Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hello World

Hi, this is me. And this is my new blog... haha..
Hmm.. wad to blog?? Aiya, todae I just went for the second day of this leadership course held at jr blk atrium. It was soooo boring...!! Our group won both contests, no comments. Seng Teck, who is vicechair of Math club, is really a pig, now i understand why 3Q calls him that(as for maid.. i dunno yet) He was very greedy. Weijie aka Zei,is so funny. Reminds me of Xinyu but Zei was a nicer person la.. And he likes Niu Yi.
And the rest of it was extremely boring. sighz. many were sleeping or just chatting among themselves. I was reading a book on Migration since the 15th Century. It's a very interesting book on sociology. And it costs the library 54 bucks.
RI leaders are real koppists. Shld see the lunch. The chicken drumlets(nothing special actually, just the only protein-based food around) were like gone so quickly. Shld relax la.
Met this chinese scholar from 3D, called Haobin. Quite a nice guy la.Chairman of calligraphy club. Just chatted with him for the rest of lunch. Scholars are generally nicer people, maybe b'cos they are more courteous.. He also agreed with me that his teachers are lenient in marking.
And finally it ended....YEAH!! Read up a bit on Natural Revolution in HML, went home and slacked. I really like the song "Last night of the world", the theme song of a broadway show.. it's just wonderful.
Gonna choose a blogskin later
Bye guys!


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