Monday, January 30, 2006


Yeah. So Fri was quite bad cos of my abrasion, din enjoy sch and screwed up a lot. But at nite went with mum and aunt to shop. Bought a lot of stuff. Anyhow buy a bit here already 50bucks. lol. I took a lot of junk food.

Sat was just slacking. I installed Generals on sat, and played a lot. Family was slack as well. Basically it's just time to slack. Reunion dinner was steamboat. which is one of my favorite. Ate a lot also. All kinds of food. yummy~ Then shou shui. watched Chun Jie Lian Huan Wan Hui while playing Generals. Today was mostly using USA. Quite okie la. Tried watching kevin's harry potty 4, but the quality sucks. big time. Totally dark! 100% pirated. The pirates in China are more pro...

Then ytd was yet more slacking.... Woke up late. Then played generals. Mostly using China. I found it better than usin USA. less airpower though. But overload rocks. And tank soldiers rocks too. haha. Then mugger ser zheng go and ask me chem qns online. Though it wasn't hard and i could answer him on the spot, made me feel very uneasy. It's like CNY, and suddenly got reminded of sch. At nite played careds! hehe. My fav. Only hiccup was when mugger deshawn called me. Again like ser zheng incident. though sis was a bit irritating too. Played more before i slept

Todae again slacking. The porridge rocks, esp the scallops. ^^. Slacked more. Played more generals. The missions were fun, as were the movies. Tried GLA. Surprisingly, very good also. Seems better than USA. Good defense. One game i decided to just get $$, and i got like 40,000 spare cash alone! Now i feel a little sick. feeling totally corrupted. Like Sue Ben said, it's like soul being sucked out of me.. gonna stop for a while now.

Off for some junk food. cheers~

Friday, January 27, 2006

why i think the Raffles programme is extremely flawed.

First, let's look at the key components of Raffles Programme. More knowledge based teaching, moreproject work, and grades that does not focus on end of term exams but rather daily work.

The knowledge based education, in my opinion, has been a failure. Not the system, not the syllabus, not the students, but rather the teachers themselves. It IS the teachers themselves who are deeply indoctrinated by the older system of textbok learning. For practicaly every subject, there's rubrics for marking. You get the points, you get the marks. So ultimately , what the system wants is still mugging. Memorising the book may getone 90 marks, but understanding the book may just get 60. So the former still remains the more practical/feasible option, sadly.

Then it's the influx of project works into the syllabus. Yes, i do agree that project works enhances understnaind and adds a practical aspect to learning. But what ultimately motivates most of us to do well for it? Marks. Yes, marks. Man ythe tims, when a teacher gives out project work and it's not "counted" nobody gives a damn. yet even when the project is done properly ,there's once again points of controversy, especially the teacher factor. Precisely because project works goes beyond the classroom, it becomes subjective. So students are ultimately unable toinject their actual creativity into a project as they risks opposing what the teacher wants. And to expound this crush of creativity, teacher gives out rubrics which totally constricts what a project can contain. And teachers are biased too. For a same piece of work, different teachers give diferent marks. (unfortunately for me, mine are in the lower range). So how is tht grade really reflective?!!??

And the focus on daily work is backfiring too. Though it's ultimately good in the long run, it's ultimately like a political system. Wonderful but realstic? We have balance all kind of crap in our daily life. CCA, hobbies, family, girlfriends etc etc. And that's just on top of studies. So how do u expect100% performance for every daily work? But since they are "couted", they can't be neglected. Common sense will point to cheating as the solution. People who takes tests on a certain day reveals the test contents to the next class. And vice versa. so people who values their integrity are compromised, while the cheating ones gets a respectable grade. Of course, no matter how honest you are, you will tempted by this, so eventually, most people decide to cheat.
well, i don't exactly feel like writing about my crappy life.

Actually i feel the education system in Singapore is shit. really.

well, i just put my own school as an example. Everyday you go to school. The teacher hardly teach, but gives tons of homework/assignments/performance tasks of all sorts. After school, it's either 3rd lang (which is managed very badly) or CCA.

Well, CCA here isn't what clubs are supposed to be. And i bet most people do not really like their CCAs. But it's just to fulfill the CCA requirement that the govt has laid down. useless rite? It just defeats the purpose of CCA. Like a subject, it is just another thing forced upon us, in another sense just another piecee of burden.

And when people get home, they are faced with lots of homework. If you are the hardworking kind, you will most likey spend most of ur free time studying, doing the work or revising. But for slackers like me, it's a constant race against work. You slack, then you have to be hardcore later. And often, this studying time eats into time reserved for other activites. i know we are students, but where's the time for games/tv/reading etc etc. There's little space for us to pursue our interest, or to just do something that we enjoy.

