Tuesday, February 14, 2006

haha, like dead blog already, bt i shall update juz in case anyone still cares... boo

I feel quite sad for someone i just happened to know. She's this chinese schlars. She got posted to Ah (if a certain gerald goes there, it's *ahem*) and she always does very well, inlcuding her prelims. After being posted to her meng mei yi qiu RJC, she screwed up her 'o' and therefore, she can only enter vjc now. reality is harsh, people.

Fri, my mum's shanghaiese friend arrived here from australia for some seminar. So she brought her around. Like sentosa, which is really quite pathetic. And just opned a new box of chocolates at home.... looks damn class but i dun quite like the taste. lol

Heard our last batch screwed up for o hmt. Expected la. i mean, RP just makes us retarded personals. Seriously. People just become slacker, like me, and lose a lot of motivation. And if you are ensured direct entry into rjc, who will study?? I mean compared to last time, when people take 11 subjects, they can also get A1 for HMT. Now, 1 subject also fail. But the new HMt syllabus is shit, i agree too. Unless you are damn zai, if not gg.

Did i say that i screwed up my Chem practical, and i am seriously damn sad over it. Because i hate to screw up things that i shldn't. My mistakes were first-class dumb, really. Like i smelt So2/Co2 (litmus) but decided to follow tzewei and write H2, now wrong! Shitz. And when asked to use filtrate, i used residue and therefore all the reseults were crap. damn it damn it damn it. tbh, just at the start of experiment, i analysed the whole experiment already, and my analysis was spot on. But somehow, the test made me nervous and i jsut became frantic. crap. Now my chem is screwed.... sighz..

I am underachieving for physics, chemistry, math, jap etc etc. damnit.

But math test was okie. tbh, when i myself finished, i thought everyone would find it easy, but in the end it raped lots of people. weird. But i do agree that the test wasn't set for muggers. it requires a certain degree of thinking, which can't be attained form muggging. But i screwed up the bonus qn, cos i finishing it just when time ended. Give me 1 min more, and i will get 1 more bonus mark. screw it. Anywae i need the test to pull up my math score, cos i was damn carelss for the TA

erm... yar, i poned a lot of jap recently. tbh, i rather self study (though i din lol) and i feel rather crappy put in a crappy class. Plus the teacher seem to be a bitch.

and i think 4E ppl are really crazy. well, a bit of it is fine with me, but sometimes they really dunno where to cross the line..

my aims now
use the comp less!!!


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