Thursday, May 25, 2006


i have made my semester 2 resolution

holidays will be dedicated to finishing my re and training myself physically and playing lots of games.

1. 2x RE requires a hell lot of work and effort. The PDialysis one, must hardcore. And hopefully prof ritchie on't slack so much and mrs joylim wun nag too much. But it's already been rather screwed up. NRP... transistors seem to be rather cheem. Just hope i can follow along.

2. Got NAPFA retake in semester 2. Yea. Gonna get gold, seriously. So there's 2 problematic area. One being pull-ups. I am gonna train biceps until i an do around 8 or so. Then there's 2.4km, which i must train also. Rather screwed up stamina.

3. YES!! Games. I am gonna make myself a chao pro in WC3 by the end of this holidays. Plans: study replays of pros lie moon and fov. Also train psychomotor in hotkeys.

Now for post holidays...

Must buck up for studies. I have been way too slack in the class. Seriously, i am slacking too much. Contrary to what some may think, i really slack a lot, probably one of the most in class.

Next term, I'M GONNA BE A MUGGER!! I know it sounds crap, and even i am disgusted by myself, but it's really so many incidents in life that has made me decide to be a mugger next term.

Incidents like seeing Andy, Qihan, Waisum etc own me in Chinese, a subject i am good at->reason: they mugs for it, while my effort for Chinese =0%. Incidents like seeing Kelvin Kwok ace Science Club selection test ->reason: i din noe it's such a "mugger" test, and i got my just desserts. Incidents like seeing all the muggers doing so well academically. (though on a sidenote, i'm not doing too badly considering i slack a lot)

Enough of that disgusting crap.

Now onto other crappy stuff in life. As u can see now, it's 1.10am now. After screwing up my life for the first half of this week, i have decided to continue it. So i have just played wc3 for 4hrs. And now i am playing fm.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

woah, aye you changed your blogskin! anw, you've been tagged. go to my blog. scroll all the way down for the first entry and do the quiz. haha. xD

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

5:01 PM  

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