Saturday, September 30, 2006


Today was boring like hell

Woke up late (but enjoyed my sleep) Did some exercie and had a sumptuous breakfast.

Went for the NUS Geometry thingy. Went better than expected, but really hope can get a distnction.

Boring trip home, though saw these 2 quite chio gals =P

Got home and watched cable tv, on the lin zhi ling yokoso japan travel show! haha chiobu agaain. woot

Feeling quite tired and bored.

Tomorrow shall be quite a busy day

- book review shit
- read up on chem
- shopping with parents

to be done next week:

- enlgish oral defence (not brushing ur teeth)
- adult critic (wtf is that abt??)
- chem oba
- physics kuuuuuuuez (fei)
- math ta (fei)


Friday, September 29, 2006

RJC talk

Wins Ton Lame Hodge gave a talk on rjc today

after a lenghthy discussions wiht philip, it seems h3 aren't really that important. plus i can't take after all

ks fooooooooooooooooooooooooks rox

Thursday, September 28, 2006

This is what i prepared for my Oral Defence


Anyway today was a shit day. Firstly, ytd tze sms me at 10pm but i had slept at 9pm (not feeling too well). Then this mroning zy sms again at 10am but i only woke up at 12nn.... sian so i missed out on the phototakng sessions.... #$%^&*#$$%^&*

I realise that when i stay at home, the pace of life just becomes.... too slack?? Like the whole day other than sleeping and eating, i did nothing....

Essay on War

this is the only essay i actually prepared for english (too lazy to prepare for the other 2). General Sam, you shld like this :p

6. Comment on whether you think we should prepare for war if we wish to avoid war.

A war is a conflict of arms. Wars have long been intertwined to Man’s history, as a primeval symbol of dominance and supremacy, for the victor in war can boast of his ascendancy and assert his authority over his defeated opponent. The military drumbeat and the bugle call to take up arms, these all reflect a fervent war fanaticism. Yet the violent and mortal nature of war has invoked equally compelling anti-war sentiments.
Are wars inevitable? Is the modern man but a murderous being with a primitive lust for blood and glory on the battlefield? While the purpose of war will always be under moral scrutiny, a novel war theory has arisen in recent times, that preparing for war ultimately helps Man avoid war. An unconventional supposition indeed, but one worthy of debate and discussions. So should we prepare for war to avoid war?
A valid argument for this theory is the possession of nuclear weaponry. When many countries such as France, former USSR and China began acquiring nuclear technology and subsequently nuclear weapons, many feared a nuclear holocaust, especially with the harrowing experiences from Nagasaki and Hiroshima in which human civilizations were reduced to sheer desolation in the blinking of an eye. Yet the interesting observation is that nuclear weapons have kept relative peace among their possessors. As the saying goes, “with power comes responsibilities”, possessing highly lethal weapons has arguably made countries less inclined towards wars and made them more responsible stakeholders of world peace, thereby preventing wars. As long as rogue nations like North Korea do not acquire nuclear weapons, the countries possessing nuclear weapons will be keen to maintain peace and a nuclear war is unlikely to break out in the near future.
However, on the other hand, many also view military build-up as the biggest threat to world peace. To illustrate this point, we should look at the example of the Cold War (1947-1991). While a full scale war did not actually break out between the United States and USSR, the protracted geopolitical, ideological and economic antagonism that existed between these two global superpowers and their allies did make the world more dangerous. The ensuing arms race resulted in a major influx and proliferation of military weapons, which teetered the world closer to war. In fact, the Korean War and Vietnam War were a direct result of the differing political agenda between the United States and USSR, i.e. proxy wars. This shows that wars have not been avoided totally and military build-up will probably result in some form of military clashes.
Nonetheless, war preparation is not confined to the sole purpose of organizing wars. It also acts as a form of deterrence. As US President George W. Bush once described, the role of the military is to “prevent war from happening in the first place.” In fact, the Singapore government seems to follow such a doctrine. Although Singapore is not interested in war, it is constantly preparing itself for war. For instance, the Singapore Army is constantly improving and leveraging its technology and weapon systems, while also procuring some of the most advanced military hardware in the world. All fit male Singaporeans also have to go through a compulsory military training in National Service. This is apparently a deterrence strategy to put off potential aggressors, erecting a psychological barrier.
On the other hand, such maneuvers may send the wrong message across. For example, Japan received fierce criticisms from its neighbors for attempting to revise its constitution and upgrade its self-defense force to a military force. In this case, Japan’s moves do not distinguish self-defense from expansion, therefore causing anxiety and apprehension among its neighbors. While this may only be a domestic military policy and a largely peaceful act, it can have long lasting negative impacts. Japan’s neighbors, including China and Korea, are likely to be perturbed by this act and may seek to upgrade their military capabilities, culminating in a regional arms race. This would also increase tensions on regional flashpoints like the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan Straits, increasing the possibilities of a war between Japan and its neighbors.
As the saying goes, “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”. Indeed, many believe that preparation for war is the best form of self-defense. History has shown that if a country demonstrates that it is prepared for war anytime to defend itself, it is unlikely to be invaded by other countries. During World War II, the German army swept across most of Western Europe except Switzerland. Why? Because the Swiss militia system comprises civilians who wield rifles and were prepared to defend their homeland to the last bullet. Therefore, the German army decided not to invade Switzerland.
However, there exists only a thin line between preparing for war and actually entering a war, which can be crossed too easily. As Sir John Frederick Maurice put it, “I went into the Army believing that if you want peace you must prepare for war. I now believe that if you prepare thoroughly for war you will get it.” British Prime Minister Tony Blair infamous said in December 2002, “"Sometimes the best way of avoiding war is to be prepared for war if you have to have it". A few months later, his armies were moving into Iraq, on the pretext that Iraq owns weapons of mass destruction which threatens Britain’s security. As Britain was well prepared for war, it was ready to enter war at the slightest provocation, ironically antithetical to its initial objective, i.e. to avoid war. Such is the risk of preparing for war, as one would be overtly inclined to engage in a war.
Also, there are now new elements of unconventional warfare which has added new dimensions to contemporary warfare. A good example will be terrorism, a form of unconventional warfare which seeks to achieve certain political objectives. Firstly, it is not really possible to prepare for war against terrorism, as it is difficult to target and attack a specific group of terrorists. Secondly, countries which are adequately prepared for conventional warfare, such as the United States, are more prone to terrorism, as the terrorists know they are unable to engage that country in open combat.
I believe the cause of war is due to both “hardware” and “software” factors, hardware being the military weaponry and software being the war-mongers and peace-lovers. To avoid war, we must address both factors. If we only focus on preparing for war and upgrading the hardware factor, not only do we fail to avoid war, we are also preparing ourselves for greater devastation and obliteration.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Tired, really tired. Perharps sick too


