Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I seem to have a really siao lifestyle. I was slacking and listening to music till 12mn. Then saw this bk among my Dad's collection.. it was a Linux book, by Visual(my favorite computer books publisher) so I just sat down there and read the book.. lol

Then it was 2.30am liao. Dn feel like sleeping cos I knew I would wake up tired . So watched CL match bet Man U and Benfica. Quite nice la, though I was never a fan of manure. Giggs scored a deflected freekick. Simao scored a delightful freekick. :) and Ruud just poked the winner in like.. 85min. Hope my team chelsea whip liverpool tmr...haha

Finally slept at 5. Got up at 6. Went sch. Briefing on new sch renovation. 36million, maybe it could have been put to better use la. But seriously, I tink much of it is a waste of money. And the cslock tower must look terrible when it's like the shortest building in 2006. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE DON'T GET TO USE IT!!! That's like so %^&(**)$%^$#.

Late for Chem. Spent a lot of time on easy stuff, but when it came to this impt part where I dun realli understand, bell rang. And when I went to ask Mrs Kua, she just said we will learn latter. Wah... so unlucky. Hope she gives us remedial cos i tink she never teach quite a lot of stuff la

Chinese, Math, Geog were damn boring. Could have fallen asleep. Was quite pissed with my Math CA. I got 74.5, thanks to the horrible pop quizzes, which i never ever learnt and my test strategy which pathetically backfired( a careless mistake in test 1 cost me 8 marks, and test 2 is just full of careless msitakes :( ) Luckily the latest quiz on functions was a brief reprieve. 14.5/15. We were the first class to take ok? Told ya, I din put x =x 3. Haha, Dao jie and Geng yu insulting Hussain was quite funny

SS, Ms sim wasn't here though i swear i did see her todae. And made me rush thru her work during free period(geog). So we just played soccer in 3E classroom. The area at the back is damn big, just nice for playing but it was wet(they had some stupid water battle)quite fun and we continued during lunch time.

Bio. Ok la, just cont circulatory system. Quite sian of this topic. And bio is quite easy to score actually. Just think logically and know all the terms, 4.0 bingo. The malays and germans taking 3rd lang tests, god bless them. Got back quiz. Got 19/20, quite happy cos we were first class to take. Mistake was the glucose thingy, forgot to put energy in energy-conversion word eqn.

Half slept at the HML. Sue Ben is pro in love affairs too... lolx. Went for Alpha dentist. He says my teeth are too small and perhaps have to add on, lol. Dr Tan is quite a nice guy, really. Better than the other guy(who is ap, lousy, criticize excessively and behaves like a gangster, from RI somemore!)

Not feel very well la, bleargh.......


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