Sunday, March 19, 2006

i Feel so DAMN busy nowadays.

Like zou long said, holidays is worse than no holidays.

Take for example my schedule. It's seriously screwed up.

Last sat/sun, i played fm the whole day. Feel damn guilty.I am close to/exceeding alan koh's addiction to wow, just that i dun show it off to people in school. I am really getting the hang of managing. It's like i am just becoming psycho. yea. psycho. Cool rite? DUn even have to take MBA. Managing teach u all of that

Then monday went to sch for camp day zero. Basically everyone was screwed up, so i decided to talk to Ms lim (not mrs joylim). Well, seems like gonna piah until 8 April. Sianzzz. Life so busy.

I was reading this magazine and a great idea came to my head. When i have tiem i;m gonna investigate it. Then after slacking a bit and napping in the HML, i went for NRP interview. basically zou long and i were agaginst these 2 ultra pro talkative powerhouse. One an indian scholar, another a ACSI dude. But style is no match for substance. Zou was unstoppable. And i happen to know a bit of electronics (and semiconductors) from my dad, so i was able to talk about all teh signal processing , optical transmission etc etc.

Tue went for the damn RC camp day 1. Sianz. I went to do some micromouse in jr blk. Met Daniel Chander (my 1J class moniter). He's quite multitalented. He's now in chess club and math club (like me last time) And it seems he's going my direction. Just that i kinda dropped out. So hope he won't be such a loser like me. Mouse was surprisingly fun, just that i am kinda tired. oh yea. Camp was sian as usual. We played lots of soccer and frisbee. I sprained my leg playing soccer so it was quite sian to just rest. Armageddon was quite dumb. And i manage to see thru mathan's acting, though everyone dun believe me. C'mon la. Lowlives cannot deceive me la

And at nite, after fighing with Bor ray, i had a short nap. Then was too hot and i got up. Saw a bit of chess and we all went for midnight soccer. Being hardcores, we carried the goalposts out. So we just played lor. I feel kinda high, oh well...

Next morning got up quite early too. They went for hike. So we just played soccer. Fun siah. I went HML so slack/nap/read. Met huching they all. Ate at dining hall. Mrs efoo tried to jack me... hahahahaha. Afternoon quarelled with Mrs DA. Then was promotino ceremonio. And finally go home. yeah..

Next day was rocketry. I was sleepy so went late. Did with huching and kelvin. TBH, it was fun. bUt i wold have preferred not to sign up and finish my work. sians. but it was truly fun. We tried the ultimate booster rocket and everyone watched.. and it failed. lolz. it exploded on the ground instead. Earlier one our rocket spoilt in a missle attack. Kaoz. ours is really like for attacking... haha. Btw ronald chan told me our grp got into NRP... WHEEEEEEE

Got home and was too tired. Friday was still recovering from all te crap. But i did do the zong he tian kong in the morning. haha. And i found my fm to be screed now. scew it. So afternoon went NTU. Reception was fine. Science people really have a weird sense of humor. Went to see the phd students and eventually our mentor. That india scholar is smart. He got into 2nd choice. very smart. Only left at like 7.30.. !! So got home and was very tired.

ytd went sch in the morning for the translation crap. Was soooooo sleepy. yeah. Got home and slept agaain. Till around 5. So started on my mountain of work (not just literally!!)

Todae was half productive. Did some work. Still oing work. Sianz. need to go to sch tmr. Life of a non-mugger...


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