Friday, March 31, 2006

my chem teacher is seriously a noob

she thinks qihan/huching/deshawn are chem pros.


says everything abt her


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Haiz.. i was really eugene bongs post just now. And it kinda struck a chord with me

It's abt project work and assignments. cos we are always so damn busy, it's inevitable that we soemtiems have to resort to copyin others. But it shld be a mutual thing rite?

But there's just so many selfish people around. I seldom reject people and when they ask me for my work, promising not to copy, i just send them. And with the "sending complete" signal, these people just goes off and forgets abt my favor. And when i ask them for sth, they will just give some stupid excuse like, "it's with my partner", "i dun have it" etc.

I vividly remember an incident last year which still lingers in my mind whenever i think abt this issue. Tzewei had his physics assignment to send me, but his comp is screwed, so he ask me to get form ysum, whom he had sent. When i asked ysum, he pretended not to know and that he din have it. But when i told him tzewei told me, he miraculously remembered all of a sudden. The evil side of human nature

Btw todae was equally inefficient as ytd. Went dntist early in the morning. Parents send me there as they were going suntec travel fair cum shopping. Waited damn lon, and the treatment had many breaks. Basically i got scolded for not using retainers often. lol.

Then afternoon had a heavy lunch and took a nap. Basically that's it. sianz. Now to do my math pt...

Things to settle next week (not in order of importance)
1. Contacts with Prof Chen
2. RE with Prof Ritchie - hope it's alright. seems screwed
3. Red Cross unifor stuff - damn headache
4. Copy Math Trigo Ws 4/5 - damn it, my ws are blank and i am competely clueless
5. Go for 3rd lang + get screwed by the teacher
6. Translation stuff
7. Tons of project work

happie life~

Friday, March 24, 2006

Actually this post is rather random. But sometimems i really do wonder if our sense of beauty is greatly blinded by western influence.

I mean come on, for asia's rising economies, beauty paegents come along with economical modernisation. And in these contests, it is features such as being slim, being independet, being tall etc that influence a contestant's chance of winning. But for asian countries, isn't this a bit superficial?

Firstly, we aren't born to be like that, so why set that as a criteria for judging. No matter what, it's only the minority who are tall. And features like big eyes and high noses, those are caucasian features for goodness sake. And this is precisely the problem with asian countries.

In the attempt to westernise, they follow western culture blindly. Just that mdm ycm had sad, we do not accept the good points all the time. If one's culture had always deemed someone plum with small eyes as beautiful, why modify this cultural agreement just for the sake of copying some western standards? Mite as well just hire some caucasians to represent ur country?

It's just particularly prominent in how we organise beauty paegents that exhibit our blind following of western cultures. Maybe this is not too bad. But like what mdm ycm said, we take in a lot of crap stuff a lot of the tiems. Why do we swear all the time for example? I admit i am also guilty of this, but what is the root of the problem? Can't we learn something from the etiquettes of western gentlemen or ladies? Why are we turning our like some uselss american gangster?
Now a bit more free. Cca also more free. Schoolwork also more free. But i am rather tired. Burnout aagain?? sianz..

Well, todae was hell boring. Ytd slept a lot. Like more than 12 hrs. lol. this morning on taxi also nearly fell asleep. Dunno why, sleep so much still fall asleep. Sleep debt still not repaid yet... or even after it's repaid, takes time for body to feel comfy. Anywae, being tired sucks...

Philo. A bit sian. On affirmative action. Soemthing which is dumb and something that i personally object to. One day gonna appeal against it. It's simply unfair!

Physics. Also rather sianz. Got back physics test. Andy owns the class. 29/30. wtf. And i was damn wasted. Liek the bonus question, i read evaluate length as evavluate pressure. So although i was correct, and just a whisker away from getting the right answer, i got it wrong.!! and the graph, mine was pressure, so it was exactly the opposite of the length graph. 5 marks gone... boo woo. And another part i feel mr andrews shld have given me the mark, but he was adamant on the spot and requested to take it home to examine. Nvm la, just 1 mk. So i saved him the trouble and told him to forget it. Nice student rite?

Recess just played cards. Quite gd handds recently. haha. but not equals to winnin. Chinese was pretty boring as well. Did not get back chinese test paper, oh wellz. Anywae our class highest is only 43/50. 4D got 48 so no point getting back anywae.

