Thursday, February 02, 2006

And yar, i am seriousy damn pissed abt this file losing issue.

It's not just a pencilbox. you can just replace the stationary and the thing itself. But a file is different. I have everything inside. Esp my stuff this year. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. damn pissed.

So on the mrt, i called hongcheng. He helped me search but to no avail. bleargh.

Then i called teh admin, and "jane" tried to sound so helpful. She promise she would try her best to help me by recording my name in the lost section. Wow, how that helps. I dun fucking care if my name is recorded or watd i just want my file back. Simple rite? And when i tried to put this across, she thinks she gets my point by again assuring me

Seriously she needs to know that doesn't help. I need practical help, like maybe advice or what? And esp since she has the power, she shld be doing something tangible, like asking the clearners or wad. I am quite pissed with her as well.

And so many people knew i lost my file. Like Bennett, Eugene etc just like tell me good luck. Then sue ben was like saying "so?" -> wtf. And i actually got better response form an unexpected person. Though the person din say much or wad, at least the person made the effort to sound concerned, even though it may in the end be faked. if only that person is my classmate or someone closer to me...

Anyway, if u have seen this thick black file around 5 cm thick, please returned to me. Or sms me at 91289326


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