Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I love Chinese

Sianz, i had prelims paper today. Although i was rather ill-prepared, only started studying random stuff from Sunday.

So paper 1. I was just being damn gl, and was probably the only one to chooe 1,4. GL lols. It's like andy qihan and practically everyone chose 2,5.

YYW was screwed up shit. I write halfway then realize i am contradicting myself. Like smile to make people welcome, then write the smiles are fake?!?! lols

And for zuowen, i chose the yilunwen first. Then i was brainstorming halfway then realise no pts to write... erps but no time to change so bo pian continue.

Then i was writing halfway when i realised i dunno format for yilunwen, so gg lor. But still bo pian must finish writing. Sian zuowen is probably my Achilles heel this time round...

Recess. So it's time for taidi. I got good hand at king, but lost badly sighz ><

Paper 2 was quite fun. Did quite fast, and so finished in time. Then checked answers and realised mine are all wrong.... erpz...

Aiya heck la. Went j8 with some people and ate at foodcourt. Hongcheng left early cos of jap. They wasted lke 1 hr deciding whether to watch movie.... -_-". And eventually they decideed on watching at yishun. Sian i was feeling tired then so just went home la

Recently, i was participating in this chinese forum thingy. And i spent like 1 hr in the afternoon trying to type a nice pro argument. Then KNN i dunno pressed some shit button and all deleted. wah fuck


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