And what do we produce? NERDS. Yes, nerds. You look at people from RI. Other than the typical mugger, what do they do? Play games. That leaves no room for spiritual or a personal development. They don't read, or know about current affairs. TBH, rafflesians are seriously shambolic in the area of current affairs. To most of them, it is getting that 4.0 that is their formost target, then other stuff like games.

That's why there's a furor of arguments regarding A-star's scholarship criteria. They just place themselves as a target for criticism, by defending their policy that 82%of their graduates get above 3.8. wth, and they want to breed world-beaters. In my holy opinion, people who get above 3.8 are often not world beaters or will never be. No matter how intelligent they are, their only focus is to achieve that holy grade. take naichien. He probably will get a wonderful scholarship to study overseas and get 4.0. But when he is actually thrown into his career, he will be a complete noob. People like him spend their whole life studying, so they are really textbook peole. they knows absolutely nothing outside the textbook, but sadly this is the kind of people that the govt prizes.

And it becomes a vicious cycle. Ppl obviously sees the perfect grade as the easiest route to success. And they make their children studying like mad, enter Raffles/HCI, then get a scholarship. In the end, it's the people who are reaqlly enthusiastic or pro that are left neglected in the polytechnics or ITEs.

Mr Andrew Lim recently singled out a few individuals in our batch whom he deemd to have made an impact. They are Junhong (youngest musician at NUS), Junliang (in u16 soccer squad), Yinwei (quarterfinals of Campus Superstar singing competition) etc. why not people like Naichien and Liqian? Because the former are people who can balance their academic excellence with equal success in other fields. Though they aren't the best in their studies, i do think they are precisely the fruits of what the Rafflesian self-proclaimed holistic development claims to nurture. whereas the latter are the ones who excels in examinations, but devoid of imagination and creativity. Sad, but true
Well, off to another rant

I think my life is seriously screwed up

First, i forgot my IMCB form(minor) and my portfolio thingy (!!!!!) yet again! fuck

And i slept at 9 ytd, but i still overslept todae. Got to sch late. And yet another redason for Mr De Cruz to hate me... bloodyhell. Chem prac was boring, and i still had the abrasion, which was really painful

And slacked in library. ate yu pian mi fen. for 1.50, it waas quite cheap. Had to take a bus to mrt cos the pain was really too excruciating. Ate half chickne. And basically slcaked.

btw the harry potter that kevin lent me was shit. bought from vietnam. everything is screwed, from quality to subtitles, and i tot it was quite poorly done in the first place. btw civi 4 looks really nice. i played the demo

Thursday, January 26, 2006

I feel so angst now. fuck fuck fuck

Tue alreay sick. During 3rd lang, i fell asleep even though i had slept 10hrs. And felt shit afterwards.

first, there's the crap ytd. Already feeling sick. But had to go to sch... and it was CRAP. Failed my physics somehow. bloody hell. And physics is supposed to be one of my forte. fuck. And i shld in the future try to be less honest. If not why do u think so many ppl are doing so well?

After school went to see Mr Fong. His new comicon Journey to the WEst is SOOOOOOOOOO cool!! Really. it's great, really. Then went for RC. Played soccer. ALso played aggain sscouts. We lacked in nos and quality, but we won 3-1. Mon won against rugby also. RCFC is quite pro hehe

Went home and got sick. Slept at like 9pm. Then this morning overslept. At first din want to go, but my mum forced me. So i was like a walking corpse, totally wrecked. Somehow survived ss and philo cos these are damn slack. And then chi, which was okie. But i was like dying already. Math i made yt another ccareless mistake in my paper! Fuck fuck. dammit. Not as if i cannot do circlar measure or wad!

Cle was pretty boring, and i was dying again. Sci club selection test. Crap. shall not talk abt it. just that it was pretty hard. Went with Sue ben to J8 after that. he returning to malaysia tmr. Slept in Mrt straightwaway. Slept till jurong east and on the return trip back to marsiling! wth. And i still feel shit. dammit.

Now i jut missed dinner cos no appetite. And i can't sleep either. dling civi4 demo. fuck my life

Monday, January 23, 2006

When i blog, i just don't stop. it's just a habit.

I think i should be doing better for a lot more subjects.

esp chem, physics, math, chinese, jap.

