Monday, January 30, 2006


Yeah. So Fri was quite bad cos of my abrasion, din enjoy sch and screwed up a lot. But at nite went with mum and aunt to shop. Bought a lot of stuff. Anyhow buy a bit here already 50bucks. lol. I took a lot of junk food.

Sat was just slacking. I installed Generals on sat, and played a lot. Family was slack as well. Basically it's just time to slack. Reunion dinner was steamboat. which is one of my favorite. Ate a lot also. All kinds of food. yummy~ Then shou shui. watched Chun Jie Lian Huan Wan Hui while playing Generals. Today was mostly using USA. Quite okie la. Tried watching kevin's harry potty 4, but the quality sucks. big time. Totally dark! 100% pirated. The pirates in China are more pro...

Then ytd was yet more slacking.... Woke up late. Then played generals. Mostly using China. I found it better than usin USA. less airpower though. But overload rocks. And tank soldiers rocks too. haha. Then mugger ser zheng go and ask me chem qns online. Though it wasn't hard and i could answer him on the spot, made me feel very uneasy. It's like CNY, and suddenly got reminded of sch. At nite played careds! hehe. My fav. Only hiccup was when mugger deshawn called me. Again like ser zheng incident. though sis was a bit irritating too. Played more before i slept

Todae again slacking. The porridge rocks, esp the scallops. ^^. Slacked more. Played more generals. The missions were fun, as were the movies. Tried GLA. Surprisingly, very good also. Seems better than USA. Good defense. One game i decided to just get $$, and i got like 40,000 spare cash alone! Now i feel a little sick. feeling totally corrupted. Like Sue Ben said, it's like soul being sucked out of me.. gonna stop for a while now.

Off for some junk food. cheers~


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