Sianz... this concludes another day.

School is getting worse and worse these days. Other than perhaps chem and chi today, i seriously can dun go sch. All the Math, Bio, Pe etc, all damn boring and waste time. Then i have to tire myself out

Yea, so i am really really tired right now. I'm gonna rest at home tmr. Cya

Monday, September 25, 2006

Philosophy Questions

Is it right to hire lousy teachers cos they are cheaper??

Is it moral for someone damn old and with a leg in the coffin to handle a bunch of crazy students??

Is it politically correct to refer to someone as fooks instead of ks foo??

Is double english meant to induce double sleep??

Is a philosophy lesson really philosophical??

If you eat recess but skip lunch, are you skipping meals??

Is it better to eat 1 packet of bbq roller coaster or cheese roller coaster or both??

Is it moral to deprive other clases the privilege of eating roller coasters during breaks??

Is ribena retarded??

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Actually ser zheng said somethingduring Sat's geometry lesson which was really thought provoking.

Cos i was lamenting what a failure i was and all that shits in my life.

So ser zheng said, you feel bad cos you only look at where you have failed in and what you have missed out.

Well, true... sometimes it's really better to look at what you have achieved and not feel so negative... c'mon for a start i got into ri rite??

Yea, life's not so shitty after all...


Saturday, September 23, 2006


I hope careers forum was a success

Sorry if you foudn the talks boring
Sorry if the speakers were not entertaining
Sorry if you failed to kope the reception food

I am feeling very tired now. Book club in the morning and 4 hrs of adv math n the afternoon. yea

Thursday, September 21, 2006


my academics this year

physics quiz 5/10
physics quiz again 5/10
chem practical 15/25
bio practical 13/20
bio practical again 14/25

and these are just the ones i rmb atm... sighzzz

Careers Forum

1 gep signed up for project manager

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Think this is adidas??

Think again. I just folded my handphone pouch


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I love Chinese

Sianz, i had prelims paper today. Although i was rather ill-prepared, only started studying random stuff from Sunday.

So paper 1. I was just being damn gl, and was probably the only one to chooe 1,4. GL lols. It's like andy qihan and practically everyone chose 2,5.