And i gonna buck up for these subjects too- ss, english

This is my dream team. 9 aside

ms jac. sim
ms wincy t. mrs joy. lim mr. mark wee
mrs tan mui hong mrs. fiona chong
ms regina. v ms. suzuki misako
mdm yong chai mei

against the un-dream team.

mrs neo
mrs kua mrs mr. leong kok weng
mr kwa beng hong husssain
king kong seetho
the newbie

Dream team will own. A keepie who will murder the opposing striker, particularly as he's just a noob newbie. Got king kongs and bitches, never mind. The worldclass defense is just worldclass. Self assured, confident, pro. Kingkong, use acid or some guailan chemicals like piranha sol lor. Bitch, no worries, digest with enzyme lor. The dream team midfields slightly weak, but it's good. against amateurs like hussain, bu fei chui hui zhi li. Or the simpler way is to report him to the US govt. And the striker, sheer class. she will alone pwn the opposing 3 defenders. dazzle them with conviction she will. Oh btw, i seem to be compelled to support the undream team. hope nobody will midn this bit of senseless crap, no offensees meant.

jst too much soccer
What made me think abt geog was what Mrs Ong, mr wong and mrs lai hadd said. They all said, if i took up the challenge in sec 3, where is the commitment, where is the interest/passion?

i thought it was really a great lesson. Do what you like, or don't do it. Despite being good at it, you will regret it some day. Heed my words.

Basically this weekend was pretty screwed up. Sat wasn't feeling great, so basically slacked. My dad just returned from China last night, so today was checkng out the stuff etc etc. And today slacked too. Sian. watched chelsea-charlton. JCole and Lampard are really fantastic, but itwas a dumb 1-1 draw.

One of my good friend, (for privacy's sake, i shall not reveal his name), is having a little trouble with love. Basically he has this wonderful relationsip wiht an excellent gal, but do not know whether he should confess is infatuation to her.

Well, my advice to him is to go ahread. I have confessed to a female before, and the result was crap. I also had a crush, yet the result was the same. Basically, in the first instance, confesing as like ru shi zhong fu. If she rejects you, just get on with life. Life's wonderful, and great gals are in abundance. Yet in the second instance, the feeling is kept to yourself, and you don't even know whether the gal accepts you or rejects you? To be kept in the dark is worse, isnt it?

Anyway recently, i saw a female i know. And i think she has aged a lot. I think i have aged a lot also. sians. Look who's born in jan. Me , junyang, zhuangyi, kelvin, melvyn, valerie, wincy etc etc. wow.
Hi there, to anyone who still cares. I know i don't update often, resulting in less people visiting...

Shall talk about a few events over the past week.

First was Thursday's Assembly. It was Year Head's Assembly. First, i wold like to speak about a certain teacher's example. I would admit that nobody is perfect, not the leaders, not the teachers. But as leaders, one of the most important thing is leading by example. If a subject rep solicit homework from everyone, but does not hand in himself, does he command the trust of the class? NO. The same goes for teachers. If you want us to pay attention, then the least you can do is to show an example.

mr Fong in his comic drew an interesting scenario. A teacher tells his class to shut up during assembly but is soon seen dozing off. Put aside the humor, and we see a rather prevalent situation. I shall not attempt to vilify any teachers or put them in bad light, but certain teachers have certainly been showing a bad example.

The next issue was the singing of the batch song. I know many of us do not really respect Mr Andrew Lim, but he's after all our teacher, and Year Head. Even though he may not succeed in his responsibility to command respect, neither are we according him the deserved respect. We talk about mutual respect. He repects us and treats us as young adults, what do we treat him as? I know, the occasional jokes are fine, but during the sining of the batch song, making the hissing song is preposterous.

I admit, during the first time, i did join in the hissing. But i also must clarify that i was the one singing the loudest in my vicinity. And after witnesing the wrath of Mr lim, i did my best in sining for the 2nd time. But others continued the state of petulance. imean c'mon, this is a special occasion. At least give it the due respect. I feel so damn guilty after that.

Anywae wwent for the bio talk afterwards. It was 15min on the subject and 1hr ++ on dundee. Then went for dentist. filled up some teeth cos too small... bleargh...

Another important day was Fri, raffles trail. I admit i did not immobilize the ppl properly, and it became quite screwed up. So it was left to me alone to do up,although i must thank Sue Ben for his invaluable assistance. A friend in need is a friend(maybe pest to him) indeed. I also did not introduce too well, coupled with the fact we did not have a banner.

And mark wasn't very enthu,whcih made things hard. It's gonna be hard, working with such enthu people. As i've said, lead by example. If even the vicechair exhibit such indifference, how do u expect enthusiasm from the junior?!?! I am still pissed by the whole event. But sue ben was great. I think he's the only one who can talk on the same wavelength as me.. lol.

