Monday, September 26, 2005

Dunno y i am blogging now. Perhaps I am just having a slightly more positive day..

Basically started off with Double Bio. It was ok la, just getting boring later. I really hate anatomy of hearts, so boring. And then she was telling lame jokes again. Then go 1 big round to reveal that she's from RG.. how *surprising* lor. Then was telling us abt some weird teachers of hers, like Potato Tan, Goofy Goh, Amoeba Tan.. And she said a lot of lame stuff.... leng leh....

And then some one asked why she's so gd friend with Mdm Ong.
Mrs Lim: Cos we are teaching in same sch now ma!

English was summary. Fei lesson.

Chemistry was quite fei also. She's like explaining all the simple stuff for the whole lesson and ap also.. very ineffective teacing imo.The other chem class was plain sick... hear what they said later lor...

Philo watched American History X. Tbh I din really find it interesting, unlike the class. I simply can't fathom how they could find such pleasure in whacking people based on skin color. And in fact, when they screwed up the Korean supermarket, i found it uncomfortably disgusting.. so left immediately at 1.30, though the class stayed back.

Physics Practical was ok la. I had always screwed up for practicals but luckily todae didn't. Though mrs Lai was damn evil and only told me my mistake after i finished everything. Hope to get... 14/15? haha

Then was CCA day rehearsal. Quite fei again. Sian la. Finished in 1/2 hr and went Red Cross. Went for my first Quartermaster task.. Took 3 buttons, boots for myself and played carrom with mark. pwned him, but he was goddam lucky and managed to actually draw! he was boasting abt how his mum is teaching him a lvl chem.. lolx

The prefectorial posters were up. This Kevin Mark Lee is soo irritating. posters everywhere. Even see him while peeing. Though he got my attention and made me rem his naem, I ain't gonna vote for him, unless he really impress e during his speech.


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