Monday, January 23, 2006

What made me think abt geog was what Mrs Ong, mr wong and mrs lai hadd said. They all said, if i took up the challenge in sec 3, where is the commitment, where is the interest/passion?

i thought it was really a great lesson. Do what you like, or don't do it. Despite being good at it, you will regret it some day. Heed my words.

Basically this weekend was pretty screwed up. Sat wasn't feeling great, so basically slacked. My dad just returned from China last night, so today was checkng out the stuff etc etc. And today slacked too. Sian. watched chelsea-charlton. JCole and Lampard are really fantastic, but itwas a dumb 1-1 draw.

One of my good friend, (for privacy's sake, i shall not reveal his name), is having a little trouble with love. Basically he has this wonderful relationsip wiht an excellent gal, but do not know whether he should confess is infatuation to her.

Well, my advice to him is to go ahread. I have confessed to a female before, and the result was crap. I also had a crush, yet the result was the same. Basically, in the first instance, confesing as like ru shi zhong fu. If she rejects you, just get on with life. Life's wonderful, and great gals are in abundance. Yet in the second instance, the feeling is kept to yourself, and you don't even know whether the gal accepts you or rejects you? To be kept in the dark is worse, isnt it?

Anyway recently, i saw a female i know. And i think she has aged a lot. I think i have aged a lot also. sians. Look who's born in jan. Me , junyang, zhuangyi, kelvin, melvyn, valerie, wincy etc etc. wow.


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