Monday, January 23, 2006

Hi there, to anyone who still cares. I know i don't update often, resulting in less people visiting...

Shall talk about a few events over the past week.

First was Thursday's Assembly. It was Year Head's Assembly. First, i wold like to speak about a certain teacher's example. I would admit that nobody is perfect, not the leaders, not the teachers. But as leaders, one of the most important thing is leading by example. If a subject rep solicit homework from everyone, but does not hand in himself, does he command the trust of the class? NO. The same goes for teachers. If you want us to pay attention, then the least you can do is to show an example.

mr Fong in his comic drew an interesting scenario. A teacher tells his class to shut up during assembly but is soon seen dozing off. Put aside the humor, and we see a rather prevalent situation. I shall not attempt to vilify any teachers or put them in bad light, but certain teachers have certainly been showing a bad example.

The next issue was the singing of the batch song. I know many of us do not really respect Mr Andrew Lim, but he's after all our teacher, and Year Head. Even though he may not succeed in his responsibility to command respect, neither are we according him the deserved respect. We talk about mutual respect. He repects us and treats us as young adults, what do we treat him as? I know, the occasional jokes are fine, but during the sining of the batch song, making the hissing song is preposterous.

I admit, during the first time, i did join in the hissing. But i also must clarify that i was the one singing the loudest in my vicinity. And after witnesing the wrath of Mr lim, i did my best in sining for the 2nd time. But others continued the state of petulance. imean c'mon, this is a special occasion. At least give it the due respect. I feel so damn guilty after that.

Anywae wwent for the bio talk afterwards. It was 15min on the subject and 1hr ++ on dundee. Then went for dentist. filled up some teeth cos too small... bleargh...

Another important day was Fri, raffles trail. I admit i did not immobilize the ppl properly, and it became quite screwed up. So it was left to me alone to do up,although i must thank Sue Ben for his invaluable assistance. A friend in need is a friend(maybe pest to him) indeed. I also did not introduce too well, coupled with the fact we did not have a banner.

And mark wasn't very enthu,whcih made things hard. It's gonna be hard, working with such enthu people. As i've said, lead by example. If even the vicechair exhibit such indifference, how do u expect enthusiasm from the junior?!?! I am still pissed by the whole event. But sue ben was great. I think he's the only one who can talk on the same wavelength as me.. lol.

After that was the last important happening. I went to see mrs Lai, Director of Academic Studies, abt dropping geog. Sometimes it's really more difficult to talk to someone you know, cos you have too much respect, despite any little acquintance. So it was another long talk. I thought she sounded very unconvinced. Oh wellz... But i stood my my principles. Finally, after what seemed like eternity, she seemed to have buckled. She told me to wait outside while she went somewhere. Well, it's kinda funny sitting there too. I saw Mr Edward and Ms Wang Xiao nan leaving the staffroom, only to come back thru another door. And saw some other teachers too. Finally, i was signalled back. Mrs Lai had spoken to Mrs Tan, the deputy headmistress. They had given me the go.

After that, it was a sense of relief, but also a sense of emptiness. I wondered why did i take geog? I was qestioning my decision making. Because i got 79 for history? And i got 5 marks higher for geog? Deep down, i love history more. I am probably better than most history students in Ri, or say Singapore. If i had taken history, i would have been in 3/4D, my meng mei yi qiu class. And in taking geog, i wasted 1 whole year. I got 85 for term 1, but so what? It was only in term 2, when the disinterest really set in that i questioned my commitment in it. Does geog deserve me? Or do i deserve geog? I guess it was just mutual apathy...


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