Thursday, February 02, 2006

I shall blog about the past few days...

After Tue, which was CNY, it was sch again. Yes, sch. The boring, useless place we go to because we are students. On wed, i was like feeling so shag. Seriously. Normally during CNY, i wake up earliest at 10am. When i got woken up by 3 alarms at 5 plus, i was like how tired and I just felt like collapsing. Then lessons were very boring also. Math being the usual suspect.

Then got 1.6km run somemore. I took 9min plus!!! and i felt tired already. I am freaking useless. And during soccer, i was again nearing collapse. Our team, running on the back of a 5 match unbeaten run, faced sly's team , the second best team in the class. they scored 2 goals, one being a sly tapin and another a freak pass-cum-somehowwentgoalwards goal from CM. I scored 1 nice goal back, but still 2-1. I was feeling too tired. And i either ot too dehydrated or too tired, so i rested and went to drink water. Second match we won comfortably, 3-0.

Chinese was okie. Got this tingxie on people's names... but quite lame. Though i did quite well considering i did not study. CLE, was just chatting with Stanley, Sam soh abt Generals, the game i got addicted to during CNY. My fav is china, and they agreed. Its balance in power is really pro. By lunch time, i was nearing break. then had Bio lab. Just random, happend to see ms wincy today and she seemed slimmer. Mrs Foo decided to disect the sheep's eye. And the way she did it was totally gross. She was like cutting the lens, squeezing the humor, pulling and tearing etc etc. I love my eyes more now, i must admit. it was like a horror movie, maybe "the eye"?

Went for Rc later. So tired so i slacked in sickbay. Rongbing ponned, though he later told me he was sick. sianz.. Got home and i was damn tired again. Played generals again (!!!) AND just slept at around 11.

After 7 hrs of sleep, i was actually still feeling tired. wtf , it was 7 hrs. Just confirmed my illness. Slept on train soemmore. Math was again boring. But i was feeling so unwell i hardly talked crap. And then was geog. I went dining hall to eat first. Met Ms Low, the Chem teacher, who told me not to eat at this time. oh well... I went HML and slacked, or just try to sleep on the sofa. The 4E ppl were there, n became wild, just mass jumping over the sofas. in the end yiheng etc got kicked out by mrs yap.

Chinese test was quite hard. And i was not functioning. The name tingxie, i got 11/30 btw. Should have gotten much higher, cos i had a lot of careless mistakes. By assembly i was feeling like fainting again. House meeting. The skit was quite funny, with one liners and stuff. 3rd lang, which was boring. On the train home, after i bid farewell to Rongbing wuyang dtz etc, and sat down, i realised my file is missing!!!

Fuck, damn pissed now


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