Friday, March 03, 2006

i'm back
long time no blog
i agree


well, the past few weeks have been hell for me, really. All kinds of shit.
First, 2 weeks ago, i had ss test. Din sleep well that nite. And i juz wrote 3 points, which i weren't sure of. sianz... i hate the uncertainty.
then the math TA on trigo... i was careless again!! well, 14/15 is not bad i guess. Then friday was supposed to be PSGM. fuck it, i was doing Career Guidance housekeeping until 6.30. And someone had stolen my chang wen suo duan so i photocopied one and copied it. sianz... Cm kept me company till nearly 7 so i treated him to banmian. Nice guy rite? ^^

Then last weekend i was falling sick. yea. It was horrible, terrible, basically hell. I feel ill, so i couldn't revise for this horrible horrible week. So monday when i trudged to school, i was just plain pressurized. I was like an over pressurized balloon, and ready to burst anytime. And well, i got the catalyst during PE. We ran to Macritchie and did pull ups there and by the time i returned, the damage was done. My fragile body just coln't take the strain. By RE, i was feeling more ill. Wanted to revise for jap but... and got this kevin incident. Mrs Joylim really quite insistent... oh wellz.. And when prof ritchie came, i was half dead.

Went home. Saw the doctor. got a lot of medicine. i was down with flu and a slight fever. With jap/chem/bio/bio2/phy tests looming around the corner, it was the most inappropriate time to fall sick. I slept early. Next day i tried to revise a bit of jap. having poned almost all jap lessons this yr, i was clueless. But i had to carry on la. went i nthe afternoon, in a cab somemore. I was just too sick, and the medicine made me giddy. So just before the test, i asked to withdraw. wth. went home. rested and revised a bit more.

Next day, went in the afternoon to take again. Still coughing badly though the fever subsided. Sweated a lot. i think my nihongo sensei sucks. yea. So relieved i finished it, though i made a lot of mistakes, esp in kanji which i had mugged for. Sad, but at least it's gone.

Ytd was no better. Went to school by cab, and bombarded with all kind of crap. First, there were the unwelcoming classmate who tot i had purposely poned sch. fuck them. well, coughing very badly still. Slept durin geog. Bio lab was quite shit. i am certain i screwed it. the tests were badly done and they did their best to make a lousy designmental design... shucks. And then was RC meeting, which ws essentially a waste of time. Oh yar, mark is freaking ugly it's untrue. Ys, and he thinks hes pro. wtf

After school took bio quiz, though din study for it. Went home. Slept. Then got up to revise chem and physics. bloody hell, coughing badly still...

cough cough
cough cough

Yea, went for tests day. Philo was barely thinking. it was crap. Physics got yellow cup.... lol. but heck la. Recess played bridge. Imba cards. lol. Chinese test on peoms copied stanely who got all correct.

Physics test.. HOLY. Ffound it quite simple tbh. Very nervous though. I had 20min to check and found TWO mistakes. HOLY. Got 7 min to do bonus, but i thik i screwed it up. Then chem cct straightaway. imba. I did the atomic radius wrongly and tot hcl can react with cu. fuck.

oh well... but feel better.
Ate with Ser Zheng at KFC. Got home and got choked. Played Fm till 7 and blogged lor.


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