Sunday, January 08, 2006

Hi, here to blog abt the Ri Sec 1 Orientation Camp..

I must admit that during my year, we had to go Sarimbun, which is a really horrible place, and the camp was pretty tough... And considering that i was still a Sec 1 then, it was almost a harrowing experience.

And this year, i was presented the chance to experience this camp again... de vaju maybe? But i shall be the Peer Support Leader (PSL) this time, meaning i shall actually lead the Sec 1s...hehe

I and the rest went for a camp 2 weeks ago, to actually do some of the stuff, attend boring talks, and basically feel bored.

First day, as i have said, is quite tiring and boring... now for the actual thing!

First day, we PSLs have to go lt at 6.30am for briefing, which is quite boring. Then 7.20 was reportin for camp. The sec3s were reporting for OBS too, so there was a bit of confusion. We went 3J classroom, for 1J.

After leaving their bags, they went astroturf for normal briefing. I kinda miss my Sec 4 class actually... X_x.. HM gave a short speech, which is quite boring. Then Mr Lim gave a tough lesson on commands. I must say that in Sec 1, i was pretty scared of him, mainly becos of his gigantic build. He was efficient, makng thm repeeat... pro

So we Sec 4s returned to Jr Blk and hid in the classrooms. Mr Ang again gave a long talk, which barely seemed like ending... lol. And when they arrived, Anwaar gave the cue, and we did the Haka cheer. It was quite impresive , i thought.

The bagcheck in class was quite sian seriously. Some people brought holepuncher, screws, 3 bks, listerine etc etc. So all confiscated lor. I mus say Daniel Lim is seriously AP.. he will be infamous here someday...

Then it was 9. Time for flag design and cheer making. We went downstairs for Mr Lim briefing. When we returned, they had done their cheer and flag. The flag looks surprisingly nice, in fact nicer than our PL camp one. The cheer goes as this:
Thunder Thunder Thunderation
We are 1J generation
Fighting hard with heart and soul
Opponents fall beneath our blow
1J spirit is the best
Proudly bearing the RI crest
*then claps hysterically*

The talk by YH was next. He's reallly quite dramatic, but at least he brings his point across. The cheering practice is pathetic, the sec 1s can't cheer for
The polar bear icebreaker was quite fun, but finished soon.the polar bears were killed soon..o.O

Lunch was decent. We made them memorise Rfflesian Principle of Honor before eating. After that was mass dance. I really enjoyed it. The madagascar tune. It was really really nice, creative, and basically enjoyable. Mr Lim also played the Kippy the Gator song, which is quite hilarious!

Stations games were sian.. just taught the usual stuff. Royce lost his temper with Daniel, who is really AP, and we all had to sing sch anthemn in pumping position. What varies from our camp is that the PSL aren't supposed to pump or even scare them! wad crap!

More cheering practises at the Atrium. Met a lot of ppl. Many of us PSLs have blue black thighs and sore throats becos of cheering... lol, me too. 150PSLs can cheer louder than 450 Sec 1s. Daniel Chander has to constantly go apply medication for his mysterious rashes...

More dancing, and was dinner, which is decent. Armageddon was seriously quite sian. i was just crapping around with HC. Quite boring also, and not scary at all! LOL. Then a lot of ppl played piano at atrum, which really made me feel guilty.

Then just debrief, supper, etc. I slept at Log Room, for excos etc. I was woken up by Gz for sentry duty at 2 plus. But i was an idiot, cos i was too tired, i cont sleeping. Mohd ws pretty pissed, i guess...

End of Day1


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