On a personal note, i think every subject is getting cheemer this yr. English has always been fei so no question. HMT esp got 'o' levels, so def harder, plus stricter teacher. Math also a bit cmi. last yr never study also can get 70+. Now missed/stoned a few lessons and suddely trigo ws 4/5 seem so cheem. Differentiationa nd integration prob gonna be harder. Physics also. I kinda prefer mechanics. lala. Dun like elctricity much. Chem my marks tells everything. Bio also seems harder. SS currently on some big topics. Jap GG. The teacher is pissed with m. I dun lie the teacher. And the subject is damn hard itself. CMI!

well, geog went to do rE. The fucking lab tech is fine at first, just a harmless woman. But as time went on, she began to teeter towards the extreme part, and became obnoxiously irritating. Nag all the time, talk crap all the time. And this can be very irritain, esp for a sleepy/tired person strugglign to do his RE. Dman it. Anywae the resutls were rather eratic. And overall this project sucks. totally mickie mouse, and no point, really. Even mrs joylim is damn disappointed. sianz. Hope dun screw up much.

Anywae kevin shld really use his brain more when he does stupid things. He says this is a paradox. But it's not. Anyae brother, heed my advice sometimes. Sianz. Go home then slack again. Sianz.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Anywae i just feel like blogging

Somehow, i just feel very tired now. Maybe it was soloing all the project work during the holidays and all those crap

And my lifes so screwed.

Btw ytd went back to school. yucks.

Had chem. Got screwed by mrs kua. abt not handing in work. blah blah blah

Then was math. I still haven't read thru worksheet 4/5 yet, and i missed the lessons. How gg. And a fucking teacher just called me to settle a hell lot of stuff. Shall not mention which RC teacher it was. But c'mon la, the shit way they treat me, and they still want me to work like a slave?!?! tbh if rc had been a job, i wold have fucked the company and quitted. oh well...

Ytd's interval training was hardcore. Everyone said so. People like morgan even fainted. CAN YOU IMAGINE?!?! After doing 2 rounds, i was shagged somehow. The interval rest actually made it much worse. So 1.6km became so hardcore! After that just feel like sleeping.

So infact CLE i went sickbay to sleep. Really PE had killed me. Then this bitch from admin went to wake me up to fill up a form for sleeping in sickbay. Seriously damn idiotic. Can't even have a peace of mind when i'm not feeling well. damn

Had bio after lunch. Somehow i think the strenous PE training too effect on my appetite too. I din have breakfast, recess and lunch, and soemhow i'm not hungry. screw it. My body biochemistry is breaking down!! Got back test paper. A bit disappointed. Did not do as well as i had expected, but not too bad. Kelvin Kwok owned the class. 46/50. mrs foo's class somemore.

Then was RC. I din feel like going, but it was probably the last stretch of our struggle. Bleargh... fuck it. I just feel very vulgar. Went bukit batok to fetch my bike. Then got home, ate and slept. Too tired.

Todae woke up a bit ealier to study philo. Not that i really cared, but i din noe anthing abt all the political systems. So finally understood them todae.

CCT was alright. I did it happily cos i know the grade for philo is a/B/C and wldn't really matter . And i enjoyed writing crap. haha. These knd of tests less stresful. Geog was doing rc stuff. wtf. I clnd't finish the job obviously. I coldn't even finish writing the teacher's name on each paper (39) during recess, so ow to finish the whole thing?!?!

Anywe chiense was feeling tired, but survived it. rather stone also. Bio was another stoning lesson. Assembly too. Too tired, so went home after that. Not that i'm doing much at home. Just slacked and listened to some music. And probably finishing up my sherman's lagoon after that.

Prob sleeping more tonite. shagged

Monday, March 20, 2006

Sometimes i just feel very fei and dumb. I dunno. I just feel so lethargic, so useless, like a pile of shit in a corner...

Suddenly, my last yr in RI is turning out to be a nightmare.
-Red Cross promotion got screwed up. And i jsut quarelled with the teacher
-Merit CCA also like screwed up cos i slack too much
-Failed to get in science club. dammit
-Most likely cannot get desirable GPA
-Still noob in jap


Btw, i was piahing work the whole of ytd afternoon-thismorning. And iam pretty pissed with ser zheng. It's like physics he did so little.... and i was too worried, so i decided to complete the whole thing. Till this morning 4am. bloody hell. And now ser like blame me for solo-ing and act as if he did the damn thing. jibai. If i had waited, he wldn't have done anything. Before that he did not even attempt the difficult workings and his other workings are like how un-detailed. And as if he wld finish by todae. Oh well, but the way he spoke to me was shameless to say...

And i bloody hope sue ben wld not screw up his part.

But i kinda think i am a damn efficient person when i want to. Like holiday ws soo busy. Only got sat (headache) and ytd free. But finished a fair bit of work in this limited time. But i gonna have to ake myself more efficient ALL the time.

