Friday, March 10, 2006

I am finding it hard to blog so often nowadays, reason being my failure to sustain my interest in blogging and also because of my very tight schedule. So i will just try to update at least weekly, or anytime when i feel like it...

We started out the week with bio test. I wasn't really prepared for it, to be honest, less prepared than most. < Tzewei < Stanley. Get the picture? But oh well, still mugged more than last yr bio ct2, which was total non-mugging. The test was a bit hard, and esp when we have to get used to our new bio teacher's style... ><. So minused quite a few marks cos of this... bleargh

And well, RE was okie, rather slack. But kevin's really different from before. He's just so XXX now. 4E's influence quite powerful leh. Sianz... Actually mrs joylim's quite a nice person, sometimes it's quite bad to take advantage of her nature.

I dunno why, i still haven't really recovered from my flu yet. I keep on coughing, keep on sneezing, but i am not ill. sianz. I hope i get better.

THen tuesday read tis webbie called and read it till 3am. Really very funny. Then watched chelsea-barce. tot my team would show more fighting spirit, but they lost. Well, they got an underserved last min penalty. But still, the performance left much to be desired

Wednesday was yet another boring day. Got back the chemistry stuff. Screwed up basically. I got 15/25 for practical. That's real bad!!! DAMN DEPRESSING. Plus this one is really large weightage, and i just screwed myself up. SAD SAD SAD. And it's nt some dumb subject. It's one i shld be good in.... sad. That basically sums up my day. And just some stonin lessons till afternoon.

Went to see RI vs ACS(I) in tennis final, a near repeat of what we saw last year too. Devaju?? So we were basically watching sly, our own nationals player. He's pro, really and looks lke a pro already. And his height helped him a lot. So he won like 6-1. Nice match btw. By 3.30, RI had won 3 sets outta 5 so sent David Lu and the reserves out for some experience. As expected, they lost the last 2 sets. I was just damn tired. Slept on mrt from kallang-boon lay, boonlay-bukit batok, and at home. till 10. Ate then slept again. lol.

Damn screwed up, but seems like my body just needs the rest. Somehow. So finaly woke up at 4.30. Just showered and revised a bit of chinese. Hope it's alright. yea, it was alright. Ponned jap to rest at home. Slept weirdly again. sian. Really tired and ill these days.

So today was rather stupid too. I hate the chem department for being so smart. Finished up my long overdue chi essay during free period. Went recess in dining hall before bell. So got dilemma. I went to buy, then on the way out saw a bunch of bio teachers. But they were chatting so not nice to disturb. Then mrs efoo decide to wave at me. So i had to wave back. And i think mr jeff lee thought i was waving at him, but realised he was wrong. Then i was like waving in the directon of mr andrew lim also, so i think he was pised that i missed him too. bah. And i was eating before actual bell, so he was probably pissed too. sianz

After sch went to do RE. But just enough time to finish preparations. U have to go see these people to know what i am saying. Anywae i was a bit pissed after that. Went home and played fm, again. Then slept. Woke up and slacked. Planning to sleep again.

Yes,my life is sccrewed. Thanks i know it.


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