Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Woke up at around 8, 11hrs of sleep. Breakfast at the hotel, must pay though. The pickled cucumber is so cool, of baby cucumbers. Went Yue Fen(know Yue Fei??) TBH, that’s a very tranquil place, the whole place is so serene. Very very nice place. You tiao originated from you zha gui(deep fried qingui) btw, how interesting. My mum called yet again, she calls me like 3 times a day. I know I am alone, but I really tink she’s a bit unduly worried. Went this garden too, which is soooooooo damn beautiful, a must visit for me personally.
Rented bicycles and cycled around. Very good views of Xihu. IT’s such romantic place, too bad I dun have a gf… sighz. Cross Bai causeway(built by Baijuyi when he was governor here) Duan qiao is ok la, I dun see the fuss.
One interesting thing is that here, no 2 chopsticks are the same, all different thickness.
Actully I blogged for todae liao but the comp hanged。
Basically had a simple meal at the hotel for breakfast. The baby pickled cucumbers are really cute. Forgot most of the stuff I blogged.Anywae visited these really beautiful gardens and parks, really. And Yue Fei’s place. It’s a really tranquil and nice place. Got to know about You Tiao(you zha gui) and that split tree. Very very romantic place. Ate at Yue Hu Lou, another centuries old restaurant. Xi Hu Cu Yu failed to deliver, AGAIN. And some other stuff like beef, soup, kourou etc.
Wanted to take a train back , but no good ones , so took bus again.Bought some expensive nice snacks but somehow I fucked up again, byleaving them in the bus. WTF!
Had another quite elaborate dinner(finally ate rice since Thursday night!) and just bathed, read, relaxed etc.

Slacker day for me todae. Slept at 1 plus and woke up at 8 plus, feeling totally vitalized. Good breakfast and just slacked around. Read Harry Potter. To use an analogy, Shanghai is like the teen Tom Riddle while Singapore is like the teen Hermoine Granger. Excellent lunch too. Slacked around and visited a close aunt in the afternoon, my uncle sent me there. Sometimes I feel really bad, getting fat angbaos from everyone, while still enjoying their hospitality. Dinner, bath, and finished reading the book, really looking forward to the new book now. But 20,000+ yuan just spent on dahua cigarettes, wth, I think this is really a bloody waste of good money $$
Actually living here is really relaxing  sorry guys in s’pore. I can like just walk around and bask in the cool autumn weather, or have a good bath(I feel asleep in it many times and it’s really distressing) or just read a book while munching on titbits. Sighz.. wth do we live in s’pore??

chiobu update

TBH, this is what I see here. In shanghai, u meet really really chio gals. The probability of seeing a chiobu on Huaihai Road is approximately 2billion times greater than seeing one on Orchard road. But they seem to be rather haughty, but seriously, just in terms of chioness, they are quite unbeatable. Whereas in Hangzhou, you see a lot of chiobus also, but they seem to be very nice people also. I have met a few of them, and they have such excellent impression on me, personality wise, so I would actually prefer such gals… haha ^^


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