Sunday, May 14, 2006

tmr there's sch again... sianz.

First there's bio. Nothing much, proba just get back ct paper. I did pretty well =) . So probably we can talk crap too. Hopefully let off earlier for PE/aka soccer.

Pe is rather sian, game - making. I think it's a close to retardness idea. I mean why the hell would we want to invent games? Totally pointless in my opinion. Yet the teacher is pretty serious abt it.

English is probably getting abck ct paper as well. I am feeling rather gloomy abt my englihs results this yr, oh wellz.

Then RE. Mrs joylim is rather pissed with us, but i am rather pissed with her too. Nvm lor. Just do the stupid experiment and slack awway lor.

I really neet to see Mrs Selvan someday. Need to do some really urgent stuff. I think i'm like the slackest ccal in the whole school. But my other ppl aren't really helping me either. Plus mrs s. is like always busy too. And i am rather busy as well. Sighz.

At least there's red cross tmr. Soccer!.. huh? wait?! it's changed to other crappy stuff. ?!?!?! wth . shitz. heck la. just slack there.

Need to buck with my jap as well. 3.2. If i get another 3.2 next term, i really gonna kill myself. With my jap dictionary. I'm that resolute. if that doesn't work, i will add a chinese dictinary as well.

wa ta shi wa shuaige desu. gomi no gakko de benkyo shi te yi masu.


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