Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I just had a really gd game of warcraft just now.

Basically i was using undead, and i din attack at all at first. So i let my noob allies attack first while i build up my gold and troops. Then i just killed all that cb ai. YES! And undead late game really seems quite gd. I love my dreadload too. =)

Today's school was sians. I was quite cos though i slept at 10, i woke up at 2. And i was watching lame clips online till going sch.
Math was rather sian, some stupid topics on tangent. Actually math is not hard, but it's damn boring, and always try to make students make careless mistakes. SS was more slack. I realsed i got 13/15 for first qn, and L4. To be honest, it's LMAO

Cos i din noe what i was writing. It wasn't short term or other crap. I just wrote a lot of stuff about creating opportunities and using challenges as springboards. Quite lame. And i was quite lucky too. Also very lucky for 2nd qn, the marking was HELL lenient.

English was crap again. I think kong is biased against me also. But heck. I am becoming increasingly resistant against cb people (like the fucking bio lab tech). And i do really hope to get higher for my english ct. That grade is totally unjustified.

And then was physics. I was very lucky for ct. I thought i had screwed it up badly, but somehow the teachers quite liked my answers. A lot of calculations weren't sure also, but somehow survived them. So was very lucky. But performance task was disheartening. Like the keep cool pt, spent so much fking effort in it (solo) and mr andrews minused a lot of crappy marks. sianz.

And i really regret failing my first physics quiz. I estimated that cost me at least 1% SA mark. Sianz. And then was chem. After so much luck in phy/bio/ss etc, i guesses luck can run out too. And indeed i did rather badly. In fact the last few parts really screwed me upside down (like only 1 mark for 1 whole page!) But i guess the chem department is really too creative...

So was after sch. Talked to mrs selvan like after damn long. Of course a bit screwed over club affairs. So i am meeting her on thurs. Sianz. Gonna be a lot of work aggain.

And i went for jap finally!!! The teacher really quite sian to me, but she really sucks. My worst jap teacher. This yr is the yr of the "scrweed up teachers" i guess. So i stoned thru the whole 2 hrs, learning nothing, but getting some gd rest. And i got back my test paper too. WHEE!! 3.2. lols. i am screwing up all my languages this yr. Pattern? system? Just sheer bad luck la~

So got home and was rather sian. Played wc3, listened to some music and was surfing lame random sites. I am lookin for some jap songs.


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