Saturday, September 30, 2006


Today was boring like hell

Woke up late (but enjoyed my sleep) Did some exercie and had a sumptuous breakfast.

Went for the NUS Geometry thingy. Went better than expected, but really hope can get a distnction.

Boring trip home, though saw these 2 quite chio gals =P

Got home and watched cable tv, on the lin zhi ling yokoso japan travel show! haha chiobu agaain. woot

Feeling quite tired and bored.

Tomorrow shall be quite a busy day

- book review shit
- read up on chem
- shopping with parents

to be done next week:

- enlgish oral defence (not brushing ur teeth)
- adult critic (wtf is that abt??)
- chem oba
- physics kuuuuuuuez (fei)
- math ta (fei)



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