Tuesday, February 14, 2006

oh ya blog abt another 2 things

first, i wasn't selected for science club. tbh the test was really screwed. I thnk i said juz after the test also , so it wasn't sour grapes. they were just testing you on textbook stuff, basically stuff that is to be mugged. I mean u look at the top scorer for the test, nai chien and liqian. I had thought it wld be somehting that really test your science aptitude/something like iq. In the end, it was just sheer humiliation. Neither did sue ben get in. He similar position to me. kelvin kwok from my class got in. I mean he even mugged organic chem, he most likely mugged everything.

And i must say that one of the science teacher that day was REALLY bitchy during the test. I mean wtf is her problem. I had wnted to juz throw the paper at her. bitch. Luckily i wasn't her student last year. But i just kept quiet. If she had wanted to disqualify me thne, so be it. But i kinda suspect that she disqualifed me anywae...

And i wwent for this cool sicence talk last fri at science centre. the first was on bioinformatics. to me, it was so bland and uninteresting and basic that i thnk it really sucks. and i don't often criticise excessively. So during the break i went to look at the coolio exhibits there. Long time never go sci center. And there was this reaction game.

Now i must say ACS people are really rockers. I was playing the game. And you are supposed to press the flashing buttons. Yar. First time playing, i got 14, which ws quite lousy. Then these bunch of acs dudes came and say "loser". Fine. So watched them play lor. 3 decided to play together and pwn the machine. Well, according to them, the machine is really stupid cos they got 15. But they seriously rocks. It's like they are always dong things that jack themselves, and still so smug and full of themselves. maybe it's just the culture... but ri people are crap, so it pretty evens out. HCi rocks!!

i think yvonne from css rocks. yinwei rocks too. teresa rocks too. and renfred looks like an idol. but yvonne is still the best!

happie valentine's day vitalism. continue to keep that love


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