Sunday, September 03, 2006

The chemistry behind mugging

Mugging time is where people form study groups. Like one C atom and 4 H atoms come together to form methane (the C atom is some buaya btw), it is possible for one super buaya boy to study with four girls at a time. However, like CH4 being highly ineffective in reaction with other substances (I think), the studying is usually ineffective. It has to lose at least one H atom before it can start reaction, no? But uh, utility level is very high.

On the other hand, one Na atom and one Cl atom might mug very well too. However, due to no other elements competing for reaction, bond length = short and thus reactivity level with other things would be.. low. Also not good for studying.

Either way, I think study groups don't work. But studying alone gives little motivation as well as more sleeping time. So there definitely has to be a solution.

Although I could be described as Ne or Ar or any other inert gas, the fact does not change that I do try to study. Now, the temptation for studying in groups also seems higher, because we could share our electrons and have electron transfer (information sharing) among each other. The only problem is that with boys, I tend to talk a lot of crap, and as electrons repel, we might end up arguing over a topic not worth arguing over.

Studying with girls admittedly might be more effective, but it invites scandals


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