YYW was screwed up shit. I write halfway then realize i am contradicting myself. Like smile to make people welcome, then write the smiles are fake?!?! lols

And for zuowen, i chose the yilunwen first. Then i was brainstorming halfway then realise no pts to write... erps but no time to change so bo pian continue.

Then i was writing halfway when i realised i dunno format for yilunwen, so gg lor. But still bo pian must finish writing. Sian zuowen is probably my Achilles heel this time round...

Recess. So it's time for taidi. I got good hand at king, but lost badly sighz ><

Paper 2 was quite fun. Did quite fast, and so finished in time. Then checked answers and realised mine are all wrong.... erpz...

Aiya heck la. Went j8 with some people and ate at foodcourt. Hongcheng left early cos of jap. They wasted lke 1 hr deciding whether to watch movie.... -_-". And eventually they decideed on watching at yishun. Sian i was feeling tired then so just went home la

Recently, i was participating in this chinese forum thingy. And i spent like 1 hr in the afternoon trying to type a nice pro argument. Then KNN i dunno pressed some shit button and all deleted. wah fuck

Sunday, September 17, 2006

This is NOT the secret diary of andrew mole

Today i touched a female's bosoms.

Soft and squishy...

And btw, it was totally accidental


Sian, theres the freaking chinese prelims soon and i feel soooooooo damn unprepared for it.

First, i dun normally do my chinese work or revision, so i am pretty much screwed for it.

So prepare to last min study for it. This weekend

Ytd, went for HSK (sam, stands for some noob chinese test) and sch. Got so freaking tired i just slept early w/o doing aniything

Today morning was still feeling tired, so did nothing basically. Then afternoon my mum brought me to shop... erps... but i feel sian so went.

And just now, i was watching chelsea 1 - liverpool 0 match so more time gone. Maybe i shall study a bit for chi tmr??

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Tired, that's what i am now. Took HSK test today. It's like p3 chinese again!! lols. And afterwards damn tired

Justwaited 1 hr for that guailan teacher for math. But he somehow did not arrive. But cm arrived 1 hr later, so we just played asshole taidi

Basically asshole taidi represents the economy. The rich will always get richer while the poor will always get poorer. And normally, suprisingly the middle class seldom change or rise above. While with extreme luck or by unconventional methods, the low class can break from the poverty cycle.

If not it's the same vicious cycle, the poor getting poorer and the rich exploting them to get richer... sighz

Friday, September 15, 2006


I am really getting tired these days too easily

I slept from 4.30-7.30pm ytd and 11-5.30 afterwardsa and still bloody tired.

Today also... afternoon nearly fall asleep

Slepeing now..


Thursday, September 14, 2006


Anyway ytd was a boring today. So was today.

Math. Kokster Foo was stll the same today. Just that he got pissed liao. Althugh i dun quite like him, i am a bit worreid for him. Cos he look like his vessels may break anytime. Then he will get some stroke or ha or sth, and we gg...

Geog. Free period. I was reading newspapers and half sleeping.

Recess. Wanted to do yingyongwen but sucuumbed to playing cards eventually ><

Chinese. Did commpre. Sighz i am scared for prelims and o man

Bio. Ithink ribena dunno what she really is teaching. And therefore, if you say something which is not exactly the same as her syllabus, you are wrong.... erpz...

CLE/ Sighzed i heard my 1 yr sr in RJC apparently just committed suicide. Why get so agitated abt marks? I get damn suck results for many tests/quiz/wadeva shit but i dun think of committing suicide la... sad day indeed

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Boring Tuesday

Today was a real boring day.

Started off with math. So that new match teacher, KS Foo. KS-er haha. Anyway he's this old man who's young and high at heart. I suspect he's a communist, cos he likes to try to influence us. Then he's damn kokster, and makes a hell lot of stupid comments.... these are some that i still rmb

- i know a bit of what you call.... "chinese"

- [to me] YOU! Attach your rough workings!

- i am stupid. but i WORK HARD. you MUST work hard

and others i think steve will have noted down. In short, he's a real kokster.... had a field day laughing like siao =D

Anyway it's real weird that 4F is always having the gl teachers sia... from EDC to EF to KMK to AL to KBH to AH to CYH to Ribena to KSF.... erps. We might as well skip all lessons liao

Anyway next was SS. Like ytd, we had yet another free period. So played cards lor. ditto for recess.