Anywae todae went for mouse again. A bit sian cos everyone was slacking, esp me. Afternoon went to collect my JLPT 3 certificate. YES! Hopefully i can take level 2 this yr. ganbette ne!!

And i actually found that national library is in Bugis. holy. all the while i tot was in chinatown. So went lor. The place is nice, but the effectively useful places are basement level. the queen of england just went there ytd, too bad i was a day late. So was reading sherman's lagoon the whole afternoon. A bloody waste of time but great for stress relieving.

But despite my efficiency, i gonna die. Math pt got 2nd part. Philo got cct, which i have not touched for months. Physics maybe have to solo the 2nd part again. Eng biography also haven't touched yet. Math trigo also never touch, and i missed all the lessons on ws 4/5->gg. sianz.


Now for more angst...

angst angst angst

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I just happedn to stumble upon mykwok 's new blog just now. I must say the first post is damn though provoking. Surprisingly, my resolution is rather similar.

So i shall copy him a bit
I resolve to:

1. Get a GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.91. (GP 2.0=50-54 2.4=55-59 2.8=60-64 3.2=65-69 3.6=70-79 4.0=80+). That's like siao cos i take 9 subs this yr instead of 10 (if not 3.88 is enuff)Eng like gg leh. I dun think Mr De Cruz like anyone. Chinese confirm gg. Will be contented with 3.6. Chem surprisingly also gg, due to poor showing in practical and test. SS i got 3.6 last yr, so this yr hope can get. Jap also gg, cos it's freaking hard, and i got 3.6 last yr too.

2. Be damn pro in programming and multimedia

3. Exercise. I'm failing my 2.4 and pull-up. Last yr i got my first silver, so cannot fail again this yr

4. Own the whole class in Science and general knowledge and languages next time. Oops that's everything. Totally plan to do it , and i am 100% confident of doing so

5. Stop being so social. gotta practice daoism sometimes, really.

6. Get a gf. yes!!!

7. Get my teeth white. Keep falling asleep before i brush my teeth every night. And i have braces somemore ><
i Feel so DAMN busy nowadays.

Like zou long said, holidays is worse than no holidays.

Take for example my schedule. It's seriously screwed up.

Last sat/sun, i played fm the whole day. Feel damn guilty.I am close to/exceeding alan koh's addiction to wow, just that i dun show it off to people in school. I am really getting the hang of managing. It's like i am just becoming psycho. yea. psycho. Cool rite? DUn even have to take MBA. Managing teach u all of that

Then monday went to sch for camp day zero. Basically everyone was screwed up, so i decided to talk to Ms lim (not mrs joylim). Well, seems like gonna piah until 8 April. Sianzzz. Life so busy.

I was reading this magazine and a great idea came to my head. When i have tiem i;m gonna investigate it. Then after slacking a bit and napping in the HML, i went for NRP interview. basically zou long and i were agaginst these 2 ultra pro talkative powerhouse. One an indian scholar, another a ACSI dude. But style is no match for substance. Zou was unstoppable. And i happen to know a bit of electronics (and semiconductors) from my dad, so i was able to talk about all teh signal processing , optical transmission etc etc.

Tue went for the damn RC camp day 1. Sianz. I went to do some micromouse in jr blk. Met Daniel Chander (my 1J class moniter). He's quite multitalented. He's now in chess club and math club (like me last time) And it seems he's going my direction. Just that i kinda dropped out. So hope he won't be such a loser like me. Mouse was surprisingly fun, just that i am kinda tired. oh yea. Camp was sian as usual. We played lots of soccer and frisbee. I sprained my leg playing soccer so it was quite sian to just rest. Armageddon was quite dumb. And i manage to see thru mathan's acting, though everyone dun believe me. C'mon la. Lowlives cannot deceive me la

And at nite, after fighing with Bor ray, i had a short nap. Then was too hot and i got up. Saw a bit of chess and we all went for midnight soccer. Being hardcores, we carried the goalposts out. So we just played lor. I feel kinda high, oh well...

Next morning got up quite early too. They went for hike. So we just played soccer. Fun siah. I went HML so slack/nap/read. Met huching they all. Ate at dining hall. Mrs efoo tried to jack me... hahahahaha. Afternoon quarelled with Mrs DA. Then was promotino ceremonio. And finally go home. yeah..

