am pretty assured of a gg grade. knnbccb.

Well, the thing is i am losing interest in it too. So the better alternative, it seems now, is to drop jap then instead. At least i could ace my geog. I got 4.0 last year, and pretty assured of at least a 3.6 this year. sighzzz. I am one screwed up guy

And so jap is 3.2. HMT is another screwed up shit. I got 15/30 for comprehension, and 32/50 for some 10%CA review (one of lowest in class) which reminded me that i could actually get 3.2 for chinese. WTF?!?! I am not 3.2 material, and i fucking hate it, esp as chinese is one of my stronger subjects. English is always screwed up. 4.0 ever since the GPA system, and def not 4.0 this year. Fuck. Fuck all the languages.

And chem and physics too. Rather screwed. Chem is damn screwed, while physics is damn-butjustnotthereyet- screwed. Sighz.


On to other stuff. I was playing wc3 (again!!) just now. For like 4 hrs. Ytd whole day played that. There was this game i used undead. 4v4.

Then my 3 allies ALL died. I tried helping one, the nearest to me, but he just coudlnt' defend for nuts, and that whole troop all died in helping him defend. cb. So the situation became that i am damn vulnerable myself. Holy. So i tried building more troops. And as luck wold have it, i kena attacked. My troops got nearly exterminated, but i killed them all too. So i was trying to build more troops and defense. 1v4 c'mon la. As luck wld have it, i ran out of gold. And i was mining a new one when kena gangbanged again. So i was struggling to defend, and lost rather valiantly. They just spam you, and i ws almost surprised i din die during first round.

And boro lost of seville 4-0. I hate bottlers liek them and spurs. Fail to deceive. Deemed for failures, those losers.
i dunno why. but i seem to have a rather perverse habit... blogsurfing

i just go to random blogs, blogs of ppl i know, blogs of ppl i dunno, blogs of random people. yea. Sometimes when ur own life gets too sucky, u just like to deviate from that suckiness by looking at other peoples blogs. If positive, just proves what a sucky life u have. If negative, at least knows u aren't the only one with a sucky life around.

but after all, we seem to be reading negativities more often than not. But it's prob becos of the nature of blogs itself. People blog to show their angst, their frustrations etc etc. You don't see ppl like Andy blogging to say that he got full marks for math or wad. In fact muggers seldom blog.


I just found out ytd that it is my MUM AND SIS ONLY who are goinig on the vacation. Great, so it means my dad's staying at home... bleargh. So from pros-outweights-cons situation, it's becoming cons-outweighs-pros situation. sianz. But at least i'm gonna get more freedom. And some presents hopefully. =)

Well, it's rather surprising how our class actually qualified form our group. It's a grp of 5 (compared to 4 for others) yet we are the first team to qualify. If you look at sheer quality, the group ranks like this:
1. 4H
2. 4T
3. 4J
4. US
5. 4P
As for 4H, they are just too arrogant. Great players, great team, but their attitude just let them down. IN the academic field, they are like the genius-type of students who are just too full of themselves, and screw up their results. 4T is great, spirit and all, and i had hoped for them to qualify. They are like some of the perfect students, but external factors let them down, like stupid teachers?? 4J is pretty mediocre.

And now onto us. 4F is pretty lousy as well, but with great determination and luck. We have a bench who is willing to sit there most o the times, and a team that is willing to fight. the team resembles the muggers. Now brilliant intellectually, but diligent. Somehow i dun fit into this mentality. I prefer individuality, or rather let ur talents shine through. Flair, with a bit of determination and diligence, is what i believe to be the best strategy. 4P is the mugger type too. Quite suck, but make up for it by being hardworking. And indeed, they played out of their skins and surprised quite a few people.

Friday, May 12, 2006

i spent the whole morning clearing my computer. only cleared around 3 gb of stuff. 25++ more to go...

and my parents + sis are going on a vacation today. cool. i have the house to myself.

now playing wc3. undead seems to be my type

Thursday, May 11, 2006

disclaimer: i am just a screwy guy who happens to own a blog.

so forget about all the rubbish here

i am screwing up my english too. guess that makes it screwed up english. talking rubbish right now. really REALLY hope i dun screw up physics and chemistry.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

screw the cb teachers. yes all of them. mutilate them. fix them.

random thoughts just keep on flashing across my mind...
i dunno

i am just feeling rather empty now

i went swimming just now. as i got hit by the intermittent, i just feel myself being whacked out of my physical body, leaving a shell.

and i feel pissed too. played soccer with class 2x this yr. lost a watch each time. ant both within 2 months.

life sucks.
one can almost do anything other than to break a promise.

it will really piss people off.

if you can't fulfil something, dun fucking make the promise. u just antagonize urself and the rest, and as mentioned, others will feel very pissed off.


then sometimes i am really thinking about my aims in ri. what i want to achieve. And i dun think i have achieved anything at all. So what do i do? Quit ri? Heck care abt everything? I just dunno

of course i wld love the perfect life. do all kinds of non-sch stuff. But sch just seems too important. But the feeling i am getting now is that sch is very fei for me. We go to sch, stone the whole day listening to crappy teachers, then play cards and then? Go home. Fine. so many hrs wasted a day.


Hope rj is better

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

tbh i am rather pissed with our class team, esp the management. When the class is not playing well, needs some added spark, and already handicapped by fatigue, the reserves shld go on rite? esp since they aren't that lousy.