English was next. Was on discursive writing i think. Basically it's crap, i'm just gonna take the philo essay

Physics was ..... sighz my physics really screwed up by some people la.... sian

Chemistry was on organic chemistry. All the hydrocarbons and stuff. We learnt during pharma course liao
And after school, went lab shortly. and i got quite pissed with stupid huching for the magship project....


Everyone shld get one of these for English xD

That's why they say the japs are sick (or hentai) ...

That's our main rivals...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Threesome <3 <3 <33

Hehehe threesome....

To certain people.

Anyway i have a confession to make.

i haven't done any freaking homework yet !!


Friday, September 08, 2006

Being too nice

Sometimes, it does not pay to be too nice to others.

Like some people, they just do not deserve this. And they aren't just idiots. they are SCUM. hmm i think i shall think of some childish thing to do to them.

Like if i become rich and successful one day, i think i will send a letter to each of these scum. And attach a really nice gift box. In it i will put a rotten apple, to signify their rotten character.

Yea, so if you think you are such a person, prepare to receive a gift in the future


7th month

I think this yr, with the repeated 7th (ghost) month in the lunar calendar, bad things are really occuring more frequently.

- heard eddee got knocked down by car
- steve irwin died
- zhihao died
- one of my mum's colleague nearly died also. doctors just managed to save them in time

Anyway today i got really pissed by these few boys. And eing the nice guy that i am, i seldom get pissed. Actually all except 1 were smaller sized than me, just that they got around 6 ppl. And there were the 2 small ones who were fucking pissing me off.

But i am practical also. If i had useed any vulgarities or gotten into a fight, i wld be dead meat by now. So i just swallow my pride, and walked away. If that small boy was alone, i wld have seriously considered thrashing him into pieces. that piece of lowlife shit


I am putting a new song of jay chou soon... it's for all mothers n the world


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Some tedious designing work with Microwind

Sighz wasted my whole day on this thingy. So basically jenit taught us how to do this, and so i was trying to make it. It can be quite fun la haha =D

Budden i wasn't very successful. Jen it made it look so easy. So basically i modified the 1st sample transistor. And i was trying to make the 2nd transistor, but w/o much success. I think the pgoram is very dumb sometimems. Anyway good luck to me, cos i have 39 more nmos to make.... whooopee!!

That's 1000 lamba, and this is just the Nmos, which is a tiny weenie part of the whole circuit.

That's 10 lamba, see? That is the transistor (field end transistor infact) Appreciate how small it is

and even closesr view... there is the source, and drain with the gate in between. then this little transistor is connnected to the metal pins (the big blue squares) where nanopins (appreciate how small it is?) are inserted into the metal pins.

that's the 3d view, step by step. imba rite?? haha the metal rods in grey are the squares which act as etch

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

RIP zhihao

I still remembered not long before teacher's day, while i was waiting for mrs. selvan, i met you at the area outsde SF1. We said Hi to each other then.. i can't believe that's the last time i talked to you...



The title of my post says everything, rest in peace, not RI but RIP

Recently Steve Irwin, the mad croc hunter, died in Australia while filming a documentary. He was swimming over a stingray when its barb pierced his heart, and the venom simply hastened his demise. He was a nice guy, though a bit cranky. Nonetheless, he was a very inspirational figure to many of us, simply becos of his fearlessness, determination to preserve wildlife and his funny antics. I still remembered how i grew up watching his documentaries on snakes, crocs, etc etc. What an irony that he was not killed by a croc but by a normally harmless stingray. Mr. Irwin, rest in peace. Your life may be short, but it has been meaningful. You have entertained and inspired many of us.

Also, i heard from Zoulong today (during NRP) that Yew Zhi Hao, a sec 3 GEP also died recently. It was abrupt. It was shocking. I almost couldn't believe my ears. I had participated in a translation competition with Zhihao just this April. And during the competition, i was sitting beside him, and even asked him how to write zong jiao. And out of the blue, i received news of his death. Apparently he had a fatal brain virus which spread to his heart. And his conditions were aggravated when he played in rain just before teacher's day, causing him to be hospitalised. 5 days later, he died. I just feel so sad, so empty, jsut so shockingly stunned. I talked to zhenxuan just now, who's his sec 3 GEP gd friend.

If you are free, do attend his wake tomorrow. 37 sin ming drive 8.30

RIP people....


