Tuesday, September 20, 2005

This is seriously screwed up.
Sat went for YSC. Nearly forgot blazar, only to realise that it is not needed. Anyway we din win any honors. But trust me, I will return next yr, and I will will, trust me. So after that went with family to a hotel in Chinatown for moon cake festival. Buffet. And guess what? I had stomachache halfway, and my slippers broke off too!!
Sunday was having migraines. SO basically wasted the whole day, shit.
Monday, Bio, which i had revised a bit for, was postponed. And Chem practical, which i had thought was on tue, came out. CCa verification. 10hrs of CIP hrs?!?! Jokes. dunno wth those ppl are doing la. And CCA got no updates at all!! WTF. Chem practical was ok, but shit at first. I kept on thinking it was salt water, and had a mental block. Then training until damn tired, soccer somemore, and went home to sleep.
Tuesday was shit too, Respiration quiz wasn't difficult, but I prob needs a whack on my head. Glucose -> Ethanol + CO2 + WATER?? wait, actually it shld be possible, just that it is bloody useless. Hussain went back to being a loser. chinese yin yong wen is a killer. I wrote the wrong stuff!! Damn pissed with myself.Finally went for 3rd lang. Got back test, ok la, but prob still missing 4.0. Damn tired. Got home at 615 and slept until 8.
Seriously, ithink my life is damn screwed up. I am feeling damn exhausted, and these unrelenting homework just seem to pile on me. At first, i become breathless, slightly challenging myself, but the completion of 1 assignment is soon followed by another, and I find myself trapped. Tests and quizzes too, knowing they are counted, we HAVE to study for them. But seriously, I find I ain't really doing it. Read the notes, And i have to worry about the mountain of homework or wonder if my sleep time is soon, or just distant. Multitasking sucks. When the sad music on my laptop plays on, my tired hands scribbling on the goddam hw, my mind in a whirl, thinking about something elsewhere.
The pressure to perform is also killing me. I know I have not done well this term, and I need to improve, but when i really try, or just put in a feeble effort, it never pays off. It is jst so frustrating. Every setback comes with more pressure and now, I am finding myself buckering under the immense pressure. I want to escape from it, but it is but a futile attemtpt. I have a math quiz tmr, but yet now, my mind is blank, i honestly haven't studies for it yet. I dun wanna screw up. Fuck this life la


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