After that was the last important happening. I went to see mrs Lai, Director of Academic Studies, abt dropping geog. Sometimes it's really more difficult to talk to someone you know, cos you have too much respect, despite any little acquintance. So it was another long talk. I thought she sounded very unconvinced. Oh wellz... But i stood my my principles. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, she seemed to have buckled. She told me to wait outside while she went somewhere. Well, it's kinda funny sitting there too. I saw Mr Edward and Ms Wang Xiao nan leaving the staffroom, only to come back thru another door. And saw some other teachers too. Finally, i was signalled back. Mrs Lai had spoken to Mrs Tan, the deputy headmistress. They had given me the go.

After that, it was a sense of relief, but also a sense of emptiness. I wondered why did i take geog? I was qestioning my decision making. Because i got 79 for history? And i got 5 marks higher for geog? Deep down, i love history more. I am probably better than most history students in Ri, or say Singapore. If i had taken history, i would have been in 3/4D, my meng mei yi qiu class. And in taking geog, i wasted 1 whole year. I got 85 for term 1, but so what? It was only in term 2, when the disinterest really set in that i questioned my commitment in it. Does geog deserve me? Or do i deserve geog? I guess it was just mutual apathy...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Hi, to anywho who still visits my blogg

This few days have been so bloody busy, thus i never blog...

Last week and start of this week still sick. So i was kinda damn lag and sleepy... sianz

Then this mon was crap. Boring lessons. Then sick so ponned lessons.There was this incident when i tried to ask Mr D'Cruz whether i can hadn in commonwealth essay later. Shall not eleborate on his reply....

Then tue was pretty much the same. Boring lessons. Matrices quiz. I wrote 6 as -6, and got qn wrong. fuck me la. Then did commonwealth essay till around 5... sian. Then got this 1 hr chat with Mrs Ong and mr Joseph Wong abt geog.. sian.

Sick. Wed was slightly better. I got 8 for math quiz. Got redox quiz. it was quite simple la. More boring stuff. Nearly got humiliated by Mdm Yang Cai mei. I think Sue ben is really smart. He's the only person who's comparable to me in history/politics general knowledge. pro rite? Tired. wanted to go 3rd lang alter, but too tired. So went rc.

Played soccer w/o shoes. tiring. hair cut. price hike due to CNY. Got home. Slept almost straighaway. watned to read hong lou mong. Then so tired.

Today was pretty crap as well. First math, which is essentially boring. Then Geog. Dr Chiong decided to humiliate me. wth. She call me loser somemore, just becos i want to drop geog?! And she tot it's becos i can't do well for it, then scared. Fine, tell you. Last yer first term, i got 85. And 2nd term, partially due to Hussain, i was totally disgusted and disinterested, and i still got 75.

Shi ke sha bu ke ru

The du shu bao gao was quite okie la. Bio was sian. year head's assemby. We pised our dear year head off. And we sang the batch song 3 times. lol

Yea, tired. So i went for bio talk. It was 15 talk and 1 hr abt uni of dundee. Went dentist later. Got bigger teeth. o.O

And got home. Tired. But slacked cos got nothing. And i suddenly feel betrayed. I shall not elaborate on why here. But sometimes, it's minor incidents like this that teaches us what a horribly cruel world this is. Hard lessons are efective.

Shi Ke Sha Bu Ke Ru

Friday, January 13, 2006

My teachers seriously rocks. Last year, i thought it was bad enough... and now, it's SEC 4 REALITY... lol. Seriously, i think our combo of teachers is the rockest in the whole level, isn't it?

Our English got Mr Tom D'cruz, Chinese got Mdm yang Cai Mei, Bio got Mrs E. Foo,Chem got Mrs Kwa Miew Kheng, Math got Mr Kwa Beng hong, Physics got Mr Andrew Lim(hussain and ms tsang both told me he rocks, i'm 100% sure), Geog got Dr. Chiong, SS got Mr Aguss...

And i jsut realised tht my Jap teacher is Seetho, who is damn strict. Goodbye to 3rd lang ponin, dude.... X_x

If i survive this year, i promise to be a good student, a role model, and score well in everything, okie? Please just spare me.
Being me is damn sad...

Btw my whole family is kinda ill now... i am having sore throat and flu... bleargh... this sucks

Today i waas damn shag, and ill, and bassically feeling very shit in school. SS watched No Man's Land. At first it looked damn boring, but it proved to be a hilarious watch!! haha, i like funny movies. it's a pity most people here do not appreciate politics..