Well, anyae 4F got into interclass q-finals. We avoided the tougher side. With grps like 4I , 4A, etc all eliminated. Though we were quite pro too, eliminating 4H who wre the finalist last year and incidentally stole our ft this yr.

Sch sucks. I am getting more and more pisesd with sch, with thoughts that i wold screw up my last yr looming around all the time .i hav edecided, i will just heck care more liao, since i think things doesnt matter liao.

fuck ri. yes

Monday, May 08, 2006

well, sorry to blog abt this. Elections in singapore has actually started and ended. Well, it was qutie an interestin one (refrain from using words like scam) . The opposition won 2 votes.

well, PAP is sure pro at winning it. Imagine this. Man U play Millwall in Old Trafford. The Millwall players wear bata shoes, aren't allowed to kick the ball more than twice, aren't supposed to tackle the man U players. Even star players like their skipper have gotten a football ban. Man u players... can do anything, tackle, foul, break leg, wear nike total 90 boots, have professional psychios. Scores: 82-2.

I am really talking about soccer, my dream FA Cup final. Any resemblance to any other things are purely coincidental...

But i do think the opposition are becoming less rash and more thoughtful in their dealings and speeches now.

Like some of them are pretty reasonable. Someone say that since opposition areas dun get upgrading, then why do they have to serve NS. Yea, if one dun get the benefits , why do they have to get the responsibilities??

But remembers, underdogs dun survive in the Singapore. From sports, to academics, to business, to politics. Next time those shirt that say "no spitting" or wad, shld show "no underdogs" with chee. I mean aaron chee.

Yea, this week is pretty sian for me.

But i bought a new phone ytd. How cool. It's really a damn nice phone. Not too ex somemore. so happy !!

Today went sch. Returned books. 50 fine. Ate kfc,took someting and returned home. Fixed my bluetooth wireless headset, and pumped my ball. Played soccer for a while.

Tomorrow is interclass soccer. It's as prestitigious as the world CARP. Yea. 4F gonna win. We got huching, our fletcher. And we got sly, singapore's no 2 tennis player. We gonna win. I really wanna play against 4H and 4D. For some reasons...

This week quite slack

Happie days...
playin wc3 now

Saturday, May 06, 2006

post ct rocks, seriously

today went shopping with my mum. she bought a hell lot of stuff. women... and still din buy my new hp.

todae's also election day. i bet that the opposition will get pwned. wanna bet?

started playing wc3 today. undead seems quite good. but still getting the hang of the game. knowing starcraft well helps though... lol.

next week is damn slack also

happy post-ct

and for those still taking ur exams, good luck!

Friday, May 05, 2006

i am feeling too excited

so much things to do.

just played soccer, watched Mi3, shopped, hardcore fm6 today...

and tmr shopping more. perhaps buy a new phone too...

life's too exciting

Thursday, May 04, 2006

topic: jackass action

the action which makes the person seem like a jackass.

eg. when he have a cramp just before exiting the train

pathway: stimuli-receptor-sensory neuron-spinal cord-ass-spinal cord-motor neuron-motor end plate

homeostatic effect: makes human feel human

difference from conventional effect
-does not invovle THINKING PART of brain

btw ser zheng is damn pro at psychology

everyone's finding the physics paper easy

but not me. found it quite hard

screw it

hope i dun do too badly

ps. i only woke up at 6pm. after sleeping from 11am plus.

having no geog rox. haha = )

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

oh yea, just now i was reading my private blog. the one i keep to myself and last updated in march.

Teh entry was abt my teachers. Hopefully no one ever reads them, if not i will be dead. GGXX

2 more days...
just here to say that i am rather pissed

not with ct. not worth it. But rather with my dad. I really feel that he's been pissing me more these days. Just ytd i wanted to shout at him, but being a filial son, I just stomached all his crap.

And now, he's disconnected my internet connection. I mean wth is his problem . It's not just becos of Ct. He just dun want me to use internet, possible to prevent slowing down his dling. Dammit. Then have to use the stupid comp in the living room. It's bloody retarded. So i'm taking my laptop out here to just use the internet, in a very awkward position.

Also rather pissed by other events. For example, just made a call to mrs joylim. I think she really hates me now. btw she's minusing 5 marks off our RE.sad.hardcore. Shall not elaborate too much. Just that that madam neo in the lab is a fcking cb. And the fking thing is that teacher s prob believe in lab tech more than students.

Shall talk a bit on Ct. Din guess the qn for ss. In any case, din have much time, and during certain parts of the test, i simply dunno what my hands were writing. I just hop to get a freaking 20/25.

English was crap as expected. Math was very easy, but simply not enough time. I only just finished 2 min before time, NO CHECKING at all. shit. And got one question, on circular measure i had to redo the who freaking thing. Cos i saw the wrong thing at first. That took me like 15min.

And chem was gg again. the chem department really too creative, can comem out with all kind of stuff. Not that i dun like it, cos i really DIN mug for chem, but rather becos i am stupid to screw it up. i din even bother to check any answers cos i know i will get them wrong. sianz.

2 more tests for me. Phy tmr. Not planning to mug. Prob getting a good sleep later. Then bio on friday. yeah. hopefully ct ends in a flash.

in any case, i have secured at least a 3.6 for this term. Math is prob 4.0, which makes up for 2 3.2. Assumed to be english and jap.

btw i am addicted to da cheng xiao ai by leehom now. ~