Thursday, September 29, 2005

This very nice person introduced to me the Skype service, internet phoning. Heard of it before but always had a bad impression of internet phoning, u noe, all the stereotypes... It turned out to be a real shocker, damn nice. So chatted with her on it lor.. lol. Though i wasn't aware she was losing her voice.. Sorrie la.

Woke up and got a damn horrible sore throat. I tink it's becos I din set timing for air con + din put on the blanket. So decided to cont sleeping lor. Woke up at 11.30am. Still sore, my throat plus mild fever. And along with it came fatigue, headache, and so i was damn ineffective... Quite pissed with myself.

And actually fell alseep in the afternoon again.. wth. After sleeping so much already. Ate ban mee at 5. That's 21 hrs without eating, OMG.

Hm.. I dun eat, I dun sleep, I dun reproduce, I dun have life, I stone... erm.. so am I a living thing???

So afternoon was wasted. Holy. And I have jap test tmr, which i have't really studied for... shit. And I tink i ate too much beef tonite, which further compounded my misery. Went to buy shark energy drink, after frequently feeling lethargic.

Now it's 10.52. Less than a day to prepare for jap.. 4.0 here i come!!!


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