Next day was rocketry. I was sleepy so went late. Did with huching and kelvin. TBH, it was fun. bUt i wold have preferred not to sign up and finish my work. sians. but it was truly fun. We tried the ultimate booster rocket and everyone watched.. and it failed. lolz. it exploded on the ground instead. Earlier one our rocket spoilt in a missle attack. Kaoz. ours is really like for attacking... haha. Btw ronald chan told me our grp got into NRP... WHEEEEEEE

Got home and was too tired. Friday was still recovering from all te crap. But i did do the zong he tian kong in the morning. haha. And i found my fm to be screed now. scew it. So afternoon went NTU. Reception was fine. Science people really have a weird sense of humor. Went to see the phd students and eventually our mentor. That india scholar is smart. He got into 2nd choice. very smart. Only left at like 7.30.. !! So got home and was very tired.

ytd went sch in the morning for the translation crap. Was soooooo sleepy. yeah. Got home and slept agaain. Till around 5. So started on my mountain of work (not just literally!!)

Todae was half productive. Did some work. Still oing work. Sianz. need to go to sch tmr. Life of a non-mugger...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Actually sometimes i think of the girl i would date/marry one day.

What would she be like?

Obviously common sense dictates that one shld get a girl who is beautiful... but is this criteria really possible all the time? Or is it reasonable?

To be honest, there 's really many other criteria that i would look for in a girl, some whcih i would list down now.

Chio/cute. Yar, how beautiful a perosn is physically. looks is a lot. Sadly, any girl that i like must at least be decently chio. Can't give me someone like patricia mok and expect me to like her.

Class/refined. Some people are just very classsy or refined people, and this is sometimes a very attractive attribute. Not that i am against the ah-lians or wad, but i think decency is imperative for girls, and definitely for women.

Humorous/lame. Yea, my girl should be at least be a bit humorous. I dunno. I prefer humorous people, or lame people. Somehow i don't really feel at ease with someone who's too strict or wad. Mutual entertainment enhances a relationship. haha

Intelligent. Don't have to be all-ace student, and in fact i find many "top students" very dumb. I would really prefer someone who's intelligent, my sort of intelligence. U noe, sometimes i really ahve to degrade my own intelligence to find something to talk to others, and this is damn tiring. My girl surely has to be able to talk along my wavelength.

Talents. Well, this is a bonus, but a really attractive attribute. May not be ballet/piano/violin or what. In fact many people who kknow these are not talented, but that's no the point.

Character/personality. The most crucial attribte i look for in my girl. I personally believe character makes a person. U can have all the money in the wealth, the best degree, but ultimtately if ur character is plain shit, u are nothing. I have seen some peoplewith really outstanding personality. for the females i shall refrain from naming them. U noe, it's really the character that makes a person a A+. Studies get u at most a B+. And personality compability is crucial too.

Right now, i can only think of around 3-5 people who fits the bill. Not fitting perfectly, but have some resemblance of my perfect girl. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I am finding it hard to blog so often nowadays, reason being my failure to sustain my interest in blogging and also because of my very tight schedule. So i will just try to update at least weekly, or anytime when i feel like it...

We started out the week with bio test. I wasn't really prepared for it, to be honest, less prepared than most. < Tzewei < Stanley. Get the picture? But oh well, still mugged more than last yr bio ct2, which was total non-mugging. The test was a bit hard, and esp when we have to get used to our new bio teacher's style... ><. So minused quite a few marks cos of this... bleargh

And well, RE was okie, rather slack. But kevin's really different from before. He's just so XXX now. 4E's influence quite powerful leh. Sianz... Actually mrs joylim's quite a nice person, sometimes it's quite bad to take advantage of her nature.

I dunno why, i still haven't really recovered from my flu yet. I keep on coughing, keep on sneezing, but i am not ill. sianz. I hope i get better.

THen tuesday read tis webbie called and read it till 3am. Really very funny. Then watched chelsea-barce. tot my team would show more fighting spirit, but they lost. Well, they got an underserved last min penalty. But still, the performance left much to be desired

Wednesday was yet another boring day. Got back the chemistry stuff. Screwed up basically. I got 15/25 for practical. That's real bad!!! DAMN DEPRESSING. Plus this one is really large weightage, and i just screwed myself up. SAD SAD SAD. And it's nt some dumb subject. It's one i shld be good in.... sad. That basically sums up my day. And just some stonin lessons till afternoon.

Went to see RI vs ACS(I) in tennis final, a near repeat of what we saw last year too. Devaju?? So we were basically watching sly, our own nationals player. He's pro, really and looks lke a pro already. And his height helped him a lot. So he won like 6-1. Nice match btw. By 3.30, RI had won 3 sets outta 5 so sent David Lu and the reserves out for some experience. As expected, they lost the last 2 sets. I was just damn tired. Slept on mrt from kallang-boon lay, boonlay-bukit batok, and at home. till 10. Ate then slept again. lol.