Then philo showed rwanda's hotel. PSLs only started watching halfway, so i wold have preferred subtitles. It was quite nice, a bit scary though.. But come to think of it, people in it are stupid. Like Paul bribe the general to prevent the tutsi from killing them, so the general killed the tutsi, and Paul was okie with it. It's just transferring money to corrupted people to change the tribe of people killed. Dumb isn't it?

recess feel screwed up. Chi was okie la. The test was a bit hard. Kennard is not Chi Rep. Tbh i kinda enjoy chinese lessons now, prob becos of the teacher... my standards are getting really low. But i think she's really witty and funny... haha. Math, same boring stuff. prep time want to play bridge, but had to do this dumb NTU-NIE chem test. It wasn't hard, but just plain dumb to get us to do. For the practical part, just copied Stanley, sick of the first 19pgs already!! After that just let others copy and do my other hw.

I was damn hungry and ate a lot. btw i think sue ben is a great guy. jap lessons were boring. I was almot falling alseep, also becos of my physical condition. I am also haveing rashes on some fingers, which is damn irritating...

Finally ended. Got home, surfed a bit of net. And slept. Woke up, ate, watched some tv, and slept.

Now i am up and awake again. Don't feel like going school. school sucks

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hi, backie, though my blog is dying all the while...

Slept at 1 plus, after watching a movie at home...

Totally shag, and my legs still hurts. I went 1J. I didn't noe how to tie a tie myself so i wasn't really needed there. Mr Ang discussed CEC till damn late, and he was basically bsing also, so late for first period. Chem somemore, and i got scolded, no surprised there. Mrs Kwa from RGS o.O

English was boring, seriously. It takes a while to get used to new teachers. Chinese. The new teacher is funny in a suan sense, haha, actually i prefer her style. Physics is Mr Andrews. Okie la, just it's a bit boring.

Lunch went to eat late. Math. Boring matrices. I wish i have more time

Tok them to RJC for JRIC. Ate at canteen with the normal ppl . Just toked crap with Hc and Rongbing. Finally ended. RB's dad sent me to Woodlands. Took a train home. Damn shagged already, seriously...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

happy hari raya

Dreamt abt crap stuff again. But this time on some girls

Legs quite tired. happy hari raya. so random

After breakfast, stoned. Damn inefficient todae. Did nothing at all!

Took afternoon nap

That's it. Such a boirng day! sian
Well, i shall blog about the first day of school!

First was assembly. Standing now so near the corridor, it's a bit weird, very weird in fact. There's no seats in class, only free seats is where i can't see anything on the board! Shucks. Selfish classmates

And so, for first lesson. First was bio, so met new teacher Mrs E. Foo. Not another relative of E. Coli. Well, she's quite nice. Maybe i am still too used to Mrs Lim's teaching style, but she's not too bad siah... and she seems aware of her lameness, contrary to Mrs lim... haha. Nerves is a boring topic.

PE next. We went for height and weight measurement. THen 1.6km. My stamina sucks now, serious. Very saddening. Though one intersting obsservation is that for the 8psls in our class, 5 are Moor. Soccer, but the field is shit, literally. How to play?

After recess was English. My teacher Tom D'Cruz is also FT. He seem to digress, and his markking style is quite unreasonable. It's like can only use one specific answer, meaning most of us will fail. LOL. I dun wanna get 3.6 for English first time in RI... bleargh...

Math is quite boring. Matrices. I am quite restless and lethargic already...sianz.

RE talk, which is boring. Then Mrs Kwa scoled me when i went into Sf. She say nobody noes i am PSL, but in fact both my classmates present THERE knows. LOL. But nvm la. Then there was more trouble, regarding RE group members. So basically Mrs Kwa ruled against our grp... X_x

Math remedial, which is boring. Then went to laed my 1J class for sports profiling. Due to the weather, we finally finally went into contingency plans. TBH PSL com is screwed, really. I am not expecting them to roll in mud (the rugby players that day did. o.O) But some of them, so tall, so smart, but dare not even have a cut, or run in drizzle, orwalk in sun, or wadeva. Quite sad actually

We delayed like siao, and finally went MPH. By then already 5, and we still 1st station. Changed shifts with Nick. I went for RC then. Supposed to be soccer, but change of plans.. sian. I just stayed at sickbay, talking abt Civi game with Alan and Borray.

One interseting thing. At first, at sports profiling, i was talking to Jeremy, my fellow 1J PSL. then talked to Weihan at the track station, where he talked abt jeremy again. lol. then in sickbay, they were talking abt jeremy, weihan, jeremiah etc again. lol, all in 1hrs...

