Monday, November 28, 2005

Then todae morning was like having those knd of weirdy dreams again.. X_X
But today wasn't having some stupid dramatic trips overseas. But rather that I cloned my sister. God, i din noe how i did it, but it was probabaly inspired by the recent stories on the Korean scientist who used human ova.

It was nice at first, having twins.. but the issue of birth and stuff soon came to mind and it was lots of thinking... on how to get birth cert etc. And I was like thinking so hard in my dream that i woke up so tired.. like i just did a shit load of math stuff.

And went again lor. My mentor having phd exams at NUS so we kinda did nothign again. Lunch went to science park again. Ate a lot. manz. And i choked on meepok.. damn. I could just feel the un-masticated chilli skin(dripping with crimson and hot juice) rubbing down my poor oesophagus, choking me. I was probably red in the face then..

And afternoon was crap again. I think i was too used to deal-3 solitaire, so i ain't so gd in solitaire anymore. Best is only 167s. Actually the lab ppl are quite fun..

but still bored. -_-"


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