Thursday, September 14, 2006


Anyway ytd was a boring today. So was today.

Math. Kokster Foo was stll the same today. Just that he got pissed liao. Althugh i dun quite like him, i am a bit worreid for him. Cos he look like his vessels may break anytime. Then he will get some stroke or ha or sth, and we gg...

Geog. Free period. I was reading newspapers and half sleeping.

Recess. Wanted to do yingyongwen but sucuumbed to playing cards eventually ><

Chinese. Did commpre. Sighz i am scared for prelims and o man

Bio. Ithink ribena dunno what she really is teaching. And therefore, if you say something which is not exactly the same as her syllabus, you are wrong.... erpz...

CLE/ Sighzed i heard my 1 yr sr in RJC apparently just committed suicide. Why get so agitated abt marks? I get damn suck results for many tests/quiz/wadeva shit but i dun think of committing suicide la... sad day indeed


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