Friday, September 23, 2005

Today, woke up with a headache and it lasted throughout the day, even now. Perhaps it's due to stress, maybe pressure, but it definitely comes from school. So I still have so much work left. sigh la. After being chased by DLai for so many days, I finally paid him the Red Cross stuff(lzrdesmond=loserdesmond)
Eng was fei summary. Math matrices, which is actually crap, seriously. I really hate my math now. At the start of yr, Math was one of my best subjects. Now, because I am lazy plus busy, I can't even get 4.0... haiz. Recess bought for the rest jap food. Chinese fei again. SS SBQ, ok la.

Ms Jacq Sim jacked herself
JS: (on dif bet topic and content) like your geography teacher hussain, he is a good teacher, handsome etcetc
(so obviously the class burst into laughter, and JS decided to act smart)
JS: And then Ms Sim, ugly and fat...
(followed by silence)
JS: Why so quiet?
Lixing: Becos it's true wad

Physics adv module test on photonics was hmm. The MCQ was really hard to me, seriously. The Open ended qns were quite simple. The dB=10lgp2/p1 quite lucky to get it correct. But I misspelt Malus as Mulus, shit. 2 mks gone!!! FUCk. And the I=IoCos2theta was simple too. Group work was shit. Used Mrs Lai's hair. We damn hu tu, and only managed to do in the last 5 mins. Hope it's correct.

Then went HML to finish Math assignment. Hate curve sketching. Philip reading some chinese novels, like those scholars. Din go for comp science, they just teaching the noobs programming. Heard Chongmin has a damn enthu student- tan jian, scholar also. Ate at KFC(unhealthy lifestyle) and went home. Slept. dL quite a few songs plus sorted out some other ones.

Some damn nice songs I found: First love, last night of the world, munaiyi and that song by tao ze.


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