Damn screwed up, but seems like my body just needs the rest. Somehow. So finaly woke up at 4.30. Just showered and revised a bit of chinese. Hope it's alright. yea, it was alright. Ponned jap to rest at home. Slept weirdly again. sian. Really tired and ill these days.

So today was rather stupid too. I hate the chem department for being so smart. Finished up my long overdue chi essay during free period. Went recess in dining hall before bell. So got dilemma. I went to buy, then on the way out saw a bunch of bio teachers. But they were chatting so not nice to disturb. Then mrs efoo decide to wave at me. So i had to wave back. And i think mr jeff lee thought i was waving at him, but realised he was wrong. Then i was like waving in the directon of mr andrew lim also, so i think he was pised that i missed him too. bah. And i was eating before actual bell, so he was probably pissed too. sianz

After sch went to do RE. But just enough time to finish preparations. U have to go see these people to know what i am saying. Anywae i was a bit pissed after that. Went home and played fm, again. Then slept. Woke up and slacked. Planning to sleep again.

Yes,my life is sccrewed. Thanks i know it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

overheard a sec 1 say this tdae..

"u noe i am chaorich"

manz, i just came back frm playing 3 hrs of fm... too addicted

Friday, March 03, 2006

i'm back
long time no blog
i agree


well, the past few weeks have been hell for me, really. All kinds of shit.
First, 2 weeks ago, i had ss test. Din sleep well that nite. And i juz wrote 3 points, which i weren't sure of. sianz... i hate the uncertainty.
then the math TA on trigo... i was careless again!! well, 14/15 is not bad i guess. Then friday was supposed to be PSGM. fuck it, i was doing Career Guidance housekeeping until 6.30. And someone had stolen my chang wen suo duan so i photocopied one and copied it. sianz... Cm kept me company till nearly 7 so i treated him to banmian. Nice guy rite? ^^

Then last weekend i was falling sick. yea. It was horrible, terrible, basically hell. I feel ill, so i couldn't revise for this horrible horrible week. So monday when i trudged to school, i was just plain pressurized. I was like an over pressurized balloon, and ready to burst anytime. And well, i got the catalyst during PE. We ran to Macritchie and did pull ups there and by the time i returned, the damage was done. My fragile body just coln't take the strain. By RE, i was feeling more ill. Wanted to revise for jap but... and got this kevin incident. Mrs Joylim really quite insistent... oh wellz.. And when prof ritchie came, i was half dead.

Went home. Saw the doctor. got a lot of medicine. i was down with flu and a slight fever. With jap/chem/bio/bio2/phy tests looming around the corner, it was the most inappropriate time to fall sick. I slept early. Next day i tried to revise a bit of jap. having poned almost all jap lessons this yr, i was clueless. But i had to carry on la. went i nthe afternoon, in a cab somemore. I was just too sick, and the medicine made me giddy. So just before the test, i asked to withdraw. wth. went home. rested and revised a bit more.

Next day, went in the afternoon to take again. Still coughing badly though the fever subsided. Sweated a lot. i think my nihongo sensei sucks. yea. So relieved i finished it, though i made a lot of mistakes, esp in kanji which i had mugged for. Sad, but at least it's gone.

Ytd was no better. Went to school by cab, and bombarded with all kind of crap. First, there were the unwelcoming classmate who tot i had purposely poned sch. fuck them. well, coughing very badly still. Slept durin geog. Bio lab was quite shit. i am certain i screwed it. the tests were badly done and they did their best to make a lousy designmental design... shucks. And then was RC meeting, which ws essentially a waste of time. Oh yar, mark is freaking ugly it's untrue. Ys, and he thinks hes pro. wtf

After school took bio quiz, though din study for it. Went home. Slept. Then got up to revise chem and physics. bloody hell, coughing badly still...

cough cough
cough cough

Yea, went for tests day. Philo was barely thinking. it was crap. Physics got yellow cup.... lol. but heck la. Recess played bridge. Imba cards. lol. Chinese test on peoms copied stanely who got all correct.

Physics test.. HOLY. Ffound it quite simple tbh. Very nervous though. I had 20min to check and found TWO mistakes. HOLY. Got 7 min to do bonus, but i thik i screwed it up. Then chem cct straightaway. imba. I did the atomic radius wrongly and tot hcl can react with cu. fuck.

oh well... but feel better.
Ate with Ser Zheng at KFC. Got home and got choked. Played Fm till 7 and blogged lor.