Sunday, September 25, 2005

Erm, decided to continue with English academic paper and continued writing non-stop until 9.10pm. Holy. It's on Zheng He, and I personally think it's a really nice piece. 2782 words. Har. At first I thought it would be a special topic but somehow quite a few ppl chose it, like Rongbing, Kia Boon, Yedi. And it seems they all write it in THIS way so I decided to write mine in THAT way... And I just realised Ms Quah won't appreciate my good work. What a horrible thought, all those efforts. I tink only Mrs Joylim likes my writing and she's not an English teacher! And shit, realised again that it is overdue, hope the lateness can be redeemed by its outstanding content....

What to do now leh... too tired to revise already. Prob watching Li Ao talk later. Somehow he is a very interesting and engaging speaker, and I like his evil tongue... LOLX. And another overdue work- philo journal..

Tmr gonna be another busy day. Double Bio, Chem Redox, Physics Practical(I hate counted work, esp practicals- Bio practical cost me half my CA loss!), CCA rehearsal, CCA.. Slack on Tue, Dentist on Wed, Revise Jap on Thursday, slack on Friday... hopefully.. HAPPY LIFE!!


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