Monday, September 04, 2006

RI is fucked up

Seriously, i am thinking that RI is getting fucked up more and more

Teacher - gee, teachers are supposed to be such important figures in our sch lives, guiding us in our academic wrk and also giving us a holistic character education. Look at the RI teachers, so many of them are fucked up beyond redemption... teach bullshit ALL the time... and on the other hand, they dunno us students also. Like some form teachers dun even noe any fuck abt the students in the class...

Workload - I think the workload here is damn fucked up. I am assuming we all need our own free time (for hobits, games, tv etc) And you add in travel time, sleep time (shld be at least 8 hrs), where got so much time. But on top of sch work, we have stuff liek CCA, 3rd lang.. And the school is always bombarding us with project work and tests and assignments. I remember my whole of sec4 wasted on crappy project work. knn

Students - Yar we as the students are damn fucked up also. Basically the environment is no good, and we get influenced, so we get worse, in a vicious cycle. You see so many ri students - immoral, vulgar, sick, lazy, ap etc etc. Top 3% in Singaporee.. woot.. My ass. And esp with thru train, we are getting worse. Like i've said, i am part of this fucked up student population too.

Campus - i think the campus is damn fucked up also. No hall. No canteen. No basketball/tennis courts etec. And places like jr blk, jr blk field, gym etc all fenced up with construction work. I mean, the whole sch just looks like a fucked up concrete site, with no liveliness or dynamism. No hall, the sch just never gather nowadays. No canteen, no place to interact too. No semid/field, no sports/games... And not to mentioned the fucked up paint, toilets etc

Fees - i think the fees system here is super fucked up too. Although we are on scholarship, it effectively means we are paying 200bucks to the sch each month already. And we are paying extra for maintenance (like electricity, water, aircon liao). Since we are paying so much, why aren't we getting a value for $ education? And on top of that, we are always aving to pay extra. KNN the sch still have patrons/old boys donating money, so why must we pay so much? Worksheets also must pay... zz. And all those trips / courses etc, we also have to pay. Fuck, so where did all the fucking money go?? And the sch still can ask us for donations... bullshit

RP - enough said

So i conclude, RI is now damn fucked up. And we are doing nothing to save it.


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