Monday, November 28, 2005

I think can't get over the thing that fit males like me have to go for 2 ****ing years of National Service.
Not that I am guilty of treason or disloyalty to the country, it is just a scheme that is irrational and illogical.
There's no reasonable argument to convince me that fit males of the country have to go for 2 yrs of torture.
Some say it moulds us as men.. Bullshit. Thiis either comes with finding a job or going to a brothel (i dun mean this though)
Some say it instils loyalty. Again bullshit. Ask anyone from a Uniform Group (u can ask me for a start) and honestly, who enjoys that system... a system of slavery/hierachy. A system that brings anguish.
Some dumb ppl say that since only one or two people die in NS, there's actually no fatal risk going for NS... again another shit argument. The fact that people can actually lose their life preparing for war indicates how poor the preperations are. Love your soldiers and let them defend the country. NOT kill them so that they will be the first to desert the army. But i guess nobody will understand, so well..
Life is long, some may say. But objectively, the essence of life lies in the golden years, which i believe is between age 17-24. Take 2 yrs of NS out and a quarter of it is gone. When boys graduate from JC, they are most like scholastic and brilliant academically. Forcing them to join the army at this point of life, it's like cutting a rock with scissors (scissors can cut paper with ease btw) What logic is there in this policy? To destroy the promising boys and maybe their future??
Even if the government comes out with a billion reasons to counter my argument, i still cannot fathom why girls do not have to serve NS. Not that i am sexist in any sense (neither am i racist) but it is not fair to let girls watch us suffer.
It is proven that girls are better in stealth operations. So the argument that girls are not suitable for army is void. Ditto for service troops in the army. (NOT comfort women LA)
Well, that's a lot of crap i 've written there. Sorrie it's just impromptu, but just that i dun udnerstand why boys are forced to go for NS.


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