~Rest in peace~

Camera Whores

The fruit being cut by cm. Junda just mised out on his face being taken lol... anyway we anyhoe find this fruit then the lab tech say it got anticaner properties... anyway that lab tech is mad so dun trust herwords

That's me at the pharma course

Hardcore gamers... even talk on phone while gaming.... xD

The police who went to look at the blood stains place.. cos some sec 1 got a bad injury during the Sec 1- PSL soccer carnival... bleargh i think the kaypoh ambulance ppl called the police thinking that some PSL had attempted to murder a sec 1....

The construction works going on in sch....

Sumsum sleeping on the day of malay prelims... haha this shld inspire muggers - MUG UNTIL YOU FALL ASLEEP!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Today went sch for the pharma course last day. Anyway stayed up until 3 to solo the grp's project.

So was damn shag. And i waited there for like 30min for them , cos all of them were late... zz. at first i was seriously quite pised. First they do so little for presentation. Then still make me wait. But being the nice guy, i just try to heck la. So i told them what to do and gave them script. We roughly reherarsed the skit

So ours was 2nd to present. The skit went fine, for near impromptu one. But cm scrwed up at the last part. Cos it's supposed to end at climax where zhikai consumes subutex. But cm suddenly jump out and cont the thin... lols. Wah hope get distinction la, put in so much effort. But she say most of us got merit.

Thinking of it, all my adv modles are imba hard to get distinctions la. Like you see biodiversity, every get distinction, or get 90++%... o.O. Then my analytical chem also cmi, i mean even ppl like andy/yuanwei/qihan not getting distinction leh. Then NUS geometry... it's the hardest la. I htink our class, only cm can maybe scrap merit or sth... ><. And this one also most ppl get merit.

Anyway after our presentation i was damn shaged liao, and heck abt everything. So i was like stoning thruout the whole thing liao... until the very end of the course. Serious.

Btw, the instructor christine, she talks and behaves 99.999% like my ex english teachere justina tan. Serious, the demeanor, the expressions, the slang, the way she talks and behaves basically... omg. I have NEVER seen 2 ppl so alike before leh...

Anyway went home to sleep cos too tired...

Monday, September 04, 2006

RI is fucked up

Seriously, i am thinking that RI is getting fucked up more and more

Teacher - gee, teachers are supposed to be such important figures in our sch lives, guiding us in our academic wrk and also giving us a holistic character education. Look at the RI teachers, so many of them are fucked up beyond redemption... teach bullshit ALL the time... and on the other hand, they dunno us students also. Like some form teachers dun even noe any fuck abt the students in the class...

Workload - I think the workload here is damn fucked up. I am assuming we all need our own free time (for hobits, games, tv etc) And you add in travel time, sleep time (shld be at least 8 hrs), where got so much time. But on top of sch work, we have stuff liek CCA, 3rd lang.. And the school is always bombarding us with project work and tests and assignments. I remember my whole of sec4 wasted on crappy project work. knn

Students - Yar we as the students are damn fucked up also. Basically the environment is no good, and we get influenced, so we get worse, in a vicious cycle. You see so many ri students - immoral, vulgar, sick, lazy, ap etc etc. Top 3% in Singaporee.. woot.. My ass. And esp with thru train, we are getting worse. Like i've said, i am part of this fucked up student population too.

Campus - i think the campus is damn fucked up also. No hall. No canteen. No basketball/tennis courts etec. And places like jr blk, jr blk field, gym etc all fenced up with construction work. I mean, the whole sch just looks like a fucked up concrete site, with no liveliness or dynamism. No hall, the sch just never gather nowadays. No canteen, no place to interact too. No semid/field, no sports/games... And not to mentioned the fucked up paint, toilets etc

Fees - i think the fees system here is super fucked up too. Although we are on scholarship, it effectively means we are paying 200bucks to the sch each month already. And we are paying extra for maintenance (like electricity, water, aircon liao). Since we are paying so much, why aren't we getting a value for $ education? And on top of that, we are always aving to pay extra. KNN the sch still have patrons/old boys donating money, so why must we pay so much? Worksheets also must pay... zz. And all those trips / courses etc, we also have to pay. Fuck, so where did all the fucking money go?? And the sch still can ask us for donations... bullshit

RP - enough said

So i conclude, RI is now damn fucked up. And we are doing nothing to save it.

The secret to high scores in Bio

How to prepare for Biology promos in just one day. Or one night, rather. You'd get what I mean later.

Here is the plan. But first we are assuming that you have the skin of humans, and it must be porous. Without pores, nothing goes in and nothing comes out. Biology involves the transfer of biological stuff at times, I do know, and in these transfers the least you can do is to provide a permeable membrane for the biological stuff to go through. I don't know if you'd term it steric hindrance, but basically to let stuff go through other stuff, the other stuff had better be permeable.