Then we all played soccer at basketball court. DAMN slippery. I played like shit, including a dumb owngoal. Went home. Finally found a particular email in my mailbox, and slept...zzz
January is so fun.
First, it marks the start of a new year... yipee!! Sec 4 now!! lol
Then, there's New year's day. Can get into the holiday mood with friends overseas, and yes, another holiday!! haha
And as usual, it's my birthday after that.. which makes me 16. When u reach 16, u will actually feel a sense of achievement, somehow. And interestingly, u will feel more freedom. It's like a mental switch.
After that is Hari raya. Though i do not celebrate it, it's time for slacking again.. haha.
Then there's the highlight of the year, CHINESE NEW YEAR! lolz. Time for extreme mahjong, cards, food, and all kind of crappy fun. It's definitely something to look forward everyyear... ^^

But after that, the year gets more gloomy. Homework piles in. The teachers begin to give more work, more stress, trying to suffocate us basically... and less frequent holidays...

But its still january, so enjoy it while u still can!
well, i jsut kinda realised that hong cheng had picked me to do this... well, i shall oblige then

RULES: Express your love for SE7EN and get others to know more about you. Copy and paste the following into your own blog and complete all SE7EN bullets of the SE7EN questions. Then, pick SE7EN ppl to pass it on! Have fun!

Ok here are my responses...

SE7EN things that make me smile:
1. a nice smile
2. getting praised
3. being pro
4. being with people i am close to
5. doing what i had set out to do
6. a good exercise
7. a good sleep

SE7EN things I'm afraid of:
1. lousy grades
2. being short
3. mondays
4. being worse than what i am now
5. never meeting the girl of my dream
6. losing things
7. no internet

SE7EN things i do everyday:
1. msn, plus chatting on msn
2. checking my yahoo and hotmail mailbox
3. check out football sites
4. check out football forums
5. conveniently forget my work
6. blogsurfing
7. watch tv. tv is my life

SE7EN things/people I believe in:
1. myself. who else can i trust?
2. intelligence. there's no changing it
3. money. with money, everything becomes alright
4. power. ditto
5. fate. everything's planned for u already. including the jokes god plays on u
6. my mum
7. most people

SE7EN ways to win my heart:
1. pleasant looking, at least according to me
2. sincere. kind.
3. get along well in personality
4. intelligent. haha, can only tell after time
5. lame. i like crappy people like me
6. talented. these kind of people are especially attractive
7. loves me too

SE7EN people I want to see right now:
1. a smarter me
2. a nicer looking me
3. bill gates
4. roman abromovich
5. the girl of my dream
6. probably that person?
7. actually nobody

SE7EN people who should also do this:
this is lame... i rather it all stop here. lol

Sunday, January 08, 2006

After barely enough sleep, we were again woken up.

PT was at field. I did First Aid duty. The PT was simple, very very simple. Compared to our times, this was cakes... seriously

After breakfast, it's the Journey. I and Prem took a grp. We went Bubble Tea shop, after successful tips by Prem. Then we returned to RJC for second station. Now, 1J was much more united. Though not too united at the same time, but much better than before. Sng Zheng is really quite irritating, feel like whacking him sometimes.

I was chatting with their FT, Mdm Chew at the back.

By the time they reached Bishan Park, troubles set in. We walked through a field, which got our shoes muddy (mine too!!!) And there started to be quarrels and stuff. Forced them to do some cheers.

Then we went Bishan stadium. Coupled with fatigue, the soldiers will turn moody and rebellious, as usual. And there was much debate abt running, cos they had lifelines. There was the zheyi camp (anti) and shawn camp (pro). In the end, they ran unwillingly and almost got into fight. Now everyone was pissed, esp Prem and ME!!

We walked back to sch, everyone pissed. Lunch. Afternoon, i just slacked at the Red Cross place, with some prefects etc.

Walk of initiation was quite fun. But last time got flour, eggs, soapy water etc etc. This time in sch can't do much. Just craw over tables and some water. Not that fun, but still enjoyable. We covered around 10m.

After dinner was nite walk. Even the sec 1s din find it scary. We played murderer(fun) and showered. Just supper, etc and slept, this time at sick bay

Year Head gave his sleeping bag to us, cos we used ti w/o his permission.. oopz
Many sick now. i find a teacher very unique looking... aha that's all~ So many ppl sick now... sianz..

End of 2nd day.. 1J improved more
Hi, here to blog abt the Ri Sec 1 Orientation Camp..

