Monday, February 06, 2006

Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity. - Karl Heinrich Marx

food for thought. interesting quote isn't it? When people are proclaiming for some to teach others to fish, those who sell their fish actually benefits! That's why the top 3% of a society is richer than the other 97%. Cos they have brains, and they translate this into business acumen, hence their wealth.

Btw, i have found my file. I am freaking glad! Yes!! haha. never been so happy for some time already~

Now the weekend has been pretty much wasted. Now working on my chinese hw. And watching Chelsea-Liverpool at the same time. 1-0 gallas.

I have come to realise that it's just better to chat with certain personals. I have many contacts. But many of them, when you talk to them, it's just lag/afk, then "huh? lol." finish. It's completely pointless to talk to them. Whereas there's others who can have a nice little chat with me, u noe, a kind of chemistry...

After watching Guess on Fri, i think girls who can dance are so attractive. u noe the figure, the grace, the movements, just make them so charming. I think dancing is the best avenue to showcase a girl... just my opinions though

hmm... i'm editing pics with photoshop now. i need to learn that when there's hw and test piling up at a corner, i shld stop wasting time... telling myself since last yr... bleargh...


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