Well then, assuming that you have permeable skin, the only thing that you need to filter in is the Bio notes. Note that you can only carry out the reaction only if you haven't studied at all. For fagut muggers, you are not welcome to use this because it will only work against you.

Then again, if you are a fagut mugger, I doubt you'd be reading this. I only cater to the last-minute people who are aiming to get A without putting in effort. Like myself. Biology in 1 day is the ultimate guide for you.

Now that you have no knowledge of Biology and the notes are all there for you, all you have to do is to shrink them to a size of.. an atom. Or basically, you just need to shrink your notes to a very very very small size. Like perhaps Times New Roman size 0.000000001. Now the computer is not going to work at that sort of font size, and nor are you going to type out all your notes onto the computer before shrinking them.

So, you use a REAL shrinking device. THE WATER.

Stuffing all your notes happily into the water, you get an aqueous, concentrated solution of water. Only be careful not to put in too much water, we are here to absorb Bio notes not water.

Capillary action of water will see it flow from a higher place to a lower place. At night before you sleep, just stick your Bi0logy (aq) up somewhere and attach a DNA strand from the water down into the cerebral whatever of your brain. Basically just attach one side of the DNA strand to the water and another to your brand.

Yup, the DNA strand is optional, but it is used for good measure as the more biological the process gets, the more information you absorb. If you don't have any DNA strands, protein chains will also do. Don't do it with lipase as you might not pass your NAPFA after the night you rush Biology.

Go to sleep and wait. As Biology's law of diffusion goes, uh some things flow into some other things of different regions. Thus information must flow from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. (That's why no mugging is required.) Wake up the next day feeling all enlightened, and you'd be very grateful to me.

Of course, as osmosis is also very much a bi0logical process, you also risk losing whatever information is in your brain. That's why you shouldn't mug in the first place. You can't lose what you don't have.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The chemistry behind mugging

Mugging time is where people form study groups. Like one C atom and 4 H atoms come together to form methane (the C atom is some buaya btw), it is possible for one super buaya boy to study with four girls at a time. However, like CH4 being highly ineffective in reaction with other substances (I think), the studying is usually ineffective. It has to lose at least one H atom before it can start reaction, no? But uh, utility level is very high.

On the other hand, one Na atom and one Cl atom might mug very well too. However, due to no other elements competing for reaction, bond length = short and thus reactivity level with other things would be.. low. Also not good for studying.

Either way, I think study groups don't work. But studying alone gives little motivation as well as more sleeping time. So there definitely has to be a solution.

Although I could be described as Ne or Ar or any other inert gas, the fact does not change that I do try to study. Now, the temptation for studying in groups also seems higher, because we could share our electrons and have electron transfer (information sharing) among each other. The only problem is that with boys, I tend to talk a lot of crap, and as electrons repel, we might end up arguing over a topic not worth arguing over.

Studying with girls admittedly might be more effective, but it invites scandals

New blog song






Sian Sunday

I am feelign bored now, although theres a hell lot of work to be done if I want to

Sian... btw the polls is suddenly alive. Even i had forgetten abt it. Then suddenly, got 2 votes today... haha

Btw, vote a bit more can? Then i can change to a new poll... haha

Also, suggeset new topics to put for the new poll


Saturday, September 02, 2006


Hey, i am feeling rather sian now

And weird, i think my msn has problems. Cos normally i see around 40-50 RI ppl online, but these few days (even beforethe hue/wuhan trip), i see only around 10-20 ppl.... sianz

I ate my 7th KFC meal in 2 wks today btw.... how's that? must not disappoint those people who work so hard to serve us these birds rite? hehe ... lols

Friday, September 01, 2006


Pls, i recommend everyone to read

Lolz, really funny la~

Some interesting convos

Recently, i just seemed to have quite a few *intersting* convos


(this was the only convo with my mum that day)
imba mum: hey, what's that on ur finger *points at stain*
me: ooh it's some stain at the chem lab
imba mum: it's potassium permaganate (dunno hwo to spell)
me: ......

me: hi ms (jack) sim
jack: hi nonsense

me: what do u look for in buying a wallet
philbert: well, i dun look at the brand actually. i look at the designs
me: hmmm so for the same design as your $500 LV wallet, but the brand is unknown, will u still buy the wallet
philbert: no
me: ......