I must admit that during my year, we had to go Sarimbun, which is a really horrible place, and the camp was pretty tough... And considering that i was still a Sec 1 then, it was almost a harrowing experience.

And this year, i was presented the chance to experience this camp again... de vaju maybe? But i shall be the Peer Support Leader (PSL) this time, meaning i shall actually lead the Sec 1s...hehe

I and the rest went for a camp 2 weeks ago, to actually do some of the stuff, attend boring talks, and basically feel bored.

First day, as i have said, is quite tiring and boring... now for the actual thing!

First day, we PSLs have to go lt at 6.30am for briefing, which is quite boring. Then 7.20 was reportin for camp. The sec3s were reporting for OBS too, so there was a bit of confusion. We went 3J classroom, for 1J.

After leaving their bags, they went astroturf for normal briefing. I kinda miss my Sec 4 class actually... X_x.. HM gave a short speech, which is quite boring. Then Mr Lim gave a tough lesson on commands. I must say that in Sec 1, i was pretty scared of him, mainly becos of his gigantic build. He was efficient, makng thm repeeat... pro

So we Sec 4s returned to Jr Blk and hid in the classrooms. Mr Ang again gave a long talk, which barely seemed like ending... lol. And when they arrived, Anwaar gave the cue, and we did the Haka cheer. It was quite impresive , i thought.

The bagcheck in class was quite sian seriously. Some people brought holepuncher, screws, 3 bks, listerine etc etc. So all confiscated lor. I mus say Daniel Lim is seriously AP.. he will be infamous here someday...

Then it was 9. Time for flag design and cheer making. We went downstairs for Mr Lim briefing. When we returned, they had done their cheer and flag. The flag looks surprisingly nice, in fact nicer than our PL camp one. The cheer goes as this:
Thunder Thunder Thunderation
We are 1J generation
Fighting hard with heart and soul
Opponents fall beneath our blow
1J spirit is the best
Proudly bearing the RI crest
*then claps hysterically*

The talk by YH was next. He's reallly quite dramatic, but at least he brings his point across. The cheering practice is pathetic, the sec 1s can't cheer for
The polar bear icebreaker was quite fun, but finished soon.the polar bears were killed soon..o.O

Lunch was decent. We made them memorise Rfflesian Principle of Honor before eating. After that was mass dance. I really enjoyed it. The madagascar tune. It was really really nice, creative, and basically enjoyable. Mr Lim also played the Kippy the Gator song, which is quite hilarious!

Stations games were sian.. just taught the usual stuff. Royce lost his temper with Daniel, who is really AP, and we all had to sing sch anthemn in pumping position. What varies from our camp is that the PSL aren't supposed to pump or even scare them! wad crap!

More cheering practises at the Atrium. Met a lot of ppl. Many of us PSLs have blue black thighs and sore throats becos of cheering... lol, me too. 150PSLs can cheer louder than 450 Sec 1s. Daniel Chander has to constantly go apply medication for his mysterious rashes...

More dancing, and was dinner, which is decent. Armageddon was seriously quite sian. i was just crapping around with HC. Quite boring also, and not scary at all! LOL. Then a lot of ppl played piano at atrum, which really made me feel guilty.

Then just debrief, supper, etc. I slept at Log Room, for excos etc. I was woken up by Gz for sentry duty at 2 plus. But i was an idiot, cos i was too tired, i cont sleeping. Mohd ws pretty pissed, i guess...

End of Day1
i hate terence

and i still cared abt him, and the RE predicament
i am an idiot

terence tan, go and die
fuck u

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I hate people who suck up to teachers

They are really disgusting

Sec 1s are fun

I like sleep,
So i am sleeping soon

My birthday tmr!!!!
January 7th rocks!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Today was pretty boring as well..

I just did my du shu bao gao for the day... seriously i will/am doing a great job, but the weightage is so damn low.... not fair siah

And afternoon went to Giant. The car queue was horrible... blearggh. Returned the curtains and shopped at Giant. Bought a bbq chicken, i tot it taste great!

I have just realised that my sister is ultra intelligent..

At nite watched Campus superstar instead of Chelsea... shows my support rite for yinwei? He sang okie. I remarked to HC before he sang that his specs and his anxiety makes him look nerdy, indeed the judge said that too..20.5/30 was pretty decent i guess. And i saw a lot of familiar faces in the crowd.. lol

And guess what? I got into the HC "Personalities of the Year" lol

I tried to be a nice boy and sleep early, but i just can't fall asleep. If not i woldn't be blogging here la.

For some reaons, i am not particularly looking forward to meeting the Sec 1s, esp the GEPS..

New Year, it's a new marathon!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

I just posted on the Chelsea CSR forum.This is what i wrote-

Hi Everyone,
Happy New year!

One thing that i feel whenever i visit the forum here or on cfc-net. It's that our dear Flying Dutchman Arjen Robben isn't getting the accolades that he deserves. Nowadays people often praise J.Cole, Lampard, Crespo and co, but just not Robben...
After watching the last couple of PL matches, I think Robben's in great form. He makes dazzling runs, gives great passes, scores goals etc. Quite simply, he's a sensational player.
He's a wonderful player, and i bet any team out there would give crave to have him in the team. And personally, he's my favorite player, and i think he is the most talented player Chelsea has seen for a while.
But despite his great form and ability, i don't think he's getting praised enough. Perhaps it's just high expectations due to his amazing form last season... Most people heap such praises on Cole, and i think Robben deserves that too!
And one more thing, whenever Robben isnt on form, most people crucify him straightaway. Maybe it's because it's the nature of his play that portrays him as a prima donna. But it's really laughable that some are calling for him to be sold. Even Lampard doesn't have amazing games every time, so let's support Robben all the way! Does anyone think that he is getting more stuck in, although his tackling is probably still comparable to Scholes.
Anyway he's proving his doubters wrong, and i think Robben will be a crucial player for us, hopefully for the Barca tie :P . But for now, let's just get behind our Robben and appreciate this great talent!

P.S. sorry for the language, I seldom post here
Got up at 11am. Slacked. Then cleared up room a bit. Went to an uncle's house in Jurong. They had a 1mth old baby. The elder daughter is quite nice
She's very active, open, talkative etc and i kinda dunno hwo to "handle" her. And that's a Nanyang gal lor..

As usual, my ss threw up a tantrum there. Even i was kinda pissed. I know she's smart, pretty etc, but her attitude reallie sucks at times... And i have to make her sleep these dfew days..

So we went west mall for dinner. I ate a lot Then went home. I dled some chinese songs, and chated a bit. Then finally blogged
It's been a very boring few days...

Fri morning was almost nonexistant, somehow wasted it. Afternoon downloaded Football Manager 6 demo (yeah!!! waited almost an yr for it!!) But after dling the 360++MB, i realised it's a zip file... bleargh.. and the main file inside is 360MB, so there's absolutely no way to use it. fuck
So i dled another version, beta version. I rocks. i played from 5pm to 1am. It was damn nice. Thought it wasn't a dramatic improvement from FM5
They have this team talk thingy, which is pretty good for motivation. And the procuring of players is much more reasonable now..

Sat was quite boring. I waas still addicted to FM so i played whole day... sthere's still chi hw though... X_X. And at nite, just watched Taiwan countdown parties, way better than the pathetic crap in Singapore.. Cable Tv rocks, i know. Played FM till around 11pm and demo over. i think it's around 24hrs trial

This is my stats now. I used Chelsea as usual. A lot of funds, like 96M pounds. and the prices of players are more reasonable, so makes things easier. Bought Fernando Torres for 33m. He's damn shen. like 12 goals in 11 matches. Shevchenko for 23m, 21 goals in 18 matches. Basically i am damn attacking,offensive 442, a bit like Barca. Then i also bought some other players below 10m, like Tevez, Messi, Kompany, Cicinho etc

League i am 6 pts ahead after 18 matches. 2nd is man u, comfortably. It's weird that preseason, i lost almost all matches. 48 goals scored in 18 matches, with 18 conceded. Gudjohnson is a relevation, like 15 goals in 13 starts. i thrasehd Bolton 7-0 away, Man U 4-1, 3-1 home, Liverpool 6-1 away... hehe. CL wasn't very successful. I got 12 points for 2nd, with 9 points garnered in the last 3 matches. Lost 2-3 away to Real Madrid, so much for attacking football. Had to face Arsenal in Charity Shield, Manu+charlton+bolton in carling cup, drawn into group of dead in Europe, with Real, Monaco etc, and my next tie is against Bayern Munich

I was damn unlucky with injuries as welll, i think the whole team got injured at some point, important players like Cech, Terry, Cudicini, Carvalho, Bridge, Geremi, Essien, SWP, Robben, Cole, Duff, Shev, Torres, Drogba etc. I bet that's the most ex injury table. And i wante to buy kaka and joaquin too, but not enough $$...
And shit, it's all over

So after countdown , i came online, and i actually chatted with more people than i did for the whle day!! LOL. Slept at 3am